Should Canada become the 51st state? A survey

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I would like to see the same survey today. December 10 seems so far away now.

This is more “yes” than I would have expected, actually.

The fact we’re even having this conversation is wild.

Strap in for a wild four years, everyone.

Even if Canada did merge with the US, it would surely be states 51-60, plus three new territories

This was taken Dec 10 before all the tariff announcements

I wonder how becoming France’s 19th region would poll in Québec

Why combine Manitoba and Saskatchewan?

can we get one from the US side? state by state?

Why would it only be one state? I know as a whole the population is smaller than California but North and South Dakota get to be 2 states and I think they have smaller populations than Delaware or Rhode Island. Each Province should be a state (if this were to happen, but I don’t think it should. The US is trash and blue states should join Canada)


I want Vermont as an 11th province and Alaska as a 4th territory.

The USA can give Puerto Rico and Samoa State status so they still have 50.

I thought I had cleaned up my FB feed during the pandemic of all the dumbest people, but lately the number of people who have been posting things like “Maybe we should hear trump out on this” or “You know we will be better off in the long run if we just bent over now” is getting high enough that I think I need to do more purging.

The fact some said yes☠️

13% of people can get right fucked.

Alberta is wildin’

Seems like the women are smarter!

(i think we knew that already lol)

Disgusted that there are 7-19% saying yes.

I vote for the US to become the 11th province of Canads

Who in Canada is looking at US and saying yes lol?

The nos got to be higher. Virtually everyone I met cringes and is even offended by the idea.

Atlantic Canada showing their stripes. Proud of yall

Gee do you think maybe the 13% Canadian yes vote is predominantly wealthy business owners looking to shift their tax burden to the working class?

I’m surprised Quebec isn’t 95% against. Maybe they don’t cherish the French language as much as I thought.

Let’s make canada greater again by shipping those 10 to 15 % to merika

What the fuck Canada?? How is there ANY percentage in favor of this idiocy??

American posting, from Duh-loserville, Minnesucka. I can only DREAM of going to Canada & farting on Amerikkka’s head.

Better question: should X state become a Canadian province? Fill in your own blank.

I’m surprised the percentage for “yes” is even above 5%

Typical “Yes” response: Heuu, why not?

Typical “No” response: Under my dead body! Aux armes!!

13% of people are idiots, or super rich assholes

How many US states would like to become provinces?

One more proof that women are smarter.

What the hell are those 13% smoking?

(Also women outpacing men in their “no” answers. “I see y’all’s anti-abortion laws and maternal mortality rates. No, thanks!”)

To even consider annexation is permanently unforgivable. Orange felonious turd better tread carefully.

Canada would just be economically pillaged by the elites

So many traitors

Part of the problem is that survey takers are asking ridiculous questions like this at face value. Same with the Gulf of America nonsense. Questions like these should be laughed out of the room, but here we are.

Deport all of those who said yes!

Anyone in favor of Trump’s BS should remember that these are not people who would willingly or peacefully join the US.

It’s crazy 13% voted yes.

Ontario is one of the biggest importers to the United States. The idea of doing anything to even sort of bother the people of Ontario and the leadership in Canada is the most asinine thing that I’ve ever heard.

Should the west coast join Canada? Sounds like a better idea.

They should rephrase the question

“Do you want to give up your Canadian healthcare plan and replace it with nothing?”

No I’d rather the USA become the 11th province. Finally get us some fucking health care.

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