“Malicious indifference” or “weaponized incompetence?” The world may never know.
1 month ago
I hope she reported that asshole, wtf
Edit: Since people keep replying telling me it’s not an emergency or that the poster is manipulating the story — I think the prefaced “If this scenario is real and presented accurately, then…” should be implied on the internet. Call me crazy, but in this particular moment I don’t think immediately questioning a black woman’s experience with the medical industry is like…the move
1 month ago
Technically, she is fine, especially if the fibroid is small. Fibroids are VERY common for black women and ovarian cysts usually go away on their own. It’s essentially a watch and see what happens with the fibroid to make sure that they aren’t multiplying, getting bigger and/or causing fertility issues. She’ll need to check them every 6 months or so to monitor them. They probably gave her pain meds or recommended ibuprofen to help with the pain, told her to follow up with her gyno and sent her on her way…..
1 month ago
I was rudely ignored once as a kid. Now, I speak up and voice my concern no matter what.
1 month ago
Neither of those diagnosis warrant any emergency action.
1 month ago
It’s infuriating how often male doctors ignore or shrug off the pain and suffering they see in female patients. A woman almost has to be actively dying in front of them in order for them to acknowledge that something must be done.
1 month ago
It’s completely normal to them but as the patient, it sounds fucking TERRIFYING! But it’s true, ovarian cysts and fibroids are a thing and they’re a thing that comes and goes. As long as they note it’s benign, you’re fine!
1 month ago
I swear to god if I see another comment saying fibroids and cysts “aren’t an emergency.” NO SHIT. That doesn’t mean they don’t EXIST and can’t cause complications down the line. If this doctor gave a shit he would explain what was causing the pain and encourage her to follow up with her gyno instead of just saying “you’re fine.” Jesus Christ y’all.
1 month ago
Women, especially black women, have there pain dismissed to a degree that should be criminal.
1 month ago
“Those are normal for women but we don’t do that kind of research so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ “
1 month ago
My sister had 3 tennis ball sized cysts and has been in pain for her entire life.
She was always told it’s normal, until they were found during her Hysterectomy.
The shit women go though dealing with doctors is unreal.
1 month ago
I had an ultrasound after bleeding for two straight months. I showed the result to my PCP (female) who had forced my OB to order the US for me. My PCP identified two ovarian cysts. My OB (male) said nothing about the cysts and when I asked he said, “oh yeah those just happen sometimes but it wouldn’t cause the bleeding”.
I occasionally get EXCRUCIATING pain in my lower left abdomen… the side the cysts are on… but sure.. it just happens.
1 month ago
I was told by an OBGYN that I didn’t know my own body. He did because he had the medical degree, not me. It’s not like I bled from the same place every month for years. Of course he treated me like a drug seeker. I went to another doctor, and was diagnosed with endometriosis bad enough to get a full hysterectomy.
1 month ago
There’s so many horror stories about these Drs neglecting black woman and children specifically that it’s sickening.
1 month ago
This legit happened to me. I asked the ER doctor for an ultrasound because I thought I had an ovarian cyst rupture. He declined and diagnosed me with a uti… without collecting a urine sample.
3 months later I learned I had cancer lol
1 month ago
I got a CT done once for groin pain, doctor said everything looked good. Read the report and it said I had bilateral inguinal hernias. Kinda scary that my doctor didn’t know how to read
1 month ago
I just found out I have two ovarian cysts. My doctors only told me about one of them and then acted like I was crazy when I asked why the fuck no one told me about the other.
A different time, I asked if maybe I had a kidney stone. After a bunch of tests, they discharged me without mentioning anything about the kidney stone. I asked again and the doctor straight up goes “oh yeah, your riddled with them” and then just sent me on my way
1 month ago
This happened to me!! I am also a black woman. I had so much pain, went to the doctor and she was just like, “I mean besides your ovarian cyst I don’t see anything in the area and I’m not sure why you’re experiencing pain”. I said, “My what?” She went on to explain that most women can’t feel them and I should try to ignore it. I went to a second doctor who asked if i was anxious and maybe my anxiety was causing a “mental pain loop”. Anyway I ended up in the ER when it ruptured and I collapsed which – apparently is something cysts can do. Neither doctor warned me that could happen and it was indescribably painful.
