CFPB Money Return

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About $2.12 each.

Gotta love the .00 to make the number look bigger

Why do I get the feeling that all this “money saving” is like selling the airbags in your car for $100?


Yep, no criminal conflict of interest here.

* CFPB regulates financing like the loans provided by Tesla Finance LLC.
* CFPB regulates payment apps like X Payments LLC.

Wait till he get to the DOJ which a criminal probe examining whether Musk and Tesla have overstated their cars’ self-driving capabilities. Or the NHTSA which as dozens of open crash investigations into Tesla’s partially automated vehicles and mandates reporting crash data on vehicles using technology like Tesla’s Autopilot.

“Since the agency’s inception, the CFPB has returned more than $21 billion back to consumers who have fallen victim to abusive and illegal activity. CFPB’s success is why more than four out of five Americans support the CFPB, including 77% of Republicans.”

So like $2 a person……

In the last decade CFPB has saved Americans $17 billion and levied $4 billion fines.

That’s 2.5 hours worth of interest on the national debt. Nice. All fixed now. Sorry you have no consumer protections and it’s more dangerous to fly.

I’d like them to keep my $2.00 and continue to prevent medical collections from appearing on my credit report, keep banks from charging outrageous fees, and force credit card companies to charge no more than 15% in interest (recently passed but paused due to the shut down of CFPB).

Only idiots would think this is a good thing given the benefits we are losing

Oh elon, he wants the consumer financial protection bureau to disappear because he & visa now have an agreement for x/twitter to accept payments. And he would have to come under the CFPB rules. Also, the CFPB formed after the crash of 2008 has returned over $21 billion directly to consumers who got cheated by financial institutions.

*That $21 billion that the CFPB has returned to consumers is $21 billion that Wall Street executives and billionaire CEOs — the people that Trump and Musk work for — believe that they’re entitled to.  Elizabeth Warren*

Two types of people strive to defund CFPB. Either politicians/corporations looking to make profit. Or those too stupid to realize it helps the consumer.

Because ultimately it helps and benefits the consumer. Which is why republicans and others dislike it.

For only 2.12’a citizen we get protection from bad business men like him? That’s a better deal than health insurance in this country

Those $2 not gonna last long now that companies can screw you as much as they want

Looking forward to my buck fifty while wells Fargo opens 10 more credit card accounts in my name

About 153.8 million tax payers would get $4.62. which their payday lenders and banks would suck up in a second if left unchecked.

BTW, the CFPB is entirely paid for in fines to bad acting banks, businesses, and lenders. Taxpayers don’t pay a dime.

He should ask if we want it.

Do you want 2 dollars or consumer (you) financial protections?

Protection from who? Elon. Who?

$711M and they returned $20B to US consumers who were defrauded. Gee, I wonder why they want to get rid of CFPB.

Hell yea. it’ll be like getting a class action settlement check of $3 in exchange for letting banks rob us

This is an agency that returns billions to consumers.

DOGE is a con. We are the marks.

I guess that excludes Musk.

Yeah, who wants consumers to be financially protected from scams and fraud anyway? Not me. I get my money stolen and I *like it*, like a real American should.

By taxpayers he means himself.

Dude kills this department so he can now release X payment and then rip everyone off.

Omg a whole two dollars. Maybe now I can afford eggs

It costs billions of dollars to mail everyone in the us a check. And the checks would be for 2.12$. I guess i hope they just tag that on to everyone’s tax return. It’s such a pitiful amount it’s embarrassing.

The good news – you can buy a free coffee! Wooooo!

The bad news – now you can get fucked in the ass without lube by financial institutions.

But some libs will be owned, so 3 cheers for MAGA!

OMG!!! Can’t wait to get my $2.ish portion!! That and $6 will get me a dozen eggs!

lets go I get like 0 dollars

How much does it cost to mail a check?

I want my two dollars! *TWO DOLLARS!*

Cool, I can buy half a beer


“I want my 2 dollars!”

I’d rather them keep the money and protect us. 2 bucks cannot buy much.

I want my 2 dollars!

Did they seriously include .00 to make the figure appear larger? 😆

You guys sold your democracy for 2 bucks?

Should we tell him that’s not even enough to pay for a blue checkmart? Not even close.

Musk earns over $60M a day. He personally pockets the same amount every10 days. Tesla paid 0 (zero) taxes for $10B of income.

Let this sink in.

Yeah so according to Google (first number that popped up, didn’t care to research it too much) there’s 153.8million taxpayers so we would all get like 5 bucks, can’t even buy lube with it to properly fuck myself :/

I’ll take mine in dimes, please

Unfortunately, someone is going to hear this do that thing people keep doing:

They have $700 million, there are 350 million people in the US. That means.. we get 2 million each! Woohoo!!!

How cheaply the American people will sell their rights and protections: $2. It’s almost as if the people were telling you the truth when they said that Trump and Musk have the best interests of the corporations in mind, not the interests of the people. The get $2 off your tax bill and I’m return, credit card rates and fees explode.

“Hahahaha fuck you, you peons! Hahahaha!” -Elon Musk, probably

I call for all of Elon’s $100’s of billions to be returned to the people.

Will either dollar be taxed?

Give me my $2! I want my $2!!!

Send em $2 checks and then steal thousands from em!

That’s WAY better than the $20+ billion that has gone back to the public by them actually using their budget, if you can’t do math…

About tree fiddy

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