Revised UNITED-poster from earlier, added some countries I forgot and couple honorary additions.

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I don’t think the Holy See is picking up arms any time soon.

Canada, Australia and New Zealand, my favourite european countries

This is Eurovision all over again, with countries being added left and right

Just kidding ๐Ÿค๐Ÿคฃ

We should start a hashtag or something together and repost it under things that support a more united, independent and stronger Europe.

We need a counter movement to the Far rights with a pro European vision.

Who cares about NATO if we have the ESC
Eurovision Solidarity Coalition ๐ŸŽค

Thats a sick poster, dude!

This is just beautiful!

Hello!? Based department??

Why are the flags mirrored the wrong way?

Everybody that’s moaning about countries being European or not really understands the meaning of the word united.

I really wish europe united one day and show these bully super powers what a real super power nation looks like.

Germany twice? Thx bro

Canada, Australia & New Zealand can into europe

Ah yes, I forgot that Canada, Australia and New Zealand were in Europe.

**In unitare fortitudo!**

Love it!

Europe awake! Fck Trump, fck Putin! Greetings from Croatia

Does it really fight though?

Disco europium

Is this the highest res version, want to print it and put in my flat?

TBF the world would be a much better place and we’d get more done, if we only got off our asses and worked together. Most places are happy to build stronger relationships and improve things.

Stop with this low level war propaganda

As a Turk, I must say that I wish we were not governed by such a government. I would like to be governed by a more transparent, more democratic, more liberal, more integrated government with Europe. Qualified, educated, high-quality Turks are leaving Turkey. We do not think like the government that governs us. Europe and the European Union are our friends and we love the people of the European Union very much.

Ukraine is fighting, the rest of europe are just sitting around clearing out their weapons reserves from the 1960s-1990s

I was looking for Canada last time. Glad you fixed that!


u/EEVERSTI do you have the file and could I have it? Id like to print it out for a protest tomorrow in Berlin.
Kudos for your work

It’s nice to be included but honestly, Ireland does not deserve to be on there. Looks great though.

Look at this, weโ€™ve been included too! Thank you, it looks great.

Mannnn if only

Eu = Epic Utopia

Even Switzerland is part of Europe! Hope we collaborate finally


r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT surrounded by balkans ๐Ÿฅฐ

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง Thanks for including us!

Canada, New Zealand and Australia but no Israel. Let me guess, op is American

An absolute banger, we need a wallpaper version of it

What an excellent piece this is! Kudos. If you are willing; could you remove the bottom text and make it available for print? I believe the message could be even stronger on its own with just UNITED. A lot to ask from a stranger, I know.

The boys wants Roman Empire 2.0?

Really cool poster, wish it was also true.

Hungary doesn’t belong here, they are russian servants at best.

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