“On day one, I’ll slash prices” – Trump

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Sadly MAGA will never hold this guy accountable for all his lies.

The biggest thing he said there is โ€œno more rippoffsโ€ then shortly after eliminates the consumer finance protection. ย Get ready for the ripoffs and it wonโ€™t be Hogans shirt.ย 

Well, that didnโ€™t age well

But anybody with more than a couple braincells knew it wouldnโ€™t.

I get trump. He is just a kid who was never allowed to be told he was wrong or failed. No one ever corrected him and if he wrote 2 plus 2 equals five on a math test his private tutor was paid to praise his genius for finding an innovative answer instead of telling him the truth. So, he has massive delusions of grandeur and anyone can lead him around by the nose by complimenting him.

What I don’t get is why the fuck so many people buy into his delusions of grandeur? He’s still the kid who pissed himself and then talked about how he is the ‘bestest in the world at bladder control.”

Something similar was said about bringing jobs back to the US during his first term, but they did not come back.

Same shit, different toilet – these folks eat his shit up like the sheep that they are.

There will be no more rip offs. Proceeds to commit billion dollar rip off days before talking office.

Wow, the known liar and conmanโ€ฆ lied? ๐Ÿคฏ What a shocker.

The only price he’s slashed is the amount he can be bought for


MAGA Man- โ€œWhat is a day really? Itโ€™s nothing but a construct man, created by liberal elites to control the Common Man. A day could be a month. It could be six months, a year. Doesnโ€™t matter, Trump got our back!โ€

Had had gone up .40 in one week where I live.ย  ย We are are deeply red county in CA, that surprisingly produces a lot of oil.ย 

He’s like the kid who promises extra recess and free pizza parties if you vote for him for class president, and then your teachers have to explain all the reasons that’s never going to happen.

Its almost like he was just saying what people wanted to hear in order to get their vote.

MAGATS are gullible fools easily persuaded by empty rhetoric. They will never blame their messiah for anything that looks bad or goes wrong. Sadly, it will take the deaths of these fools to remove that.

He liedโ€”he lies a lot

Speaking of scams…

Iโ€™m sure they forgot that he said that.

Went from โ€œon day oneโ€ to โ€œone day, maybeโ€

Heโ€™s still working on that โ€œdictator on day oneโ€ thing.

It was never about groceries. That was their cover after Project 2025 got uncovered. Itโ€™s always been about grabbing power and hurting the โ€œothersโ€.

Would love to see this posted in the conservative sub. I guess they would just delete it or insist it was fake.

So… is your head spinning now? Because… you know… well… he slashed price sooooo fast…

The longest first day ever.

Well in his defense it’s taking longer than one day to be a dictator.

Maga: The libs got so owned! We all have to pay higher prices instead of we all have to pay lower prices. Take that!

How many day ones should we give him? I say 3. Wait looks like 3 have already passed. He failed

he is a nazi

I’m more capable of slashing grocery prices than Trump, if only because I know how to print barcodes.

What day are we on?

It’s day 24, what’s up?

Are heads spinning yet?

I think what he meant was on day one he’ll own the liberals at any cost.

He meant โ€œone day Iโ€™ll slash prices โ€œโ€ฆ.

Guys, guys, guys. Listen, I tโ€™s gonna take time. At least Google Maps changed the name of the Gulf of Mexico. And thank goodness for that, Iโ€™ve been troubled by that issue for quite sometime.

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