1 month ago
“I’d like to watch you add to my chart, the fact that you said I’m fine, and that everything came back normal. Go ahead. Sit down and type that into my chart. *Right*. *Now*. No? Am I being crazy?”
1 month ago
You have to be your own advocate. I was in the second best shake of my life when I got gout. I was a beast in the gym, heavy weighted dips and chin-ups, running 8 miles at 8 miles an hour at 8,000 feet altitude and not breaking a hard sweat.
Doc told me to come back next day. Came back next day, injected me with lidocaine and something else and charged me $1,000.
It got worse over the years. My wife started juicing for us. A big glass of juice every morning to get going.
I had insurance. I’d see the doctor every time I had a bad flare. They never drew blood. I’d go for checkups and everything was fine. Anytime before I wouldn’t have insurance for over 13 years I’d ask for blood work. Everting came back fine.
Then I had such bad gout I couldn’t walk for almost 3 months. Had a heart attack in my sleep a couple months later. Went to the ER. They had no idea. Thickened left aorta wall. Still took a new doctor months to figure it out. They tested me for STDs first (?).
Turns out I’m type 2 diabetic. Undiagnosed for the last 13 years since I developed gout.
All those doctors, all those years. Now my arteries are that of an 80 year old smoker who eats bacon daily. They’ll never be the same.
1 month ago
I remember when I was 15 I had a period that lasted two months *straight.* Just constant blood. I went to my doctor, who was a white man, and he said, “if you bleed for a third month, come back and I’ll send you to a gynocologist.”
Thank god it was just hormonal because holy fuck. Imagine if I died??? I deadass thought I was gonna die too I wrote a will and everything 😔
1 month ago
Found out, two years after, that Covid triggered a mild case of pericarditis in me. My, at the time, old white, Israeli, cardiologist failed to mention this to me even after I told him I was having pain after exercising. It was only when I changed to a younger, black, female cardiologist that I was told. By then I was much better, but the lack of concern from the first doctor was astounding.
1 month ago
My “doctors” keep telling me that a uterus full of “calcified fibroids” is no reason to have a hysterectomy. Despite the fact that it’s a hard lump in my lower abdomen that causes me pain and makes me have to pee every time I change position. And I’m post menopausal, so it’s not like I’m using it for anything. These are all female doctors, too! It’s crazy.
1 month ago
Well What? Well, what?!
The fuck is that supposed to mean. None of those things are normal.
Edit: By normal, I mean healthy. These are signs that something is wrong in the body.
She’s not “Fine.”
1 month ago
Had a doctor tell me I was fine even though I could see the x-ray that showed a bone in my arm completely snapped in half.
1 month ago
Most women on the planet right now either have fibroid(s), polyps, ovarian cysts etc.
A uterus is like a 1980’s Ford. There’s always something wrong with it, or about to go wrong.
1 month ago
“….. RFK says the blacks immune system is built different so…..”
1 month ago
This literally happened to me about two years ago. TMI but I was passing blood clots the size of my palm.
Thankfully I was getting all my test results online and reviewing them as they came available. The doctor apologized immediately and stated that they are sent notes from the lab and that it did not include that in the notes. WTF!? You went to school for this and cannot review this shit for yourself! ‘This is the true meaning of Incompetence personified,’ was my response to him. The awkward silence was gold. I broke the silence by requesting a referral for surgery and some medication for the pain.
1 month ago
This happened to me too🙋🏾♀️ except I went to a free clinic the next day and they were the one’s who discovered the cysts/fibroids🥴 I still got that $3k bill
1 month ago
love when they diagnose me with “you’re fine”
1 month ago
“Well aside from the cancer and MRSA, you’re fine!”
1 month ago
As a resident physician, a uterine fibroid and an ovarian cyst without significant vaginal bleeding or torsion, respectively, are relatively benign findings, especially if there is no evidence of malignancy on ultrasound.
