Who is your main and what is one tip for playing as and against your character?

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As Spider-Man, my best tip to play as him is that you shouldn’t get greedy. Go in-and-out fast. Try to target enemies that are already low on HP finish them and get them out of the fight. That’s your job.
You could definitely kill enemies that are full health, but make sure they are busy looking at someone else. Don’t try to go head on.
Ignore tanks, unless they are very low on health, they are the only enemy alive, or they are busy fighting someone else. You just want to be as annoying as possible while staying alive as long as you can. That’s pretty much it.

To play against him? Use Wanda, Namor, or C&D. Mantis is also good, she does a lot of damage and you can put him to sleep mid ult.

Something else to keep in mind, if a Spider Man attacked you and then swung away when you turned around to attack him, there’s a big chance that he is not done with you and is just waiting for you to focus on someone else to attack you again.


For: Only dive with all cooldowns available, SPECIALLY the shield. A Venom that manages his abilities well is a Venom that **always** makes it back to safety with their job done.

Against: Stick together and don’t tunnel vision on his massive clapping cheeks. Venom’s role is way less about securing picks/dealing damage and way more about **generating chaos** among your team, so brace for impact and focus. Soon enough, he becomes little more than a distraction.

Moon Knight: Your moon blade and Ankhs have the same travel speed, throwing a moon blade immediately after an ankh will give you some cheeky damage. Your Ankhs also stick to any surface they hit from any angle, get creative with your ankh’s positions and you can catch people off guard.

Against Moon Knight: spread out, wonder why he’s got his ult up so quickly? Probably because you’re butt to butt with your teammates especially in tight corridors, His Crescent Darts WILL bounce and hit your nearest teammates, this is a great way to get your supports killed quickly(also shoot his fucking ankhs.)

If you’re Loki: Always make sure you have at least one clone that you can place. This will be your option as a quick escape plan, healing teammates from afar and placing down your runes. Not having any clones available means you’ll be highly vulnerable when getting dove on. Also, please make sure you have double confirmation for your ult enabled on the character settings. This is a genuine game changer; you’ll find it a whole lot easier to copy a C&D in the middle of a tense battle.

If you’re against Loki: Always prioritise destroying his regen runes (it gives his team immortality). They can mostly be two-tapped by any ranged attack. Also, destroy any leftover clones he has on the battlefield, even if the real Loki is dead. He can still use them as sources of teleportation and healing with his runes, so destroying them will limit his options. If you REALLY wanna annoy a Loki, just play Moonknight and use your ankhs near his clones. Trust me.

Black Panther:

Attack where you can’t be seen. Behind or from above. If you run out of dashes GET OUT. Don’t be afraid to use it to escape. You’re mainly focusing on hunting healers. Be patient and only engage when your team is skirmishing with the enemy. Learn the maps and where the heal pods are.

Namor and Peni shuts down BP. Hate them with a passion. Black Panther’s life line is his dash. Stun him or time your evasion abilities and he’ll be extremely vulnerable.

Iron Fist

Playing as: Stop thinking value only comes from kills and do not engage by hitting your block early just for the higher DPS combo. Use it mainly to block specific cooldowns (Luna freeze, Mantis sleep, etc) and ultimates. Initiate fights with normal melee to make the enemy turn around, block when your biggest threat starts to focus you, fight however long you can without going below 200 HP. If no kills are presenting themselves, use your kick to escape and try again after cooldown reset.

Playing against: deal damage slowly to better anticipate the block. Even if you attack slowly, you still likely win the duel because his DPS is garbage. If you end up in a 1v1 and you let him block your important abilities, you lose no matter what. An Iron Fist isn’t really a threat until after he blocks.

## I play Strange.

## Tip to play as: hit the enemy tanks with proyectiles and meele to charge ur dark energy like 90%, then go for one of the healer and explode him with aa-meele-E.

To play against: look at the air every time you don’t see a Strange in the front lane, AGAMOTO is inc.
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Jeff: Don’t 1v1 him hahah

I play Bucky, the best way to beat him is close up and from behind. For playing him, stay mid range and near cover, use your grab often.

as a magik main, i hate you when you play peni. i cannot push when there is a spider nest around and my teammates are always blind for those. once i am separated from my team and i have overextended, its quickly over for me.


Tip for playing: Web enemies your teammates are going for to help them out.

Tip for when you’re against a Peni: get her off her webs. They heal her over time and give her bonus health.

