Get fucked🤷‍♂️

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I never understood why people hate us black folks, and watch the NFL like it isn’t majority black.

Edit: Okay my fault I didn’t know how dumb people can actually be. I wasn’t saying anything about the halftime special. I didn’t even watch it because I’m a drake fan. My original comment is talking about people who hate black ppl and watch football. So if you don’t hate black people OBVIOUSLY this isn’t directed towards you. Dumbass 😭

Show was fire and layered, it was a fuck you to Trump, racism, fascism and of course Drake.

They heard he was talking shit about a pedophile and got defensive because they thought he meant Trump 

Worst halftime show because it attacked their Lord and Savior Donald Trump.

Doesn’t get anymore on the nose with Samuel L Jackson coming out as Uncle Sam.

Middle aged white people don’t like rap? Why are you acting surprised about this lol. To each their own but I don’t care for it either.

Idk man entire show was kinda shit

Kendrick Lamar fans are legitimately male swifties I will not be told otherwise because I speak the truth

Rage bating Kendrick fans is easy as hell

I’m not racist I just thought his singing was just bad

Not liking a black artist doesn’t automatically mean that you are racist

Our society REALLY needs to realize that

Nahhhh these are the far right NPCs

They say that then voted for an unqualified, untalented “businessman” to run the country. I don’t think they have much room to talk.

They all understand the deeper meaning, and are offended because he called the racists out 🤷‍♂️

Black Uncle Sam, the American flag built off the backs of African Americans, “the revolution will not be televised”, “turn off the TV”, “sit down, be humble”, “they tried to rig the game, but you can’t fake influence” they know who his show was directed at, and they are offended that people are calling it out.

I’m 23 and obv listen to these new artist but you also have to consider that not everyone in the country listens to rap / hip hop music especially the middle aged – old people. Kendrick is irrelevant compared to some of the other artist that were possible to bring

Are they not entitled to an opinion?

God forbid people expect to see a musical instrument played during a music performance.

No one said anything negative about Prince, so you can all stop pretending this is about racism.


Go ahead and downvote me. I’ll also remind you that when 500 black marching band members and Trombone Shorty played during the preshow, no one said anything negative about them either.

But yeah. “racism” because no one enjoyed the hip hop guy 🙄

Why are people making it about racism lmao it’s not that people just enjoy different types of music

Did anyone qctually even watch the superbowl? I didn’t. who cares?

Tf you on about? The halftime show WAS ass

the halftime show always sucks. nothing new.

Ima be honest and this is coming from a Kendrick fan, that was boring lol. It only got semi interesting with Not Like Us.

I like Kendrick but it was lol, should’ve played more of older hits, I was hoping for Swimming pools.

For what its worth I’m white, male, GenX and I liked it.

I thought it was one of the better halftime shows.

It was certainly better then having to watch some washed up artist that was relevant 30 years ago play there old hits.

I’ve never been a fan of Jackson but I liked what they did with him and the red, white and blue imagery and choreography felt provocative in the current political climate.

It wasn’t very entertaining. Rap shows are famously a bit of a struggle. Kendrick can make a better statement on the Grammys than the Super Bowl and moreover, he didn’t perform anything from his two landmark albums (no, DAMN. is not one of them). It really wasn’t very good and it’s not political to say that. It didn’t reveal Lamar’s talents for those unaffiliated.

Would I deny people still dislike Hip Hop for political reasons? No. It just so happens Hip Hop is inherently a political artform. There are those who don’t like how it sounds which is also valid. There’s too many layers here to make liking the halftime show a partisan act.

So if you’re white you can’t criticize the show? Lol ok

People are allowed to have different tastes of music. It’s not political and it’s not racism.

But I thought it sucked too. Idc that he’s black. Rhianna, Prince, and Beyoncé were all great in recent memory.

I think rap inherently kind of sucks live. I think the sound people did a shit job, and you could barely hear what he was saying. I also don’t give af about a feud with him and Drake that I need to research to understand what’s going on.

TLDR: His race means nothing to me, it still sucked.

Kendrick lamar aint my kinda artist, but he doenst deserve the hate

The first half the audio was messed up, could barely hear kendrick. But seeing the entire superdome call drake a pedophile was the most legendary shit ever lmfao

kendrick sucks dick, bad halftime show

Rap beefs are like soap operas and the royal family obsession. You do you, but dont be surprised that people dont care that he dissed him.

The sound quality and music was average. Atleast he won all those grammys for beefin around with a Canadian

Eh I mean it was just objectively not very good. Lil Wayne would have put on a better show

I hate Trump too but this performance was laughable. Kendrick’s voice was annoying as usual, the sound mix was bad, the lyrics were inaudible, the choreography was goofy as hell…People actually unironically listen to this guy’s music?

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