I get that from a patient’s standpoint, it can sound serious and like the doctor is hiding something from you, but the ED is looking for things that would require you to stay in the hospital, i.e. an emergency. These findings are incredibly common and for a physician who deals with strokes, heart attacks, ruptured aneurysms, septic shock, perforated bowel, gunshot wounds, car accidents, and death, these things do not rise to the same level of alarm.
I do agree that we as physicians need to remember that we are not talking to people who have had the same level of training, but on the flip side I’m tired of seeing Twitter, MD act like there’s some grand conspiracy every time something isn’t explicitly disclosed by medical staff. We didn’t go into this profession to lie to you.
1 month ago
Medical Misogynoir should be grounds for dismissal.
1 month ago
I had 2 quite large dermoid cysts that caused me quite a lot of pain. A part of the problem that I had to work out myself is that during every cycle I get normal fluid filled cysts as well so my cysts would basically double in size. They would get so big I couldn’t even use the bathroom because they would basically be causing a blockage and compressing other things in my abdomen. When I initially went to a specialist about it he told me I couldn’t possibly be in pain from these cysts and I’d only be in pain if I had ovarian torsion (which I didn’t have) and I must have IBS. I got the surgery to remove the cysts and from the moment I woke up I could feel the pain was gone. The recovery from the surgery was like a walk in the park because I’d been dealing with so much pain for years that I didn’t even notice the incision sites. I didn’t even take any pain killers I just felt great
1 month ago
Oh, like that time when I was in the absolute worst pain of my life and I kept vomiting until nothing but bile was coming out and the doctor told me to take a Tylenol and I said I CAN’T KEEP ANYTHING DOWN, not even water and he told me to take a suppository. I finally went to the ER and …it was APPENDICITIS.
1 month ago
I had a duel colonoscopy/endoscopy while female and the doctor who saw me literally told me everything was fine and that smoking weed was making me throw up. Then my boyfriend got there and the doctor changed his tune, stood up straight and everything. My boyfriend could see that I was very upset (and still pretty sedated) so he asked the doctor what he found. Said he found six ulcers, a hiatal hernia, celiac disease, and a significantly redundant colon. 👍
1 month ago
He needs a case of testicular torsion. That’ll take him down a peg.
1 month ago
One time, I had to go to the ER because I was in pain. They gave me a cup to pee in, but no one ever picked it up. The cup was literally on the table next to me, and the doctor comes in and says they ran tests on it and it came back fine. I picked it up and was like, “this pee?” The look on his face lol
“Malicious indifference” or “weaponized incompetence?” The world may never know.
I hope she reported that asshole, wtf
Edit: Since people keep replying telling me it’s not an emergency or that the poster is manipulating the story — I think the prefaced “If this scenario is real and presented accurately, then…” should be implied on the internet. Call me crazy, but in this particular moment I don’t think immediately questioning a black woman’s experience with the medical industry is like…the move
Technically, she is fine, especially if the fibroid is small. Fibroids are VERY common for black women and ovarian cysts usually go away on their own. It’s essentially a watch and see what happens with the fibroid to make sure that they aren’t multiplying, getting bigger and/or causing fertility issues. She’ll need to check them every 6 months or so to monitor them. They probably gave her pain meds or recommended ibuprofen to help with the pain, told her to follow up with her gyno and sent her on her way…..
I was rudely ignored once as a kid. Now, I speak up and voice my concern no matter what.
Neither of those diagnosis warrant any emergency action.
It’s infuriating how often male doctors ignore or shrug off the pain and suffering they see in female patients. A woman almost has to be actively dying in front of them in order for them to acknowledge that something must be done.
It’s completely normal to them but as the patient, it sounds fucking TERRIFYING! But it’s true, ovarian cysts and fibroids are a thing and they’re a thing that comes and goes. As long as they note it’s benign, you’re fine!
I swear to god if I see another comment saying fibroids and cysts “aren’t an emergency.” NO SHIT. That doesn’t mean they don’t EXIST and can’t cause complications down the line. If this doctor gave a shit he would explain what was causing the pain and encourage her to follow up with her gyno instead of just saying “you’re fine.” Jesus Christ y’all.
Women, especially black women, have there pain dismissed to a degree that should be criminal.
