we needed dr.๐Ÿ  during the pandemic๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ™

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And it wouldnt even turn out to be covid

The world needs bat bites to live

Turns out covid was actually lupus, transmitted by kissing a 12yr old

He would have that cure by Saturday morning but only after 20-25 vicodins.

Heโ€™d walk into the meeting room say โ€œyep thatโ€™s covid case solved, boringโ€ and then let them die

He would cure you
but only after bringing you to the brink of death , cutting open your skull and performing 90 more unecessery tests

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unless you can sex it to death, House wins

Apartment would solve it in 10 minutes but act like he didn’t so he can teach foreskin a lesson about why he’s black

Is it too late to say that Dr. Commieblock doesn’t actually make cures for diseases and only diagnoses them?

Meredith would cry like she always cry when I turn on TV with that show.

He would realize Covid is actually an ancient disease brought back by climate change and he’d send Chase and Foreman to dig ancient sites and find a cure on some ancient tablet

The real question is who would get fired first, Hate Crimes MD or Insurance Fraud MD


Doctor medicine drug

Who the fuck is Meredith Grey?

house would pop a lot more than 6 vicodin and refuse to work on it at all. did they take the stupid drug

Hell 6 Vicodin may be the cure for COVID

True this

Diagnosis: Psychosomatic.

House is a diagnostician not a vaccinologist he would poke the patient in the lung with his cane and go “you have covid you’re gonna die”

House is a diagnosis especialist, not a medical researcher.

People don’t even understand what the fictional doctors they’re fans of do…

Neither of them is a researcher. They’re not the kind of doctor that develops a vaccine

I mean… we needed to stay at our DOMICILES during the pandemic… Dr. Home would be great, obviouslyย 

House had a specialty in infectious disease so he’s suited to the task.

Bro would’ve sent Foreman straight into that Wuhan lab.

Do a CT scan and call me when nothing shows up

House would diagnose it correctly. Grey would find the cure.

Are you stupid just use covid drug. And stupid drug for you since you are STUPID.

Don’t even play. House would find the origin of COVID.

Vicodin lasts like 4-6 hours so I think he’d probably be taking 6 more than once on Thursday to get that done lol

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