Time to hit the history books

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An entire political party who’s sole existence is to attempt to trigger the other side. And they run everything now. Phenomenal.

He’s not going to find it so funny when they bring back Confederate values…

That’s all they have. Fuck Republicans and their voters.

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I am so super liberal and it would so piss me off if every guy like this deleted their twitter accounts and never posted again. I would cry the most liberal of tears every night into my very vegan and cruelty-free pillow that isn’t even comfortable. So many liberal tears. I would feel like I’d been owned so hard.

Huge Clayton Bigsby energy

It would be amazing if we could all just ignore these idiots. They just post nonsense and hate/trigger words because it gets them attention. If everyone just blocked them and ignored them that would drive them insane. I know it’s hard / almost impossible but if it can be achieved while we continue to fight back it would end. But again that’s all just hope.

He wants so hard to be excepted by the right, but he’ll always be seen as a kind of pet to them. Never an equal.

Sounds like Dinesh hasn’t matured past middle school.

In 1850s Georgia, they would have simply hung him.

Imagine being happy that we made changes not because they made or lives easier or better, or because it was the right thing to do, but because it pissed off people you don’t like.

What a cocksucker.

The own the libs thing is funny because the people that are really into it, the people they put this out there for, are also getting owned. They’re just too stupid to know it.

The Republican party are all mask off nazis.

It would be more fun to go back in time, put him in a room with those confederates he loves so much and see what they’d do to him!

And there in lies the point of MAGA: let’s not recognize *why* certain actions and parts of our history upset people or why *it should* upset me too. It’s good enough that someone else I perceive as my opponent is upset and I’m not.

Libs would be really mad if Dinesh punched himself in the balls. Just sayin’.

Petition to rename Atlanta to Sherman and Knoxville to Tecumpsah

We can name a Port after his mother as we all know about the fleet incident.

Seems like the only reason for Maga is to own the libs

Ya… that’s a smart reason.

Also, Hitler also really annoyed the left, so maybe he was not so bad. /s

Douche D’Souza is someone who needed to spend longer in prison.

It would be funny to rename him with the slurs his Republican colleagues call him behind his back.

Has anyone considered telling them the reason there are forts named after them is to keep telling poor southerners they’re proud warriors so they sign up to be cannon fodder?

He’s a felon and an idiot

Same with Clarence Thomas. Supporting people who fought the Civil War to keep blacks out of positions like the Supreme Court. But as long as he gets his until they don’t need him anymore.

It’s so disheartening how many people’s entire political philosophy is wrapped up in simply being a dick. And they wonder why they get so little respect outside of their own circlejerk.

That’s their identity. They have nothing else. Everything breath these assholes take is filled with ideas on how to “piss of the left”.

Grown ass adults, in government no less, acting like petty fucking children. Only caring how to hurt instead of help. That’s the whole republican/conservative identity

MAGA is a fucking embarrassment

“Just to piss off the left” is basically every republicans voting strategy. They’re middle schoolers mentally.

It would be fun to deport all foreign-born felons. Just to seize their assets.

RWNJs are pathetic children. It’s not about making America better, it’s about their idiotic team sport of making the “opponent” angry. Weird.

Nonsense aside, why would we name our bases after an army we beat? Kids go to high school longer than the Confederacy existed and we won. Get the fuck over it. Deport Dinesh.

Most fans of hitler would have been killed by hitler. Hell even hitler wasn’t ok in hitler’s book. He was a foreigner with dark eyes and dark hair.

That mofo of dinesh would be a slave of those generals. Today could be orange’s little bitch

This is just weird

Dinesh is such a weiner

So it all has nothing to do with making the lives of Americans better in any way. It’s about “pissing off” people for kicks.

Someone get this man a leopard, stat. He’s such a grifter.

Welcome to the newly renamed “United States of Fuck You..” (brought to you by Carl’s Jr)

Gotta own dem libs.

He’s always been a clown.

Stupidity is another term.

I love how “just to piss of the left” “just to see liberal tears” is a good reason to trash the country. I see MAGA people who clearly should be against some moves occurring because they negatively affect them as well but say they love it cause others are mad about it. Makes total sense.

The goal of “liberal tears” seems to be the only thing they want. So they’re just a bunch of fucking bullies that need to feel power over someone else. How small they must be.

Dinesh D’Souza also produced the weakest debate performance I’ve ever seen against Alex O’Connor on the topic of “Is the Bible True”. Transparently tricky, but not in a smart way, and unable to keep his emotional cool. This is a hero of the Right, someone they look up to and respect.

Why not name our military bases after traitors and losers?

You also like Confederate generals though.

You have a thing for traitors to the Constitution, it seems.

Time to hit them ^with the history books.

Dinesh D’Souza is an absolute tool.

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