“Those are normal for women but we don’t do that kind of research so ¯_(ツ)_/¯ “
My sister had 3 tennis ball sized cysts and has been in pain for her entire life.
She was always told it’s normal, until they were found during her Hysterectomy.
The shit women go though dealing with doctors is unreal.
I had an ultrasound after bleeding for two straight months. I showed the result to my PCP (female) who had forced my OB to order the US for me. My PCP identified two ovarian cysts. My OB (male) said nothing about the cysts and when I asked he said, “oh yeah those just happen sometimes but it wouldn’t cause the bleeding”.
I occasionally get EXCRUCIATING pain in my lower left abdomen… the side the cysts are on… but sure.. it just happens.
I was told by an OBGYN that I didn’t know my own body. He did because he had the medical degree, not me. It’s not like I bled from the same place every month for years. Of course he treated me like a drug seeker. I went to another doctor, and was diagnosed with endometriosis bad enough to get a full hysterectomy.
There’s so many horror stories about these Drs neglecting black woman and children specifically that it’s sickening.
This legit happened to me. I asked the ER doctor for an ultrasound because I thought I had an ovarian cyst rupture. He declined and diagnosed me with a uti… without collecting a urine sample.
3 months later I learned I had cancer lol
I got a CT done once for groin pain, doctor said everything looked good. Read the report and it said I had bilateral inguinal hernias. Kinda scary that my doctor didn’t know how to read
I just found out I have two ovarian cysts. My doctors only told me about one of them and then acted like I was crazy when I asked why the fuck no one told me about the other.
A different time, I asked if maybe I had a kidney stone. After a bunch of tests, they discharged me without mentioning anything about the kidney stone. I asked again and the doctor straight up goes “oh yeah, your riddled with them” and then just sent me on my way
This happened to me!! I am also a black woman. I had so much pain, went to the doctor and she was just like, “I mean besides your ovarian cyst I don’t see anything in the area and I’m not sure why you’re experiencing pain”. I said, “My what?” She went on to explain that most women can’t feel them and I should try to ignore it. I went to a second doctor who asked if i was anxious and maybe my anxiety was causing a “mental pain loop”. Anyway I ended up in the ER when it ruptured and I collapsed which – apparently is something cysts can do. Neither doctor warned me that could happen and it was indescribably painful.
“I’d like to watch you add to my chart, the fact that you said I’m fine, and that everything came back normal. Go ahead. Sit down and type that into my chart. *Right*. *Now*. No? Am I being crazy?”
You have to be your own advocate. I was in the second best shake of my life when I got gout. I was a beast in the gym, heavy weighted dips and chin-ups, running 8 miles at 8 miles an hour at 8,000 feet altitude and not breaking a hard sweat.
Doc told me to come back next day. Came back next day, injected me with lidocaine and something else and charged me $1,000.
It got worse over the years. My wife started juicing for us. A big glass of juice every morning to get going.
I had insurance. I’d see the doctor every time I had a bad flare. They never drew blood. I’d go for checkups and everything was fine. Anytime before I wouldn’t have insurance for over 13 years I’d ask for blood work. Everting came back fine.
Then I had such bad gout I couldn’t walk for almost 3 months. Had a heart attack in my sleep a couple months later. Went to the ER. They had no idea. Thickened left aorta wall. Still took a new doctor months to figure it out. They tested me for STDs first (?).
Turns out I’m type 2 diabetic. Undiagnosed for the last 13 years since I developed gout.
All those doctors, all those years. Now my arteries are that of an 80 year old smoker who eats bacon daily. They’ll never be the same.
I remember when I was 15 I had a period that lasted two months *straight.* Just constant blood. I went to my doctor, who was a white man, and he said, “if you bleed for a third month, come back and I’ll send you to a gynocologist.”
Thank god it was just hormonal because holy fuck. Imagine if I died??? I deadass thought I was gonna die too I wrote a will and everything 😔
Found out, two years after, that Covid triggered a mild case of pericarditis in me. My, at the time, old white, Israeli, cardiologist failed to mention this to me even after I told him I was having pain after exercising. It was only when I changed to a younger, black, female cardiologist that I was told. By then I was much better, but the lack of concern from the first doctor was astounding.
