Senate votes 52-48 to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as health secretary

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USA gonna be the bird flu epi-centre.

We are the stupidest country to this date 



11 years as a paratrooper and two college degrees and I can’t even get a job doing security.

This dead eyed fucking raisin gets put in charge of our nations health.

Our confirmation process is seriously/fatally flawed.

Right now, seemingly anyone can be nominated for Cabinet positions. The confirmation hearings seem to have a default assumption: “Unless we can find something really, really damning about this person, he/she will be confirmed.”

This is completely backwards.

The default assumption for all confirmation hearings should be: “Confirmation will be denied, unless the nominee can demonstrate that they are exceptionally well qualified (more so than any other potential candidates), and have exactly zero character flaws, legal problems, or other entanglements that would compromise their ability to fill the nominated position.

Want to know the part that worries me?

Many of the Republican senators know that this man is an absolute moron. Under a president like (either) Bush or even Reagan, some of them would’ve voted against him.

But they ALL fall in line under Trump. No matter how ridiculous his proposals are, they bend the knee and kiss the ring.

Whether you like Trump or not, it’s not a good thing to establish a tradition of the president having both the legislature and the supreme court bowing to their will.

Polio and Measles for all!

We’re fckd

Yea we’re cooked

Yup. And Linda McMahon will be confirmed to Dept of Ed and bye-bye what’s left of American education

H-1B Visas will also expand and bring in qualified immigrants solely to pay cheaper labor, and have more stringent control over their very lives. Qualified and educated Americans cost a bit more, and de-facto President Musk wants people to ♫ owe [their] soul to the Company store ♫

Me, disabled: guess I’ll just die?

Hey remember when people came up with all sorts of excuses not to vote for Kamala?

And the one single Republican who voted against the nomination is Mitch McConnell. When the heck did his gears start turning?

Enjoy your sky high child mortality rates. You voted for them.

Dear Americans… for the love of fuck, get your shots. And give your kids EVERY shot under the fucking sun.

This department (HHS) should now be renamed, “Hell and Human Suffering”

Absolutely wild. I just can not believe this is where we are. Very scary times in this country.

When will this stupid game end?… why are republicans so okay with every single thing Trump says and does? This man is not qualified for this position.

I don’t see any perspective other than this is a concerted effort to destroy the country. I don’t see how it’s possible this many senators are dumb enough to see RFK jr as a safe choice. The only reason to appoint or confirm him is that you’re getting something out of it and you prioritize that over the success/excellence of America

My mom and cousin are thrilled. As they put it at Christmas “We will finally get healthy foods and no more preservatives no vaccines for kids!”

What idiots

What a great day to be a pathogen

We’re surrounded by sheep. Stupid sheep. Everyone is going to suffer. People are going to die. And these sad Republicans will never admit they made a mistake.

The dismantling of the US is a difficult thing to watch.
Trump and his people are going to get millions killed. It’s tragic that people voted for this.

Perfect for Trump’s cabinet, an anti vax drug addict. God help us all.

Just in time for the bird flu. If scientists find a vaccine RFK Jr. will try to keep it from us.

Is this the guy who couldn’t admit covid vaccines work? At the congress? Last week or so?

It’s rare to see a human being crafted completely from rawhide and dryer lint.

“Oh hello there!” – H5N1

We’re so incredibly fucked it’s not even funny

As a Brit I can tell you that 52% really shouldn’t be enough to make such big decisions.

A rapist, a felon, and a heroin addict walk into a bar….nope. It’s just a Trump Cabinet meeting. 😖

oh look! the meritocracy has once again elevated a completely unqualified human being to a position of major responsibility!


I’m just wondering why we don’t need 2/3 majority for these confirmations? This is fucking insane.

This country’s downfall will be in a netflix documentary soon

We are literally the dumbest country on the planet.


If this dude didn’t have his last name, he’d be handing our fliers in the park.

Cool. I’m sure this won’t be catastrophic.

This clown cabinet will be epic. The big question is will the US survive it’s descent into fascism.

He’s as qualified as a chocolate teapot…


I remember hearing him interviewed by Lex a while back and thinking “wow, this guy’s really switched on an articulate”. 

That is until he started talking about health when I realised he was an absolute raving lunatic. 

Banana Republic

A guy can then barely talk due to heroin abuse over the years. Good work America! 🤢

Get ready for people to start dying of COVID and Flu. And a surge in measles, mumps, chickenpox. And the scourge of the world Polio, Smallpox.
You will be told that any vaccine is bad for you.
Because as Trump, RFK Jr, and the Republicans have stated, “Don’t believe medical professionals. Only believe us and the people we tell you to believe.”
Please do not push back on this comment unless you have read and understood the hundreds of medical papers on all the vaccines and other drugs.

We’re all gonna die 🙁

Jesus, we are such a dumb and unserious people, a failure of a society.

Don’t get me wrong, “sticking it to big pharma” isn’t something that I’m against, but this isn’t it.

May this be a wakeup call for everyone in this country who thinks it’s OK to just let everyone else vote and/or not get involved themselves. We are going to go through the worst 4 years of science denialism, embrace of pseudoscience and the championing of “someone’s opinion is just as valid as scientific fact.”

Isaac Asimov nailed it:
‘Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’

US senate is fucking useless and all need replaced, in any way possible.

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