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It always cracks me up in movies when there is this pretty girl who nobody notices. She could be half as attractive & 90% of eligible guys would be after her.

80% of most guys standards for finding someone attractive is basically:

– is a woman (optional)

Is that not true of basically every man?

Statistically that’s kinda true at large sample sizes. Men have a much wider range of accepted mates. Women have a much narrower scope of who they would consider getting with. I forget the actual number but it’s like 70/30 approve/disapprove for men and for women it’s like 20/80 approve/disapprove for women. If I remember where I saw these stats years ago I’ll update this later.

Person discovers that big net = more potential fish.

You can be as picky as you want but chances are you won’t have as much luck or fun as others who aren’t.

This is basically me. Which is why all the people I’ve dated have looked nothing alike. They’ve all had very similar personalities though.

It’s called being a man, and yes.

That’s because most girls who are in good shape and in their 20s are attractive.

If she’s in my age range, in decent shape, and not mean, she’s already an 8 out of 10 at least.

This is every man whether or not they like to admit it.

Take a good look around, even the goblinest of people have kids, proving that it doesn’t matter if you are a 1 or a 10, you can score a man anyway.

Most women who are in decent shape are attractive tho…

Could be thinking:

1) I’ll try anything once
2) I figure out if I like her in time, cause I’m not picky and I like most things.
3) I’m not picky, but if they are, I’ll let them say no, but I won’t say no for them.

I find pretty much all men who are in decent shape attractive. So some woman are wired that way too.

A man can be attracted to all types of women, but not necessarily want all types as a partner or mate. There are qualities we desire based on instinct, like facial shape, smell, and sound of voice. These are the things that appeal to our senses the same as food.

Pretty high standards for America.

Don’t even need to be in shape, can you hold a conversation and think/survive on your own then I’m interested, you could be 28 or 40

“Decent shape” that’s the thing. Yes a person who takes care od themselves somewhat and is down to earth sane person is attractive to most people yes…this was never in question.

I find pretty much every woman attractive till I get to know their personality

I get roasted for this all the time but it’s honestly the truth

Of course though there are certain women that don’t apply but that’s because of things out of their control

Men don’t want obese women with poor hygiene?

That would be offensive to me if I didn’t have basic hygiene and didnt take care of myself.

Yeah I’m a girl and I feel the same

I don’t even think me being bisexual has anything to do with it because only 10% of guys seem remotely good looking to me. I had this discussion multiple times because It seems so odd. My conclusion is girls are just inherently prettier

Man unlocked the “zero standards” buff.

America struggles with obesity and its reflected in the dating pool. Even the obese don’t find the obese attractive.

Checklist for women:

6 foot plus
6 pack abs
6 figure salary (high sixes)
7 inch plus penis
Be caring and attentive
Make sure she is sexually satisfied
Pays for everything

Checklist for men:

Don’t be too fat

Not being in decent shape doesn’t bother me. I find most women my age attractive tbh.

This is how it naturally should be

Fuck no, I enjoy the lack of prejudice but you need a filter, mine is based on logical capacity and ability to cultivate mental peace and clarity (and my own ability to reciprocate, if you can’t give that back then you have no business looking for it.) I don’t babysit grown women and I hate needlessly emotional altercations more than I hate being single for the rest of my life.

Welcome to the human race.

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