We are groot

I am groot

Namor and Winter Soldier

Namor: throw your turrets as HIGH as possible, but obviously where they are not to visible ( you should have a ridiculous amount of final hits and kills overall). His spear is unlimited, meaning there is no reload. He is best played as a “poking” dps meaning peek from behind cover or behind your tanks and UNLOAD YOUR SPEARS. Landing a right click or LT on console makes your turrets shoot faster, you want to utilize this always.

Bucky: He is a brawler 100% without question. He wants to play close to the tanks. He is good for countering divers as if you have all of your cool downs, with a couple head shots, hook, and his dashing upper cut, you can easily 1v1 some tanks and any squishy in the game

Doctor Strange:

Always ALWAYS try to stay in front of your healers and make sure you’re weaving shield pops in between every attack (it goes a long way for ppl behind u)

honestly i think the best way to beat him is play wolverine bro that mf always kills me


Stay behind your tank and make sure he stays alive. Adams charge ability is god like, try to go for the healers or dps. His soul bond can also sustain allies while your heals come out of cd. Use his ultimate behind cover. It can revive friendlies even after use, but range is limited.

Beat him- his heals have cd, exploit that. His ultimate has short range and you can go in and kill him as he uses it and whoever was revived fairly easy. Target him first on the backline.

As a Cap main, several Strategist can actually survive me alone. A good Rocket and Jeff can usually survive between their mobility and heals (even without removing focus from healing their team). A good Mantis or Loki can straight up Kill me.

In contrast, as a Cap if it ain’t working back off and try again. Find that angle to catch them off guard or out of position.

Hulk. I have been playing him since Bronze to Diamond.

Tip: Every Hulk should know by now — toggle the jump option.

Against: If the Hulk is doing his job (diversion, attacking the backline healers/DPS), you have to focus him down. It’s the same with Venom, if they are bobbing in and out causing distraction especially to your healers and DPS, the enemy’s frontline will fall from opposing team.

I main Squirrel Girl.

My best advice is: I’d you can’t hit direct shots, aim for thr ground near enemies and deal splash damage. Also don’t play super defensively. She has a kit that let’s her run away pretty well, but her kit is also AMAZING for direct engagement.

My tip against her?

Storm is my main

Tip for playing Storm: She’s more destructive playing close to her team, that’s when her speed and damage boost are useful. Its easier to strike multiple targets with one shot playing close to the team and not in the air.

Tips to beat Storm: her movement is not that fast so catching her from behind or one on one is a good way to throw any Storm player off their game.

Cloak & Dagger

Tip for playing: You should be in dagger 90% of the time, switching also reloads her weapon and it is faster to switch 2x (dagger to cloak to dagger) than wait for a reload. Use your dagger storm bubble as a self sustain or emergency heal for the group. Cloaks ability dark teleportation lets you (and others) not be targeted by ultimates, eg jeff.

Playing against: Push once you see dagger blow their aoe bubble and it expires, especially if you can remove them from it. DO NOT try and trade with a dagger that just stacked all 4x parts of their ult on the ground. For the next few seconds they are immortal, even against an entire team. They want to stall and get a pick or two when executing this. Magneto, you can use your ult to kill them when they pause between each section of their ult.

Know where your health packs are.

Stick with your team if a cap is bothering your backline. His goal is to distract you, possibly get kills, and keep your heals off the battle.


For: you want two ways to disengage, whether that’s 2 dashes or a dash and an invis. Don’t waste on engagements. You want to engage with nothing preferably but if needed your invis bc you get it back faster doing damage.

People play her sneakily like a Sombra but she’s honestly a very good front liner adding pressure and can burn through tanks if you learn her combos, forcing support cds. Pay attention to who is weak or stepping out of position and that’s when you pop invis and go assassinate them. Be like a shark who smells blood.

Against: Don’t ignore her. Keeping pressure will make her nervous and she’ll either have to run away or take a chance. Also the more of you that group together the less powerful her ult. I’d say 4 people at least.. Mix in an Adam soul bond or good heals, or runes, and her ult is useless. I try to go for supports first to force their ult/cds but if the team work is locked in and they ping me I have a horrible time and feel useless lol

I main Thor.

Tip: you can animation cancel his third hammer swing for a right click and it does insane damage.

Tip against: CC him to high heavens when he dives. If I dive and am immediately stuck, I’m immediately dead. Especially if I’m just out of sight of my healers. Peni is his biggest counter.