My “doctors” keep telling me that a uterus full of “calcified fibroids” is no reason to have a hysterectomy. Despite the fact that it’s a hard lump in my lower abdomen that causes me pain and makes me have to pee every time I change position. And I’m post menopausal, so it’s not like I’m using it for anything. These are all female doctors, too! It’s crazy.
Well What? Well, what?!
The fuck is that supposed to mean. None of those things are normal.
Edit: By normal, I mean healthy. These are signs that something is wrong in the body.
She’s not “Fine.”
Had a doctor tell me I was fine even though I could see the x-ray that showed a bone in my arm completely snapped in half.
Most women on the planet right now either have fibroid(s), polyps, ovarian cysts etc.
A uterus is like a 1980’s Ford. There’s always something wrong with it, or about to go wrong.
“….. RFK says the blacks immune system is built different so…..”
This literally happened to me about two years ago. TMI but I was passing blood clots the size of my palm.
Thankfully I was getting all my test results online and reviewing them as they came available. The doctor apologized immediately and stated that they are sent notes from the lab and that it did not include that in the notes. WTF!? You went to school for this and cannot review this shit for yourself! ‘This is the true meaning of Incompetence personified,’ was my response to him. The awkward silence was gold. I broke the silence by requesting a referral for surgery and some medication for the pain.
This happened to me too🙋🏾♀️ except I went to a free clinic the next day and they were the one’s who discovered the cysts/fibroids🥴 I still got that $3k bill
love when they diagnose me with “you’re fine”
“Well aside from the cancer and MRSA, you’re fine!”
As a resident physician, a uterine fibroid and an ovarian cyst without significant vaginal bleeding or torsion, respectively, are relatively benign findings, especially if there is no evidence of malignancy on ultrasound.
I get that from a patient’s standpoint, it can sound serious and like the doctor is hiding something from you, but the ED is looking for things that would require you to stay in the hospital, i.e. an emergency. These findings are incredibly common and for a physician who deals with strokes, heart attacks, ruptured aneurysms, septic shock, perforated bowel, gunshot wounds, car accidents, and death, these things do not rise to the same level of alarm.
I do agree that we as physicians need to remember that we are not talking to people who have had the same level of training, but on the flip side I’m tired of seeing Twitter, MD act like there’s some grand conspiracy every time something isn’t explicitly disclosed by medical staff. We didn’t go into this profession to lie to you.
Medical Misogynoir should be grounds for dismissal.
I had 2 quite large dermoid cysts that caused me quite a lot of pain. A part of the problem that I had to work out myself is that during every cycle I get normal fluid filled cysts as well so my cysts would basically double in size. They would get so big I couldn’t even use the bathroom because they would basically be causing a blockage and compressing other things in my abdomen. When I initially went to a specialist about it he told me I couldn’t possibly be in pain from these cysts and I’d only be in pain if I had ovarian torsion (which I didn’t have) and I must have IBS. I got the surgery to remove the cysts and from the moment I woke up I could feel the pain was gone. The recovery from the surgery was like a walk in the park because I’d been dealing with so much pain for years that I didn’t even notice the incision sites. I didn’t even take any pain killers I just felt great
Oh, like that time when I was in the absolute worst pain of my life and I kept vomiting until nothing but bile was coming out and the doctor told me to take a Tylenol and I said I CAN’T KEEP ANYTHING DOWN, not even water and he told me to take a suppository. I finally went to the ER and …it was APPENDICITIS.
I had a duel colonoscopy/endoscopy while female and the doctor who saw me literally told me everything was fine and that smoking weed was making me throw up. Then my boyfriend got there and the doctor changed his tune, stood up straight and everything. My boyfriend could see that I was very upset (and still pretty sedated) so he asked the doctor what he found. Said he found six ulcers, a hiatal hernia, celiac disease, and a significantly redundant colon. 👍
He needs a case of testicular torsion. That’ll take him down a peg.
One time, I had to go to the ER because I was in pain. They gave me a cup to pee in, but no one ever picked it up. The cup was literally on the table next to me, and the doctor comes in and says they ran tests on it and it came back fine. I picked it up and was like, “this pee?” The look on his face lol