Gulf of Mexico currently winnings the vote at my local Vancouver coffee shop Amoka ❤️

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Put a tooney in there for me

Remember freedom fries?

Neither does anyone else.

This isn’t sticking.

I’ve spent almost my entire life within walking distance of the Gulf of Mexico. There’s nothing that will make me think of it by any other name, lol

I don’t give a hoot what the Trump Administration calls it now. To me IT IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE The Gulf of Mexico. It’s a shame he’s spending time on this type of shit when there are REAL issues to deal with.

Gulf of Mexico always. This crap is not what we all want. Please Believe Me.

These people know how to get tips 

Someone on tik tok said something that’s perfect. If the right has no problem switching and calling it the gulf of America, they should have no problem calling trans people by their preferred name.

Fuck the gulf of america…and I’m from the states.

in Vancouver….no shit

It will be changed back as soon as he leaves office!

Need to focus on the bigger issues.

As a Texan forever Gulf of Mexico

Throw a $20 in the Gulf of Mexico jar for me. Actually, do me a favor and smash the Gulf of America jar. Thanks!

It’s been my backyard playground for years and I’ll NEVER call it the Gulf of Amer(🤮). It’s the Gulf Of Mexico period dot period!!! It’s only because of Trumps small manhood he does carp like this.

Infinite money glitch.

This is that “freedom fries” bullshit all over again. People will forget about it in the next few months and it’ll go back to how it’s always been.

And it’s not even close. You know, as someone who lives in Texas and is relatively close to the Gulf, I and most people I meet here have always just called it The Gulf. So.. I’ll probably just keep doing that cause everyone knows what that means lol. I am damn sure not calling it.. I don’t even wanna type it out. Ha!

Mexico needs to rename the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Mexico, prs. Don’t change the existing one, just double-down on the stupid.

Let’s really throw things into a state of chaos.

That’s only because Trump voters are all broke from buying all the stupid shit trump sells them. Lol

This is a “do you like trump” poll…in a coffee shop. The results are unsurprising.

I’m a thousand miles away, but if anyone has some spare change, please put it in the Gulf of Mexico glass for me.

Everyone tip in change in Canada??

I mean, it’s Vancouver. Would you expect something different?

I’m ashamed of our country, sorry everyone

All that says is your customers aren’t idiots

Gulf of Mexico for the last 400 years. Corporate whores renamed it for a moron.

Go Canada! As I’m here – is Carney likely or that other twat?

That’s the Vancouver I know.

I mean… Obviously though right? 😅

Milking the hype

Gulf of Canada( upstair neighbors)

It will only be the gulf of America for a little less than 4 hrs! Once the orange 🍊 man goes,they will change it back.

I love democracy

Just imagine the worst case scenario – Gulf of Trump. BTW, just a licensing deal. He’ll have no money on the line.

As it should

Maybe hack a goober into the Gulf of America jar.

As an AMERICAN For me and the world will forever be GULF OF MEXICO

*The feds want to know your location*

As an American I refuse to call it Gulf of America

I was hoping it was Vancouver (not BC), Washington (not DC).

It’s still recognized as Gulf of Mexico in most nations. Only Trump and his minions goes by Gulf of America.

Should have labeled the Gulf of America jar “one loonie” and the Gulf of Mexico jar “five dollars.” Sorry I don’t actually know how much a loonie is but I think its less than a five dollars.

Just wait for when we rename Lake Ontario

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