He really doesn’t understand much

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Leon admits for the 10,000th time that he hates the concept of law and order.

Somebody doesn’t understand the meaning of “democracy.”

“If the president isn’t permitted to commit crime, then it’s not a democracy.” Do you see how dumb that sounds?

Leave it to a South African Nazis lecturing us on democracy. Fuck him.

If the president is allowed to do whatever he wants then you live in a dictatorship.

I guess he didn’t notice all the cases of Federal Judges from Texas shutting down attempts by the Dems to do anything

I guess apartheid South Africa didn’t have checks and balances.

Feels like the judiciary won’t let you have any fun?
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50501 Protest on Presidents’ Day. All 50 states @ Your capital. #50501

Some would say he’s, uh, fuhrious about it.

I’ll get my coat.

What Elon’s saying is blatantly false as one of the foundations of a healthy democracy is that *nobody* is above the law, even a President.

Then again, I’m sure he already knows that and is doing his usual spread of misinformation to have his sycophants fight for him.

Dumber than a bag of hair.

Wait till he learns about the Appointment Clause

Hey guys clever comebacks are not going to stop this fascist regime and they know it

If one guy, even one people voted for, can do literally whatever he wants his whole term.the word isn’t “democracy”

Yes you idiot, a democracy is EXACTLY what that is.

I thought these people always liked to play the semantics game of “wE DoNt LiVe iN a DEmoCrACy, wE lIvE iN A RePuBLiC!!1!”

Can’t even figure out what lane they want to ride in with that clown car of theirs.

Y’all need to realize that when you are higher then eagle tiddies on the 4th of July all of the time…you say the quiet part out loud a lot. this dude was never that smart, it’s astounding you all are just figuring this out…

He completely understands. Maga doesn’t and he’s counting on it.

Remember when Obama passed the affordable care act by one vote?

Do they have something similar in SA?

Well, sonny… That’s why they say America has the best judges money can buy… y’all just have to start paying ’em off. Just talk to Mr. Thomas over there on the Supreme Court… now ol’ Clarence, he can take care of your business for y’all. I hear he likes bitcoin now… /s

How is it a democracy if one person can do whatever the ef he wants, should be the question he asks. Presidents are just a part of the democratic system and are no autocrats, he probably thinks democracy=autocracy

I hate the way these nutjobs twist everything to look like they’re being victimised “people won’t just let us do what the fuck we want, it’s a conspiracy!” Fuck off now.

If Elon hates how our Democracy works, then he should go back to Africa.

This is the same guy who thinks c-sections result in babies having larger brains 🤣

Does… does he think some county court judge, district court judge is just yelling “I declare shenanigans!” and everything grinds to a halt? Are we sure Sasha Baron Cohen isn’t behind all this in hysterics?

Conservatives like musk seem to pick and choose when we live in a democracy vs a republic whenever it suits them. They also tend to only care when it affects them negatively or someone dares to complain.

So, are they now saying Biden had every right to eliminate student loans?

He only bought the Executive branch. Product sold “as is.” Alterations made by the consumer may void the warranty. Legislative and Judicial branches each sold separately.

I want this un-american douche out of the whitehouse.

Can we get rid of this ketamine drug addicted, non elected, South African dude?

WE do not. You are FROM another country.

How the fuck this nimrod ever accomplished anything in his life will always be a mystery to me. He might be the real life Forrest Gump.

I mean…did they really not know that when they started doing illegal shit that it would be, specifically, the federal judiciary putting a stop to it?

Also it’s not “all judges everywhere” it’s specifically FEDERAL judges.

This guy is so fucking dumb.

Also the US is NOT a Democracy but a Republic. If we were a Democracy, we wouldn’t have the Electoral College for starters.

This dumbass thinks once you win you can literally change anything you want unfettered lmfao.

Musk knows this. It’s just priming their base for when they do it.

Elon has been getting away with anything in his companys and people keep supporting him, but he cant handle it when someone else can stop him and he frustrated he cant fire them

The South African said what about democracy

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