AIO? Sent pizza to my bfs work for Valentine’s Day and he was upset.

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holy shit that’s mean LOL

He’s an asshole, if my girlfriend did this for me it would make my day. He seems like a dickhead. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your Valentine’s Day though!

You’re not overreacting, he is. Now you have to wonder if one of his coworkers is his sidepiece that he doesn’t want to know about you.

He doesn’t want his work GF to know he has GF already. He’s a total jerk.

He has a sidepiece at work. Getting a pizza send to work on Valentine’s is only a problem if you have another Valentine at work.

(And don’t get me started on the disrespect)

You broke up with him? RIGHT?

Look at your valentine’s day message vs his response. Not over reacting and I’d dump him

He doesn’t care. Compare the original Valentine’s Day text between you two.

Should seriously cut it here, would save your heart a whole lot of heartache in the future.


Send him a singing telegram at work with balloons and flowers and have them dump him for you.

In Italy we say “god sends the bread to the toothless one”

He doesn’t want someone to know he’s taken.

He’s fucking someone at work. NO

Nah! He’s definitely fucking someone at work or trying to and doesn’t want them to know he’s in a relationship.

Literally, gift him a break up. He doesn’t love you

He is very much overreacting. If nobody has food allergies, this is a very kind gesture that you went out of your way to plan for to make that happen. If somebody did this for me it would absolutely make my day.

Bro if my girlfriend did this for me I’d cry and be showing it off. He’s a cheating asshole. Dump him

Girl, send the pizza to my place next time and I will even write you a hand decorated thank you note <3
Dump that dude.

Ohhhhh I would pick that pizza up and never talk to this person again.

Nah he’s being a dick. I would be wondering why. Is he married maybe and worried his work colleagues will tell her.. if someone sent me pizza at work I’d be buzzing happy.

Did he give you anything for valentine’s other than that dry ass text back?

there’s a reason he didn’t want his coworkers to see a heart shaped pizza sent to him, and whatever the reason is you should dump him for it

NOR. I dated someone who didn’t like receiving gifts, which is totally fine, but unless this was something your boyfriend explicitly asked you not to do before, he’s a dick for refusing to accept it. Turning down free pizza for any reason is weird, honestly.

NOR. You’re under reacting to dating an asshole

Hmmmmm, wonder if he didn’t want some female he works with seeing that heart shaped pizza, why else would he NOT accept that loving gift from you? I’d be wondering wtf was up with him. I also would have asked, who else would have sent you a heart shaped pizza HONEY?

He’s trying to hide you from someone at work. I would dump him

Not over reacting at all. To not claim a pizza you paid for shows massive disrespect. He should have at least accepted it and talked to you about not doing it in person later on.

Whatever reasons he has for not liking to receive stuff (As if this happens so frequently he has a hard rule about hating it), him straight up saying he isn’t even going to claim it is wildly disrespectful.

Man shook his work wife gonna start questioning him.

Da fuq? I also don’t like how he didn’t say he loved you back in response to the first text lol

You’re not being a baby. Your idea was cute af and he’s lucky a girl like you gave him a chance!

Who the hell gets mad over being sent a pizza from their gf?

I will take it, where does this dick work?

Unless he gave a SUPER solid reason why he doesn’t “like things being sent to me” I would be suspicious as hellllllll. ‘Cause who acts like this over a sweet gesture??

Wow what a tool, he’s the ass in the situation 100%

Even if he doesn’t intend to claim it, why would he tell you that? Just to be mean, no other reason.

How long have you been dating?

This guy sucks.

NOR. Not liking stuff being sent to your workplace is one thing, but not even claiming it is another. Why won’t he claim it? Does it make him feel embarrassed? Does it make him feel like he’ll be seen as unprofessional? Does he not want his workplace to know he has a partner? There’s so many questions and no answer until he elaborates on why he doesn’t even bother claiming it. You’re allowed to feel upset about his actions

Him preemptively telling you he’s not going to collect it is telling on himself.

There is no reason for him to hurt your feelings like this unless he’s hiding something.

I dated a guy like this. It was weird

Not being a baby, him not wanting things to be sent is whatever, but not going to claim it is a dick move. Sorry for this OP, it was really sweet and I’d take a heart shaped pizza in a heartbeat!!!

He’s a dick for not claiming it. Curious, though… what type of atmosphere does he work in? Is it an office, or is he a mechanic or something and works with a bunch of “bros?”

Wth is wrong with this guy

I never comment on these things but PLEASE DUMP HIM. My heart actually hurts for you. This is so mean and there is probably a reason he doesn’t want work people to know it’s for him. You deserve SO MUCH BETTER. Also he didn’t give you an I love you back on Vday morning?? Jesus. He sucks. NOR.

Your BF is such a lame.

You’re very sweet and hopefully you can find someone to not only appreciate what you do, but also reciprocate it.

I understand possibly not liking the attention it would bring at work but comments like that should be kept to themselves. He might have a work thing with someone else going on or maybe he just isn’t that in to u

This is grounds for ghosting , what an asshole lol , send it to me next time OP I’ll claim it in a second

That was super nice of you to do…. He is a huge dick I am sorry. You deserve better

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