Bought my first iPhone and employee kept shaming me into buy Apple Care

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Learn to say “no.” Forcefully, shamelessly, directly, “No.”

“What if it breaks as soon as you step outside?” So that wasnt the reason you also upsold me a case then?

Learning to say no is a powerful skill and saves you from situations like these.

โ€œNoโ€ is a sentence

“With all this talk about AppleCare, you’re making excellent points that this phone is likely to fail. I’ve changed my mind. I’m buying a different phone – elsewhere”

Just say no and be a bit more assertive if necessary itโ€™s really not that deep

I mean, iโ€™ve had an Apple phone for a decade almost and at first I didnโ€™t want the apple care, but now I pay for it because itโ€™s actually very useful. It can save you a lot of money.

I mean… they’re not wrong, it is very expensive to repair because practically, you can’t repair it, but yeah, it’s annoying and having what appear to be subscription service to be (or at least, perceived to be) essential for your iPhone kinda wild

Thatโ€™s a pushy salesperson trying to sell you something. Thatโ€™s not shaming. Say โ€œno thank youโ€ and go on about your day.

Devils advocate, every single time Iโ€™ve ever broken my phone Iโ€™ve wished I had apple care

โ€œThe employee shamed meโ€. Come on, have we gotten this soft? Pathetic.

I used to work at an Apple Store. Two things –

Everyday dozens of people walk in there with broken devices, no Apple care, and are outraged by the prices. It’s Apple, so shit ain’t cheap. I saw someone slam their barely broken iPad onto the floor because the cost of repairs almost equaled a new device.

Secondly – metrics are huge at Apple. And Apple Care is one of the biggest things management pushes onto “Specialists” aka floor salesmen. They may have just had a stern conversation with a leader about their poor numbers OR this is their strategy to rope people in. Scare them. Get better numbers. Get more praise from leaders.

I’m sorry it ruined your experience. Best thing you can do is mention that in their review. You will get an email asking for feedback on your experience, and at Apple, they do take them very seriously. Anything below 5 stars is considered bad. Which is so dumb

Just say no, where does thisยซย shamedย ยป stuff even come from, and an insistent salesman try to sell you something is enough to ruin your day?

Bro chill

When I was in commission electronics sales many moons back, we were pressured to sell warranty. In fact, warranty was called, “the beef”, because selling the product was just gravy. We got a high percentage commission, and it was a moneymaker for the company.

I never did great with the warranty sales , I just skated by usually. I always had trouble pushing people to do things I didn’t believe it. Never was any good getting them to do things I DID believe in, for that matter. There were a few items that were a good deal for the customer, and I did well selling warranty on those items.

Some warranties may be worth it, but companies make good money off them in general, so you’ll have to decide what’s a value and what isn’t. Knowing all this, now you’ll know why they push it so hard – the company makes them, and in commission situations, sales people may get paid well for it.

I love apple care. It saved me from pay a huge amount of money for a battery and screen replacement.

I never understood how others blame someone for “making them” buy something.

You just say no as many others stated. Why do you feel an obligation because some stranger is telling you to spend more?

Dude get a grip heโ€™s a salesman heโ€™s supposed to try to get you to give in did you just land on earth ?

This is the wussiest timeline

Imagine being bullied by an Apple Store employeeโ€ฆ. Grow up

“If you try to sell me Apple Care again, if you even mention Apple Care again, I’ll walk out of the store, go home, have a nice cup of tea, and make a formal complaint about you, ok?”

I mean thats your fault.

I’m sorry for your loss.

I mean I hate upselling and he is an ass for coercing but I would honestly recommend apple care if youโ€™re clumsy in the slightest. Itโ€™s saved my butt a few times

I feel like this is on you saying no isn’t that hard it’s one sylabal

its nice for the peace of mind. i even got it for an old refurbished ipad pro. i only got it for like $350 and felt dumb paying $5 a month for it until the screen shattered and got it replaced with an M4 ipad pro.

lol mad at the employee for their own inability to say โ€œnoโ€.

Come see me when youโ€™re ready to buy a new car.

You got shamed? Lmao

Lack of spine is the infuriating part

Learning to say no is a valuable skill. Learn it now, while you’re still young.

It is the job to upsell you, and I’m sure that they were told to do it as a priority.

However, this is one time when they were also correct. You basically have to be crazy to not have some kind of replacement or insurance policy on a cell phone. Accidents happen and things can fail and you don’t want to end up being a person walking around with massively cracked screen for years because there’s nothing you can do about it.

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