Invisible Woman.

Very good against divers with a lot of defensive tools . However, her cool downs are fairly long. Pay attention as a diver for when she has used her vortex and push/pull. When she goes invisible, listen for her footsteps.

As invisible Woman a well timed push/pull can make or break an engagement. Pay attention for the right opportunities. A Venomw trying to disengage after harassing the back line a well timed pull as he swings can bop him into a wall causing him to fall right back into your team. A strange playing a little too aggressive about to ult, at the start of his voiceline time your push and you can stop him from stunning the entire team by pushing him outside the radius.

Diamond 1 Magneto here.

Tip – right when you’re getting low on health hold up your screen shield whilst you get healed. Then when getting low again put up your bubble whilst you get healed. Increases your longevity a lot. Also use your bubble shield to protect mediocre/counterable ults (witch, Spider-Man, iron man etc etc)

Against – if you know he has used his shields hit him hard from multiple angles, lack of mobility is his weakness.

Loki: Shoot my fucking clones. Can’t see a healer or dps, shoot my clones. Can’t see a target that isn’t being heal botted, shoot my clones. In a bad position to confirm a kill so they are likely to just escape and get heal botted, shoot my clones.

I can put out 1 clone roughly every 7 seconds. If your team kills them faster than that I will never be able to play the game.

Peni, primarily.

As: Treat your nest as though it is a healer. Stay close and within line of sight. Tank hits rather than let it get damaged. Scatter the ground around it with mines if you have no better use for them. Your ideal situation is for the enemy to walk single-file into the webs but never, ever touch your precious explosive respirator.

Against: Treat her nest as though it is a healer, unless you are a melee character. If there are webs on the ground, assume every inch of webbing can and will cause your immediate and unconditional destruction the exact femtosecond you make contact. Peni has no shield, so if she makes the mistake of giving the enemy team a line of sight on the nest that isn’t covered in angry webs, have a reliable long-range damage dealer break the nest and leave her open to a push. If it’s me you’re fighting, I will literally rather take headshots from half your team than let that nest die. Also, watch the floor. Destroying the nest makes the mines visible, but it doesn’t make you immune to them.

As a bonus, if you suspect that the enemy Peni was trained rigorously by a sacred order of monks in an undiscovered mountain in the Himalayas, has bet the life of their firstborn child on the outcome of this match, has actual spider-senses, or is just generally doing very very well, be careful about your Ult usage. Ults that trigger immediately upon casting- like Moon Knight- or that can be activated behind a wall while the CC immunity kicks in- like Punisher or Luna- are generally safe. However, Ults that have a slow startup and require line of sight, like Wanda or Iron Man, leave you susceptible to a right click on the vocal cords. Performing this technique also transfers any self-confidence issues and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome directly from the Peni player and into the unsuspecting victim.

Playing as Namor:
Be flexible with turret placements. Most of the time you wanna aim high like everyone says. But sometimes those will always get shot down, in which case, place low and to the side so they get lost in the action and are harder to target. Or in their back line if it’s **safe and reasonable** to do so (but don’t stay there yourself). Or around doors/pillars. Or far away if you have LoS (their range is 40m). Just ALWAYS be switching it up based on the opps/maps.

Also, his ult is mid. Try to use it while damage boosted, and focus healers. It is less commonly effective outside of removing healers from play.

Give him a reason to bubble early. And then take advantage of that (burst/corner/push back/etc.). Most unskilled Namor players will likely burn through both turrets during this pre-bubble chaos as well, turning him into a squishy sardine with a stick. And let’s be honest, too many players are bad with close range and often forget to melee.


Do NOT 1v1 bucky


For: Don’t be afraid to be aggressive. Step past their tanks and you can nail healers or camping DPS. With a bubble and shield you can make it back to your front line alive and with a vital pick or two under your belt. You can change the tide of fights like this.

Against: Be Wolverine. Be good with Wolverine 😭

Mr. Fantastic.

Playing as: I understand we’re a duelist, but your Vanguards don’t have infinite shield. Use elongation on your Vanguards(mostly Strange), your strategists, and to Chase Spidey. Use your grip to pull vanguards away from their strategists. Target the enemy supports with your passive, and to help the your vanguards against other vanguards, but make sure to keep an eye on the charge. It is very easy to waste it by accident. If you’re surrounded, use your reflect to look for a teammate. Once it runs out, immediately pull yourself out. Your reflect can protect you against all one-shot ults. Your Ult isn’t really for damage, but it can be VERY helpful in certain situations. Remember, you are not a vanguard. Also, you CANNOT beat that Jeff. Leave him alone.

