My mom burned all my drawings

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Keep drawing. Thats the answer.

i’m so sorry 🙁 if she keeps doing this maybe switch to digital and upload them to a cloud where she can’t destroy them?

Take the ash and add it to your next piece. No matter what she does turn it around to show you cannot be stopped. I don’t know what medium you use so google how to use ash in art.

I would mention this when you put her in a shitty old folks home later.

There’s nothing mild about this. That’s diabolical.

looking at the pictures you’ve posted on your account, this is sad. I hope you still have passion for drawing though, even if not right now.

What a bitch

Sucks, but the great thing about being an artist is there is no shortage of creative ability to make more. Keep doing what you love.

If anyone’s wondering, my old drawings are all posted here, just click my account, sorry if this wasn’t clear

Ah no, I’m really sorry, that genuinely is a terrible loss, I’ll have a look at your account now though and see if I can see any. Best of luck.

Nothing shows contempt more than burning something.

Hey OP, my parents did a similar thing when I was a teen because they saw my art as ‘a waste of time’. I stopped drawing traditionally for about 15 years, but now I make hundreds of dollars off a single artwork and am working towards being a fully self employed artist.

Don’t let this stop you, it’s just one hurdle on the way to becoming a master artist. If you have a phone or tablet, you could download a free drawing app to draw on there too so that your artworks can’t be destroyed.

Gather the ashes. Display in a modern art exhibit.

Your art just increased in value 100x.

Later that decade…Mom “why doesn’t OP call or visit anymore?”

I am so sorry :(( if someone messed up one of my artworks, coloring, writing, drawing, or whatever else, I would be genuinely pissed.

Remember this when she’s old and expects you to take care of her.

That’s so cruel. Im so sorry.

Oh, look. Abuse. Lovely.

Get a PO BOX we will all send drawings that you can stick to her door

Nobody seems to be asking, so I’ll do it: what kind of anime girls?

This is why you should keep drawing

You should be petty and draw her burning your drawings lol

That’s emotional abuse. I am so sorry.

Please dont let it stop you

I’m so sorry. Loving parents don’t do this. Keep drawing and if you can, hide them somewhere not at home. I’m not sure your age, but start planning your exit now. Plan well so you won’t have to return. 

some parents may feel “anime girls” are pedo-adjacent. still was a harsh reaction.

this is not mildly infuriating, this is way more than mildly.

wow that’s not just mildly infuriating

that’s just straight up horrible

I lived with my grandparents and my grandmother did the same to my art. It killed me over the years. I lost all my passion. Don’t lose yours. Stay strong. 

Pretty sure vandalism isn’t mildly infuriating; it’s extremely infuriating at minimum.

Turn the ash into black carbon paint or charcoal and paint her a picture


Wtf?! Why!! I looked at your other posts, it’s not even like they’re provocative. It’s Manga cover art!!!! I’m sorry you have to deal with that, there is never a good reason to destroy what your child loves. You have talent and don’t allow immature adults to take that passion from you 💜

I’d tell her you’ll remember this when you get to choose her nursing home.

Draw a picture of her lighting your stuff on fire

What….were the drawings of? OMG that’s a super harsh reaction. I am so sorry. Something is not right here.

I once lost some of my absolute best photos use to a corrupted drive. I stopped taking photos for a while because of it. When I started taking photos again, I thought a lot about those photos I lost, but took some of the most amazing photos because I learned more from what I lost…. I hope that makes sense.

Yikes. That’s insane behavior.

This hurts my heart…I’m so sorry

“I have no idea why my adult child gone no contact with me” – your mom in the future, probably

Why are people so cruel to their children ugh

“Why doesn’t my child talk to me anymore”

I don’t think this is _mildly_ infuriating… As a parent, i think you and your mom need to have a serious conversation. This is just wrong from her… Wrong.

Whenever I read “anime girls” my mind goes directly to porn.

I have to wonder at the content of them that would inspire such a reaction.

I don’t wanna be mean OP, but I checked your drawings, but maybe, just maybe, your mom burnt them cause they look like very young little girls… She probably thinks it’s wrong. And also doesn’t know what anime is.

Why you stand like that?

I’d do the same thing if my adult son was drawing pedophilic drawings and posting them online, like wtf lol why are people being nice to this perv

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