Time to Wake Up: Europe Must Unite and Become a Real Superpower

By m4sr4
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I don’t know if becoming a superpower but it definetely needs to unite instead of depending on an schizophrenic ally.

I like the fact that img is brass knuckles with spikes, super illegal in all countries in the EU.
EU, time to get out the brass knuckles !!!

When I was younger, in my 20’s, I used to oppose federal EU. Now..as I get older, lets do it. EU needs to be our continents super power.

Let’s do it, but let’s do it WITHOUT fascism or dictatorships.

Let’s start by directly electing the President of the EU Commission.

Unite? The continent is full with russian trojan horses. Namely Orban, Fico and other scums.

F### Russia and f### Trump

European leaders must start growing a spine first.

But with Workerโ€™s rights, right? Right?

I may be a proud German, but I am also a proud european.

Let’s do it!!!

Fun fact : in french, brass knuckles are named “coup-de-poing amรฉricain” (american punch) so i stared a long time at the picture trying to parse it.

Reddit armchair generals at play again.

Europe better unite because mother Russia is knocking at your door.

Europa Caput Mundi!! United and Unbreakable.

Enough is enoughโ€”how many more humiliations do we have to swallow before we open our eyes and realize that Europe, as it stands, is a giant with feet of clay? We need a united, federal Europe, with a single constitution, uniform laws, a unified tax system, and above all a shared military. No more of this bickering like a squabbling condo board. If we want to truly matter on the world stage, we have to act as one bloc.

Dependence on the USA? Thanks, but no thanks. For years we have lived in Americaโ€™s shadow, meekly accepting their dictates and demands. Itโ€™s time to cut that umbilical cord and grow into a self-sufficient power. If we donโ€™t do it, we will keep letting them set the agenda, reduced to mere pawns on a chessboard controlled by Washington and Moscow.

Speaking of Moscow: Trump and Putin have already made a deal to weaken Europe. They are fully aware that economically and culturally we are a sleeping giant, and they are doing everything they can to keep us fragmented. They have even unleashed Elon Musk to manipulate and destabilize key countries like the UK and Ireland, sowing confusion and disorientation. Their end game? Leave Eastern Europe at Moscowโ€™s mercy and isolate the core of the continent so they can carve up spheres of influence across the region.

The United Kingdom must come back to this vision of a united Europe, forget Brexit and the mirage of independence. London should recognize that outside the EU, it becomes an easy target for Washingtonโ€™s maneuvers. The same goes for every country left out or that has not joined yet: either form one genuine continental bloc or remain isolated, acting as vassals to the worldโ€™s dominant powers.

We must act now, or we will go on being those nice Europeans who preach democracy and cooperation while everyone else pulls the rug out from under us. It is time to show the world that Europe can not only compete but surpass everyone else. We have the history, culture, brains, and resources: stop scattering ourselves in a thousand directions and come together under one flag, one federal parliament, one army, and one common strategy across all frontsโ€”economic, technological, environmental, and military.

If we do not want to fade into irrelevance, we have to choose to become a real superpower. There is no more time to hesitate; the game is on now. And if we do not want others deciding our future, we need to grab the helm quickly. Europe has waited long enough: either we unite and show we are stronger than the US and Russia combined, or we accept a bit part on the global stageโ€”and that makes me sick to my stomach.

Letโ€™s do it, right now. Weโ€™re tired of hearing that we are potentially an economic adversary. We are an economic adversary already, all thatโ€™s missing is stepping up and acting like a power. Do we need unity? Yes, and immediately. Enough with Brexit, enough with these little homelands: the European Union must become a single Federal State, with clear rules; we already share a currency, now we need the rest. If we want to break free from Washington and Moscowโ€™s grip, thatโ€™s the only way.

Why havenโ€™t we done it yet? Good question. Maybe thanks to private interests, or politicians pretending to defend national interests while they only look out for themselves. Or maybe because of old fears left over from past centuries. Enough, wake up. United, we can be the greatest power on the planet without submitting to anyoneโ€™s games. Whoever doesnโ€™t believe it, feel free to stay behind; but donโ€™t complain later if a Trump or a Putin ends up calling the shots on our own turf.

