How Google Maps Labels The Gulf Of Mexico (Gulf of America) In The US, UK & Mexico

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I think the UK version applies to any country that isn’t the US or Mexico now to be honest. Certainly says the same thing here in Switzerland.

Highly doubt anyone is gonna refer to it by the name in parantheses though lol

It should be gulf of America in the US only, nobody else is going to call it that

Did this lower the price of groceries?

Renaming it to feature your country’s name is such an unnecessary act and just reeks of insecurity and superiority complex it’s honestly so damn insane.

Ultimately it of course doesn’t matter all that much because it is quite literally just a name and no one is forced to call it anything they don’t want to but I honestly find this such a baffling move. Utterly ridiculous and embarassing

This will last about as long as “freedom fries”

Next important proposals.
New Mexico -> New America
Los Angeles -> The Angels
Las Vegas -> Lost vegans, whatever

It’s the same for the Netherlands. We shouldn’t have our maps tarnished by the whims of that orange clown.

Gulf of America sounds stupid

I don’t understand why the United States of Formerly Britain and Party France think they can make these statements and not get triggered by the idea of it happening to them.

Source: [](

It’s completely absurd… in Spanish I see “Golfo de Mexico (Golfo de America)”, but in Spanish America is not a name we use for the US but the whole continent…

My goodness this is so stupid

i’m from the us – this is so embarrassing and stupid

Google is doing the same thing with Crimea. When viewed from Russia, it shows as Russian; when viewed from Ukraine, it shows as Ukrainian; and when viewed from outside, it shows with a disputed border. This is a cognitive dissonance on purpose.

I don’t understand why I have to see with the double indication, in my country we recognize just gulf of mexico

In Germany it’s like in the UK.

This has got to be the smallest pp moment in history.

As stupid as it is I understand changing it for the US, however they did that parentheses thing for many other countries which honestly makes no sense. The official international standard is the Gulf of Mexico, my country officially recognizes only the direct translation of this name. Why would all other countries have a name shown that is used only by one country?

You see. This water got a new name 😊 now you don’t have to worry about bills and healthcare.

They do the same with the Persian Gulf. “Persian Gulf (Arabian Gulf)”. WTMF is “arabian gulf”?

Hey if China can have a place called China Sea, then America also need one! is probably how Trump is thinking.

It’s just Gulf of Mexico. Point. Google shouldn’t be afraid of an old paranoid man.

Is there a way to flood Google with reports of “wrong label”?

What are the rules? Can we just rename the US to United Stupidity?

América in Spanish means The Americas in English, so no problem for me as americano.

To be fair, i don’t think it bothers anyone that it says “(Arabian gulf)” under the name Persian gulf on google maps even tho the situation there is pretty similar

The success story of renaming Twitter is a living proof that such renamings can actually work really well.

I think it should be called the Cuban Sea but no one ever listens to my ideas

They label and draw borders according to the local laws.
If a country has a dispute but doesnt require ‘their map’ by law, Google will draw the disputed lines.

The bottom one is correct…Next.

Australia also has it the same as the UK one

It’s gonna be the same as it was with “X” many people I know and myself keep calling it Twitter, I would love to see trump’s reaction when he realises no one is calling it gulf of America

Gulf of Deez Nuts

At this point of the civilization game, how things are named and worded mean nothing


I’m gonna start calling it “The luna sea”

edit: or maybe “The Fanta sea” since I hear donny loves his soda pop and his face is orange

Google doing tricks on trumps dick crazy style

Dumped them for Apple Maps.

I have sent google maps error notices a few times this morning to let them know they have made a mistake.

This is why I have stopped calling the USA America. America is the two continents only now.

What a mess

Whether you approve or disapprove of changing this particular name, it’s surprising to me that there seem to be so many people unaware that the names of things change all the time.

Maybe this change will stick. Maybe not. Maybe you like it. Maybe not.

But names of things change – usually for political reasons – all the time. Ukraine was often/usually called “The Ukraine” until recently. It’s not the same type of change as Gulf of Mexico/Gulf of America….just a recent example.

Can a country please decree to name the US the United Cowards of Bootlicking going forward, so that we can then all officially refer to it as that on every map and statistic?


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