
By Vizioso
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He talks about gaming? See what the gaming community says.

This is not humour, this is sage advice…

There were one or two other steps in there where you could have intuited heโ€™s a fucking moron, but sure also the software things

He employs geniuses. So his cars, rockets, and even software are probably fine. He just keeps the profits.

I think my first exposure to Elon Musk was about 10 years ago when he stated that AI was better than humans at everything in every field. I knew basically nothing about AI at the time, but I did know that every couple of years in my old field (scoliosis) someone publishes a state-of-the-art AI model, and as late as 2018 they all sucked.

So for as long as I’ve been aware of his existence I’ve thought he was a blowhard.

maybe next trump will sign an executive order to deport all foreign keys

If it makes you feel better, he didn’t actually design the cars or the rockets or the software

Elon has invented nothing. He just buys them

Not to defend musk, but you do realize that expert on one subject doing absolutely braindead take outside of their area of expertise is extremely common right?

He actually tends to stay away from the rockets (thankfully), so those are really reliable. The cars… not so much

First the came for the automotive engineers…

gellmann amnesia is very real

I maybe on the minority here, but how come people are trashing him without knowing the table schema and the data about which he is talking about ? Or is it some information shared ? Because all I have seen is Musks tweet and people trashing him for that.

The last paragraph of that is “Then he played Path of Exile 2…”

He is just a moron with money.
The only genius ones are the employees.

Fortunately he doesn’t build cars and rockets, he lets qualified people do that. So, please don’t listen to the nuthead, ignoring him and Orange Grandpa is the best way to eliminate them.

Well, he must know something about software development, because any big project he embraces will be ready in two years and the result, if not delayed, is nowhere close to the expectations ๐Ÿ˜„

Alot of people in here really be wiping Musk’s ballsweat off their eyelids.

This logic applies to Reddit too

He’s a CEO, he doesn’t know any more about how rockets work than the CEO of Boeing knows how to build a plane. CEOs are not the engineers at their companies, and good companies don’t let the CEOs micromanage the engineers. Part of the reason that SpaceX is doing ok is that they deliberately push back against Musk’s attempt to micromanage.

It’s sort of like how everybody worshipped Steve Jobs for making the Apple computer, when really Wozniak did most of the work. At least Jobs knew a little bit about how the hardware was built when it was a 3 person company. Musk however was Johnny-come-lately at all of his companies except the first.

Elon is not at all someone I should be defending, which Iโ€™m not, heโ€™s a god damn Nazi. But I will defend the companyโ€™s he owns. Elon is most definitely not an active participant in the engineering departmentโ€™s of the companies he owns. Heโ€™s working on all the corporate bullshit, heโ€™s not actually working on the cars or the rockets. Granted he probably runs the businesses corporate side in an idiotic fashion, which probably leaks into the rest of the businesses departments. But some of the companies he owns are doing some impressive shit despite that like SpaceX and their semi-reusable rockets.

Ding ding ding

Iโ€™ll say this, SpaceX has figured out how to guide his โ€œleadershipโ€. The โ€œmove fast and break thingsโ€ when translated to aerospace means some expensive prototypes that are thoroughly tested. They know that they cannot sweep rocket crashes under the rug like they do with FSD.

But mostly, the people who actually run SpaceX have figured out that they need to let him pretend that some engineersโ€™ concepts were originally his, and ignore all the crazy stuff until he gets distracted by something else. Then they can actually do their work.

Stillโ€ฆdude has enough knowledge to sound like he knows what heโ€™s talking about. And the ego to think heโ€™s a 200x employee with all the best ideas. He will drive anything heโ€™s given power over into the ground. Cybertruck has his name all over it. Tesla energy was never his gig. Xitterโ€ฆ. Once itโ€™s โ€˜hisโ€™ project, itโ€™s gonna be shitty.

Someone has said it before, Elon Musk seems like he knows what’s he talking about and sounds genius until one day he talks about something you know and expert about

That’s when my eyes open to not trust that guy

Dude didn’t get rich by being good at any of those industries. Dude got rich by setting a goal and not letting anything or anyone in the world stop him from achieving it. You don’t dumb luck your way into being the most powerful person in *multiple* industries, the richest man in the world, and now running fucking America.

I think it’s dangerous to paint him as a bumbling idiot. That undersells the danger of what he’s capable of. Rainman seemed stupid to laypeople and then he cleaned out the casino.

Elon is playing into the autistic edgelord persona and you guys are eating it up instead of wondering what his end goal is, because his track record says he will achieve that goal whatever it is.

Himโ€™s be a geniac.

This should go into r/agedlikewine after the SQL remarks -.-

Talks about the mechanisms of government and the need to abolish anything that isn’t publically elected and makes it sound like a good idea. I really hope all those political science majors and lawyers start throwing the hammer down on him.ย 

Musk has lied about attending multiple colleges and completing courses that don’t even exist.

For some reason he does show up on the student rolls.. wonder what the most likely explanation for that is lol.

A lot of his rockets explode while trying to go to space so

Yeah. I always thought electric cars were a bad idea.

The Cybertruck is all the proof we need that he doesnโ€™t, in fact, know about cars.

I already thought he is stupid when he said his cars only need cameras because humans also only drive with there eyes. I mean yes… but not having more sensors that can also better see what happens in the dark or other situations where vision is bad is just stupid.

Hes just continuing to creep into each field one at a time, proving its community that hes an idiot, and then tries the next.
Rockets, Cars, Software, Gaming, Public Service Infrastructure, Manufacturing, etc., the list just keeps growing

Bro cars and rockets cannot be made by one person. But softwares can be even if elon has 0 knowledge abt cars and rockets, it doesn’t matter.

But yes, in software it does

Do I know a lot about software? Idk I have imposter syndrome so it might be that.

And you should stay away from these people who say heโ€™s a genius. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Which posts? Any funny ones come out?

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