I wonder where do all these sleepless zombies and coffee addicts come from…

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When you’ve been awake for 48 hours, but still gotta pretend you’re a functional human. 🧟‍♂️☕

I had to wake up at 5 everyday to get to school. You kinda get used to it🤷

The irony is strong

I wake up at 6am everyday for work. It doesn’t get better.

I mean… if you go to bed at 9:30 it’s very possible to get up at 6. But you need to make sure you do that on weekends too. Otherwise you’ll always feel sleepy.

Change your simulation settings, duh

Ok, technically, you can change your sleep schedule without harmony. However, teenagers still should not have to go through that anyway since they are still developing.

I’m an adult and I sometimes sleep at 6pm with the help of melatonin. When I was in high school, I slept between 9-10 and wake up before 5 and I was messed up.

Wait til OP leans that a lot of people have to wake up even earlier than that to go to work.

Waaaaa I don’t like getting up early


Most schools where i’m from start at 9AM

Kids school schedules have to be synched to adult work schedules or else society will not function. If kids are supposed to go to school *after* adults are already at work then how exactly are they supposed to get there? Who is supposed to make sure they wake up and leave on time? Who is going to make their lunches etc? Not everything revolves around your optimal sleep schedule OP. Sacrifices have to be made.

Waking up at 6 means lessons from 8 to 1 pm where I come from.

What also matters is how close you live next to school

Let’s burn sleepless zombies yay bc bc studying is so much fun

Would you like to be in school later as well then? Go from ending at 3pm to 5pm?

I’m gonna guess the answer to that one is “no”

Work is even worse, if you want enough time to sleep you basically have to go to bed right after you came back from work! It’s great!

god im so glad the place where I live is putting in a system where elementary schools start earlier, and leave earlier, and high schools get to start later and leave later.

I hope ya’ll realize you’re arguing with a 12 year old who posts on a socialism subreddit lol

If waking up at 6 is detrimental to your sleep schedule then go to bed earlier. Doesn’t sound difficult seeing how tired one must be by evening of one’s rigorous day.

u have to wake up at 6? do u have like before school practice or do u just live far away?

They’re not meant to educate you, they’re meant to prepare you for work in the factory

[<Sleep schedule>] is what you schedule it to be. Schedule. Sleep Schedule…

I appreciate being forced to learn discipline at a younger age.

You’re going to have to wake up at 6am when you work anyways lil bro

Grow up and deal with it. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is part of becoming an adult, which high school is meant to prepare you for. If you can’t get yourself out of bed at 6am, then good luck maintaining a job once your out of school, especially when your work hours can fluctuate, and the punishment is far worse than a slap on the wrist for being late.

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