Playing against: In my experience, Mr. Fantastics LOVE to chase. If you can, block any exit he has. He does not have the mobility to get out. His Reflect lasts 3 seconds, watch to see if he uses it. He’s vulnerable once it’s gone.

Just got to Diamond on Star Lord a few days ago so hopefully I’m good enough to give solid advice.

Playing as him: Utilize your barrage *a lot*. You don’t want to start fights with it, but if a DPS or Support has already used their movement or stun ability to counter you, use it as soon as they are roughly half HP or below. Don’t be afraid to spam it if you’re in just a straight up team fight either. It’s also great for building ult charge, if you can pull it off against a group of enemies you can get 15% ult charge off it alone. This is especially something you want to prioritize if something like a Luna ult is up and you can’t kill anyone anyway. You just have to be careful when you go for it, and you definitely don’t want to do it every fight or anything.

Playing against him: No matter what character you’re playing, stick to your team as much as possible. Star Lord excels at picking people off that are out of position, including in his ult, so your positioning against him is going to be your biggest weapon. If he can’t safely get in to pick off a healer or DPS, he’s as good as useless.

If you’re in an area with a high ceiling, don’t try chasing the Raccoon. Especially if you’re melee. I’m only Plat, so maybe other players are just a lot better at it, but I’ve wasted so much of a diver’s time just running up walls and raining healing balls down on my teammates while the diver tries desperately to reach me.

The tip is get good at crawling on walls and doing your rocket dash straight upwards.

I play Rocket.

You can contest the point so easily if everyone is dead by just being a weasely little shithead, so long as the enemy team isn’t running no-skill characters in terms of aim like moon knight or squirrel girl.

AoE also wrecks him when perched on groot since you don’t need to aim at him specifically.

Rocket, and kill the brb. Alternatively ko Rocket, cause his brb will then despawn.

For playing as him, for the love of god hide the brb. Too often I see other Rockets throw it out in the middle of the battlefield, right where the enemy team can see it. Find a corner or another sort of hiding place that’s near the fight, in a spot where the enemy team can’t easily see it. And make sure to move it either when it gets spotted or if you’re on a payload map and the payload is moving. You can hit the button again to recall it wherever you are. If it’s full health, you’ll just get a 5 sec cooldown. If it’s damaged, it’ll have a longer cooldown based on how much health it’s missing, so if it’s almost destroyed you’re sometimes better off letting it be. When it starts respawning a team mate it’ll become invulnerable and then disappear after respawning them. This is another reason to hide it, actually: so your team mate doesn’t immediately die again. Throwing it (and the ammo boost for Bucky and Punisher) out literally whenever it’s off cooldown is best. Tho with the ammo boost make sure there’s actually a fight going on and your Bucky/Punisher is near you. Pairing it with your ult can allow your team mate to score a bunch of kills. The ammo boost does not help Punisher’s turret, so save it for when the turret goes down.


Tip: Need to play aggressive on the front line, but still at least shoulder to shoulder with your tank, always buff your DPS.

Against: If she’s out of position or not doing damage she’s in trouble and can’t heal, hooking her in is trouble.


You don’t have to play only a flank playstyle, Magik has a lot of sustain and can hold her own in a frontline exchange when you properly portal and play cover. The flank can work just fine but it’s not always the best play.

When facing a Magik watch for two portals or if she dashes too far into the backline then all in on her, also shoot her demons they do a lot more damage than you might guess

Cap. Don’t panic, you’re probably not going to die and I’m just trying to distract you from the real threat.

I play Thor, if think the best way to beat and play him is yo make him overextend and don’t overextend. It’s very easy to want yo guard down kills as Thor cause his mobility and damage is pretty good but if he gets too far from his healers his survivability takes a hit.

So far I have 30hrs with Black Widow and as far as playing her I’d say learn how to play very aggressive with her, utilizing her no scope is very important and learning her shoot, kick, chamber, stun, shoot combo against dive characters is key. Countering her I’d say I struggle most against Magik because her one shot combo is the hardest to stop, Cap is very annoying because he stops you from focusing other squishies but he doesn’tever really kill you. Other dive characters are annoying but if you learn her combo nobody is too hard to stop

Bonus tip: anytime you can get a mantis on your team worship them, they bring widow from being a C tier character to being IMO an A tier character.

