It’s a great idea

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I don’t think President Musk is in favor of these ideas, sir.

But how will this benefit the billionairs? Silly Bernie.

I’d really like a MAGA supporter to explain to me why life would be better for any of those communities under American rule…

The only real benefit is making Americans less jealous.

MAD! Make America Denmark!

It is so crazy that in America, Bernie is a complete radical for basically being European.

And Trump voters hate these ideas

This is America. We only steal the bad ideas.

Leave it to Bernie to hit another home run.

Prezident tRUmp is waaaaaay too busy pulling 7” of mercury on Elmo to really be of value currently Bernie, maybe try again later, after tRUmp has worked that chastity device off.

bernie is great

Damn right Bernie, rock on my dude !!!!

I love Bernie. Never gonna forgive the DNC for 2016

Bernie should have been president

This is why I voted for Bernie last time for president. At least he understands the needs of the people.

Speaking a dane, I can promise we will give Trump a great deal on those ideas. The best deal ever!

Will never happen in Trumpmenistan

Speaking sense to stupid does nothing.

Love Bernie and he’s 100% right but his message is so quiet because he’s been tweeting the same things for 10 years.

For real, like whats his plan? ‘Acquire’ Greenland and then tell the people “Congratulations you no longer have healthcare and you all have retroactive student loan debt.”

Thank you Bernie!

Bernie’s last tweet before he dies is gonna be about minimum wage and healthcare.

how do you get denmark to pay for it.

stealing? he is going to nuke it, then rape it for resources.
maybe set up a submarine base if he is feeling cute about it.

Modern problems require modern solutions

he may be tweeting to a brick wall but atleast hes tweeting

How much do they spend on defense?

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