Alright boys, you know the drill.

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An entire generation or 3 has no clue who Maxwell Q. Klinger was.

My straight ass the moment they announce the draft


to be fair you don’t even have to go thru with a whole operation, you can just identify as what you want to and boom you outta WW3🤣

You realize they’re doing this, so there is no conflict of interest when they send the army to round them up.

I’m just a straight Hispanic dude, but I told my mom about the people mentioning how trans folks are denied passports. Even if they comply. That they’re not being allowed to leave.

Right now, lgbtq people are the canaries in the coal mine.

If you’re not white, doesn’t matter what your preferred gender or orientation is. You’re also on the chopping block. They were just made to go first.

So I can say I have no skin in this, but then I remember this quote:

*“First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me”*

And if you are white, and. Straight, remember that whiteness is a social construct. And white nationalists can decide that you aren’t white based on arbitrary features.

This has me wondering, how long do you think it’ll be before they start forcing prisoners to fight in the army?

This is a real yuck take

If they can come for one group, they can & will come for all groups

It’s time to drop the jokes and pick up some morale

Man remember 2020 when we worried for 5 minutes about WWIII happening and they said “AAAAAAH women are gonna want to work in the kitchen now aren’t they”

Still can’t find the logic in a transgender ban, *in the midst of a recruiting shortage*. But hey, what do I know

This is actually the reason for the stereotype of southeast Asian “Lady boys”. It started as a means of dodging compulsory service and that sort of made it more culturally acceptable to some degree

I mean… either the military or trans “reeducation” camps. Either way you’re going into a meat grinder

I now identify as MtFtM

I give it a few months before they ban women again too.


They also don’t want black people in the military either, DEI prevails after all.

They’re going to be rounding us up soon. I genuinely think this ends with trans people in camps. This is why I’m considering killing myself. It truly will not get better. They’re excluding us from every aspect of life and the military will just go along with it because none of them care enough to disobey orders.

Yeah. Idk. I’m pretty done.

Brothers, y’all don’t have to worry. They want an all-white male military. Wino Hegseth hasn’t said that verbatim, but he has said no women, no transgenders, no gays, no DEI. That just leaves white men. 🤷🏾‍♀️ They don’t have enough white men to fill the military so that’s why they trying to pressure white women to have babies so bad. They need enough white men to fill the miliary AND do the jobs out here. Because the rest of us will be deported.

It’s a stupid assed white supremacist’s fever dream, but that is what they want. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Lower class white men being the mules of the world is in fact their dream. This is why I say the ‘class war’ is white people’s racism. 🤷🏾‍♀️

“Stay tuned” likes it’s fucking album release…Fuck y’all.



I known it’s a joke, but this shit is getting serious. I highly recommend looking up what was happening in Italy and Germany in the late 20s and early 30s in the run up to the WWII. They didn’t really start with the Jews. They actually got rid of everyone from the Center to the left. Prison, violence, and killing by the Brown Shorts that were ignored by Law Enforcement. I fully believe that Republicans will kill gay and transgender people eventually.

“go to Gaza”

“Nah I’m gonna rock this dress”

Poorly thought out policies. When they want to go to war, or want to try another stop loss during another shitty war, they’re going to bleed troops who just declare themselves trans.

Bigots are the dumbest, most short-sighted people on the planet.

OP I think you mean Alright Girls…


Me showing up to the draft

With the way this country is going, if this shit ever comes to a draft, i have a bad feeling that you’d rather sign up than be trans at that point in time.

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