Instead of taking it passively, Europe needs to roll up its sleeves and become a superpower, now. Yes, now, in every language, in every dialectโ€”the key word is now. Not ten years from now, not after history has already decided for us. We make history, and we need to make it today.

For this to happen, Western Europe must allow Eastern Europe to take a sit at the table.ย 

You know what I mean.

No more – โ€œuntermenschโ€-ing EE.

Then we will be unstoppable.

We need military power (and soft power). We cannot let Trump *negotiate* peace in Ukraine with the outcome that Ukraine has to give up territory to a country with a GDP comparable to Spain. If that gets through we become irrelevant.

So either we step up and give Ukraine everything they need or we have to send troops there ourselves and make it clear for once and for all that Russia can fuck itself and go back or that we are willing to burn everything to the ground. Whatโ€™s the purpose of dying slowly and being crushed in between Russia/China and the USA? We are the continent of freedom. Of human right. Of ideas.

Negotiations are the wrong way.
*You cannot #reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth*

Europe is already a super power!! We just need to start bragging about it like the US also used to do!

In fact; looking at the US, it is rapidly evolving into a third world country, loosing the majority of its allies.

Avengers Assemble

Well, let’s start by leaving NATO and making a European army.

We need a global union of countries who are tired of “superpowers” doing whatever they want.

Unity is strength.

Real superpower.


I keep saying that.

Absolutely. ๐Ÿ‘

If Hungary etc. blockade such ideas, create sub-federations that donโ€™t include them. Go EU!

No chance. Russia and China may remain calm.

They had a chance after the SU fall, but big daddy said no. Now that train is gone.

europe can never be united like USA is and that is the main reason why it will never be a superpower. Not till few rich countries stop taking advantage of poor ones that is

I want to see Von der Leyen in gleaming armour while shouting: “I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You.”

Yes!!!! And let’s get a joint strategic nuclear deterrent when we are at it.

Do it !!!

Let UK back in, build the dream!

Bring Canada in on that.
U.S. can stand alone.

Make EU great again!

I always thought Europe and other countries and entities relying on the United States (either militarily or economically) should have a plan on if (and when) the US fell, either entirely or at least from the role of global superpower.

I don’t know if a federated Europe would or should be such a plan, but considering this scenario, where both the US is (intentionally?) falling economically and rising against Europe militarily, a truly united Europe could be at least strong enough to fight back.

Where is the article?

I don’t see any link, just a random image.

Anyone have a link to the article?

Listening to J.D. Vanceโ€™s comments today, itโ€™s evident that the USA is trying to dismantle EU. We are implementing laws and requirements for businesses that are harming the American companies, so Trumpโ€™s government is trying to bring up feelings of recentment towards unified Europe.

We need to fight against that shit. EU is the one beacon of hope, albeit a poor one, for the future of this godforesaken planet. If EU whithers and dies, then its all gone to hell everywhere.

I love you guys, we need each other now more than ever before.

We would be the largest economy if we federalised

Enough. Time to take out Putin. Do it Europe.

Canโ€ฆcan Canada come too? Please?

lets face it, it wont happen. Not with these weak leaders. Only poland knows the threat the rest is hellbend on stupid nonesense (which i will not write here)

The internet is so weird now.

Europe has always been a real superpower. Just was vibing for a few years


EU must indeed learn to deliver in terms of muscle powers, but in turn they must cut down on the useless things. Namely, the insane and unneeded overregulation that is killing small businesses and worsening our competiveness compared to US and China

Get offline. Organize.

Time to wake up was like 4-5 years ago

This has been my saying for years, long before Trump 2.0 (once again…) shat the bed.

It’s unity or bust. Only united does Europe stand a chance to defend its interest on the world stage. We need to stand on our own feet, hold our heads high, not be dependent on anyone for anything. We need to be strong and independent, so nobody can bully us or make decisions for us.

Long live a united and free Europe, the bastion of hope in a world of autocratic shitholes.

We love vacations too much its finito.

Sadly being a super power is similar to being a billionaire:

– you have to be a psychopathic egocentric person, or brainwashed to think money and power over well being is the objective of life.

– Similarly, without overworking and feverish nationalism, it’s hard to push to superpower in nation-wise levels.

Europe is quite ahead due to centuries of doing exactly that. But not anymore. It’s like asking the guy of myspace to do it again, he doesn’t care, he’s chilling.

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