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Very cool. Can’t wait to never hear about it again.


KAIST researchers found a way to reverse cancer cells back to normal instead of killing them. They identified a “molecular switch” that, when targeted, can push cancer cells out of their malignant state. Early lab tests on colon cancer cells showed success, but it’s still in the research phase. More testing, including clinical trials, is needed before it can become a real treatment.

If they gave me a dollar for every piece of news like this, I would have become a billionaire long ago.

Source ?

They don’t need bodyguards, and let’s stop with the conspiracy theory that suggest pharma doesn’t want to cure diseases, thats why now we end up with somebody as clueless as Kennedy as our Health Secretary, it’s getting old. Plus, this new “discovery” probably won’t work, it’s likely, maybe, just a tiny step in the right direction.

what a moronic thread title.

the publication

[Attractor Landscape Analysis Reveals a Reversion Switch in the Transition of Colorectal Tumorigenesis](

media claims there is a ground breaking discovery to cure cancer every day. because most people are science illiterate, and most people are unwilling to read science.

The results published are primarily computational and a semi-systematic way to identify potential gene targets for cancer therapy.

They did one in vivo experiment on cancer organoids to ‘validate’ their prediction, and it was successful. however, their gene target was already a known cancer gene target. For one to have high confidence in the predictive ability of the system, they would either need to predict a novel target, or have multiple tests, at least one on a predicted known target as well as at least one on a known target that was not predicted.

Then drugs would need to be developed if they dont already exist and tested in humans, just like all the rest of the cancer research pipeline.

The publication seems like pretty good work. it is not ground breaking, and the researchers are not at risk of being assassinated for it. Even if their results were ground breaking, they wouldnt be at risk for being assassinated.

I’m convinced people are just making deliberately fake articles

Why does everyone think that people who discover something new are immediately assassinated?

I love the comments on these types of posts. It showcases how little people actually understand science

Loads of stuff like this gets found out in mice, rats, etc. But never works for humans. That’s the issue.


If they cured cancer, and I wish they did, do you realize how much money / jobs would be lost , don’t think it will ever happen, too much at stake

!remind me 1year

Imagine you’re on a flight and you see these lot on the same plane flying to a conference.

Ah another piece that’s never to be heard about again

Man people are dumb. Nobody is going to harm these people. This technology won’t get buried. It will just be another piece of the puzzle in curing the thousands of different diseases we call cancer.

There’s more money in treating a disease than curing it.

Never should all of you be in the same airliner.

How long until they all get on a plane and it disappears to Diego Garcia

An AI generated image with zero context or ways to verify.


Someone else discussed how this was a bullshit post (earlier) and they had the background to do so. I cannot do this but I do believe this is a bullshit video.

In other news.

“5 Korean scientists have gone missing. missing and authorities are unable to locate them.”

I’m sorry but this “they need bodyguards” line is dumb. We haven’t cured cancer yet because it’s an incredibly complicated problem that’s inherent to the way the systems in our body interact with each other. Not because of some secret missing to suppress cures.

We need to make sure we not on the same plane as of them.

I’ll send a carrier pigeon to avoid secret service

Korean’s life science, hmmm, let’s wait a bit.

Oh yes they do…. Paid for by big pharma

This sounds like one of those “Doctors amazed by….”

The Don sends his regards…

Idk what you on, but I want it too. (plus it is fake news)

I just started watching Common Side Effects.

cancer finds a new cure everyday it seems

And we never hear of them and this research ever again

Sound s like they are living in a world where privacy and safety are serious concerns.

What’s the start of that will smith zombie movie again something about cancer cells being messed with and going horribly wrong…. Ehh it’s probably nothing

They also said they found the cure to baldness in 2017. Im calling bs

Can’t wait to never get this in the US. Or if we do the fix will cost us a million dollars thanks to our lovely healthcare system.

This is so they can get more funding from the billions that is donated to cancer research for things that don’t exist

And good luck it seeing the light of day unless you can afford it and have connections to find it!!!

I wrong a longer comment the last time I saw this story, but basically this title is technically accurate but also extremely misleading.

It’s technical, incremental work—not a “take this pill and your cancer is normal cells again”.

It’s: we computationally identified a few important transcription factors in one particular type of cancer. In cells in a flask that we can easily modify, we saw promising results. (And I believe they concluded with a small mouse study).

There is easily over a decade of work until this yields a viable treatment, even if things go well. It’s not a conspiracy—it’s irresponsible journalism.

like that time korean scientists „discovered“ room temperature superconductors or that other time a korean scientist „discovered“ human cloning

What type of cancer? What time of cells? In vitro?

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