I’m not seeing any Luna mains so here goes:

For: don’t automatically activate clap if you see an enemy’s health is low. You get more damage with standard headshots.

Against: she is much easier to target in the backline than other healers like C&D. If you notice she used her freeze to self-heal, she’ll be vulnerable so strike then.

Mantis main: Get used to using your sleep spore. It’s not much because it’ll pause an enemy for a second allowing for people to get a couple of free shots off. And if you’re attacking Mantis, bait her sleep spore, if she doesn’t have it she’s done because by the time it comes back she’ll most likely be dead

I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groot.

captain america main and one tip is to keep running no matter what happens and their back line only survives if you let it

playing against him is if you see him retreating make sure everyone is focusing him because if he gets away you know he’s coming right back

for moon nights ultimate always use it when there’s at least 3 enemies together

As Strange, get use to the mechanics of popping your shield up between shots, or using your melee when up close. Use natural cover to reload/get your health back up, you have 3 seconds to pop your E before anti-heal activates. Try to pop your ult on squishes/supports, even if you only get one support, it helps so much especially if they’re a CD or Luna.

Against Strange, longer ranged characters can bully him because of his slow projectiles. Try to shred through his shield, force him to fly away from engagement so he’ll have no movement options for awhile.

i’m a shit plat Star Lord main, 2 tips for playing him is “utilize your fast movement to take/control high ground and off angles” and “play by natural cover/don’t fly in the wide open if you can avoid it.” with Star Lord’s high damage and his kit you can get in and out of the enemy teams back line before they even realize you’re there, also you should be able to counter a Storm and Iron Man easily.

Some tips to play against Star Lord “if you’re playing as a support save your ult to count his,” Star Lord has in my opinion one of the best ults in the game. If you’re playing Clock and Dagger, Invisible Woman, Luna Snow, And (i believe Mantis) your ults can out heal his damage. Now for other hero’s, try to save your abilities for after you bait out his rolls, most Star Lord will use there rolls just to reload and it is such a waste, the I frames you get with them are very forgiving so if you have a high burst ability such as Dr Strange’s aoe you want to make sure the Star Lord doesn’t have his rolls.

like i said i’m a shit plat player and these are vary basic tips, if anyone has better please share!!!

Edit: Also if you’re playing Star Lord, use his barrage as a finnishing tool, get an enemy low and use it to secure the kill, do not use it to to open a fight, one of my favorite things to do when in a mirror match with another Star Lord is to punish them for using the barrage to early.


Tip for: Lie in the ban screen and say that your team is banning hulk

A real tip is to only use your bubble aggressively if you’re all in, otherwise it’s best to use it as escape option as even the smallest cc ruins your jump out.

Tip against: Don’t play mind games with your stuns and just use them, as most of the time the Hulk will be holding their bubble to get out.


Tip: You’re the team’s Yo-yo. You essentially will drop in their backline, try to take out at least one supporter, and jump back to your healers, make sure to only dive completely with all your cooldowns and save one of your dashes to escape more easily.
Another tip would be to cover your own divers, play with your Psylocke, Iron Fist, BP or Magik, giving them a shield before running away.

Against: Play Peni or Namor, i swear it’s a nightmare to play against them.

Im a GM1 Fantastic main. Some tips playing as: Make sure to be aware of what your teammates healthbars are at and to use your E ability to give them shield. Spend as much time as possible in your big state unless you need range damage for a certain scenario. He is pretty much like a tank at times. Also make sure to be in his big state when youre ulting, youll have way more health. His ult is also just way more for disruption than pure damage, but you can still use it effectively. If you use it in a hallway, youll hit the ceiling faster and can eliminate the enemies quicker. He isnt really a dps thats selfish, like you actively have to be in the frontlines with your tanks trying to help push the objective instead of like a punisher type character that can sit back from a distance and still do damage.

Biggest tip for playing against, ranged dps characters are good, and punisher with his shotgun can kill you quickly in your big state cause your hitbox is huge. Also make note of when fantastic uses his ability that reflects damage, because if you catch him off guard and he doesn’t have it as a last resort and he doesnt have much buildup to his big mode then you can kill him pretty easily.

Basically playing fantastic well is constantly managing your buildup to your big mode and balancing it also with situations where ranged damage is better. Hes a really fun character to play and I always get flamed immediately for picking him but I end up with mvp with him a lot so I must be doing okay with him lol

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