Cookie delivery person abandoned my order on a random sidewalk I don’t recognize

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It’s the Dasher’s house. They wanted the cookies.

This photo looks like it belongs with some creepypasta story about a suburban portal to a dark & demonic dimension that lures in its prey with baked goods.

That’s the way the cookie crumbls

Like $80 worth of cookies

123 murder street

It looks like a lure bait for stoners

Why does this look like an album cover though lmao

I have to admit I find the spelling of Crumbl mildly infuriating.

You know what they say, that’s the way the

This is art

comment image?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99b688396d8bb271221a2d24e46af1d1952ee33

got a vibe like

Nope. They just faked a delivery pic so they can eat it.

I feel like you will be lured into the creepy house 😬


Nah, dude stole it. Took the photo, then ate it. Common scam by rubbish drivers. Report his ass.

Look to the cookie Elaine!

Did you get a refund?

modern midwestern emo album cover

dafuq do you need a cookie delivery person for

Well that’s a pretty crummy situation.

Now they are spookies.

I hope you reported them.

Looks like a creepypasta

Damn u live on Freddy Kruger’s street?? Lol

Who the fuck order’s cookies to be delivered? I’m genuinely confused how in a time of extreme low petty cash the insane amount of delivery people get. And all the complaints and sketchyness make me even more confused why it’s ever used at all.

this pic go so fucking hardddddddddd

Those cookies should come with insulin.

That’s because you got cookies ordered on delivery look at yourself

It’s Crumbl, they did you a favor.

Sometimes, that’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

That’s too bad. Those are damn expensive cookies.

Number one you’re a fool for paying what those cost and then doubling down and having it delivered. How about getting off your ass and getting your own junk food. It might help you learn how to climb the stairs out of your mother’s basement…

Its crumbl, they were doing you a favor

they tryna lure ur ass out like hansel and gretel😭

This would be a hard indie rock album cover

Getting cookies delivered is a new level of Americanism. You fat bastard.

Hope that’s a tv glow, and not radiation glow. Either way, I’m in.

Is that Elm Street?! Seriously, that’s a creepy looking house.

Hope they are ok

Underrated cookies.sorry about your orde.

It’s the ghosts now

Looks like a horror movie poster.

This would be a sick album cover

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