Paid for dinner with my card, and my friend handed me these for his portion of the bill….

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I work at a bank and I get variations of these all the time. I got a $5 bill with this exact stamp on it. The White House is not pictured on the $5. I got one that said “Hillary doesn’t live here!” Like “Yeah, not currently, she used to though.”

And my personal favorite when someone clearly got $500 worth of 20s out from the ATM, stamped this shit on them immediately and then came into the branch to redeposit them. As I counted them, he was looking nervous, and I just looked at him and said, “You know I have to sell these back to the fed, right? I can’t hand these out.” The man looked so defeated.

This isn’t what you may think.

Trump often gets lost and confused and these bills can help him find his way home.


It’s nice when children are able to express their knowledge with words.

I’ve never done this for any president I voted for and so you rather have to wonder at the people who do this. Is it early onset dementia or is it that they’re just really really morons? Definitely would’ve handed it back to him and said I do not handle or use defaced currency.

Cross out the v

They seem angrier after winning than before. I hope that’s a sign they’re getting closer to kool-aid day.

All my friends are trump supporters. Never were crazy or backwards before trump. Now the true colors show more each day. I have been super flakey and mostly being alone because I just don’t wanna hang with them much anymore. Most of them are alcoholics and I rarely ever drink anymore. I used to drink a lot but I’ve moved on from drinking and drugging all the time.

I feel like there’s no guys that share my beliefs(not many in OH anyway) I am not even a “liberal” just a center person who believes in the freedom and acceptance of America. We are the land of the free, are we not?

Also I’ve watched many trump speeches to try and understand. I just don’t get what they see in the guy. I’m well educated on geoploitca and history. He never says anything clever or smart about either of those subjects. He pretty much just does angry rants and makes promises that are very simple, open-ended promises

The party of law and order LOVES to deface currency.

Your friend fucking sucks.

you need new friends.

Just not even funny anymore for any reason. Not ridiculous, not stupid, not ignorant, not petty, etc. I’m just fuckin tired of it all. We have actually become the scenarios in movies and tv we all used to laugh at and think “that would never be us” it’s us, this is what we do, this is how fucked we are. It’s beyond tolerating at this point. The U.S. will end up isolated, on every countries shit list that we fuck over, turn friends next door into indifferent enemies, it’s just not funny anymore, or more so it’s at the point where I can’t tell myself this as the world fuckin crumbles around us.

I have never seen anything more pathetic in my life than watching people support a man who is straight up face fucking every single one of them, daily, while maintaining a smile with a mouth full of demon cum.

Everything happening at the moment is everything Americans fought to protect themselves from so many times over.

And we just let em in, give every pilled up terminally online bitch the ability to hack our most important functioning systems. Fuck you.

It makes me fucking sick to my stomach to see so many fucking dumbfucks cheer on the fact that everything they have is being taken away.

I’m not laughing when a trump voter gets their snap card thanos snapped out of existence or any other government assisted help. It makes me feel like shit that this can happen and that that same person is gleefully saying goodbye to their lifesaver they need.

I can’t watch people yell about Soros while Elon sticks his Soros in their fucking asshole non stop and invites every other fucked up billionaire to get in and run the train on everyone.

I thought idiocracy was a funny movie until this past year, when I found out we really will be that in the future and currently are somewhat there.

Fuck this shit, I truly have lost faith in humanity. We are all mindless zombies willing to be face fucked by billionaires who get horny from seejj in my us suffer while fucked to the moon on ketamine of all drugs. Do real drugs like a man you fucking ketamine pussy bitch.

He paid money for that stamp. He sat around and spent time stamping money. He is INVESTED.

Get a new friend.

Just hand it back and say “you will need this for eggs”

Who the fuck bought a custom stamp for this? Do they not have a hobby to spend money on beyond politics?

Remind your friend the defacing money is a crime. Knowingly possessing it can get you in trouble as well.
Ask for legitimate currency.

And before people get all hostile… Yes, this is all extremely technical and neither person is getting into trouble for this, I know. Then again, it wouldn’t be the craziest thing we’ve seen this year from this administration if they decided to enforce this and of course they won’t cuz it’s pro-orangey

I saw one of these stamps the other day. But it was on a $1 bill. On the front. Apparently Donald Trump lives in George Washington’s hair.

What?! That looks nothing like Mar-A-Lago.

It’s a cult. A dumb cult.

MAGA is so fucking cringe, how embarrassing to do something like that

“Donald Trump made this 20 dollar bill worth significantly less!”

You’re the company you keep.

Write destroys next to lives

You can request currency that hasn’t been defaced as technically once you defaced or alter money you can’t accept it as legal tender and a business is no longer allowed to accept and distribute it.

Remember when politics weren’t 100% of a person’s identity, and people didn’t worship politicians?

One means he received it – multiple means he’s creating them. that friend is a dipshit…

Is this supposed to be one of those “stick it to the libs” things? Because it just comes off as a way to remind slow people where the president lives.

It’s a cult.

Yeah I hate to tell you this but your friend is a fascist.

Probably a racist and homophobic too.

Hand it back, and ask for some bills that have not been vandalized. Or if your friend has no unspoiled money, take it to the bank and ask that it be replaced for being vandalized.

Oh, and tell your “friend” that he just cost the treasury the price of reprinting these, because they will be destroyed and replaced.

Did you eat dinner at a hockey rink?

Go trade them in at a bank

Is this so Canadians make sure to burn the right building down again?!

More like “a racist, sexist, pants shitting, diaper wearing rapist, felon lives here” guess there wasn’t enough room for all that tho

the bigger question is why tf you socialize with nazis

You need to get a stamp that says “but Melania doesn’t.

Isn’t it illegal to deface/destroy our currency?

At least they got it right this time. They were doing this on 5’s as if he lived at the Lincoln memorial.

I mean, they’re learning. That’s a plus, right?

How to spoil money. Also tends to be illegal. I’d be giving that back to your friend.

It’s interesting you consider people like this to be a friend

These people are absolute psychopaths

Now I gotta get the “ a Rapist lives here “stamp for my cash. Derp

guess i’m gonna have to get a little stamp that reads “felon”

aww cute. MAGA’s slowly learning the president doesn’t live in the Lincoln Memorial

I assume that’s some kind of flex because he won. If I get one in commerce I’ll be sure to add a few bars so it looks like a jail.

Thats not mar-a-largo

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