All this knowledge with no direction.

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Education is the key to success
*Yeah, but where’s the door?*

In other words, when you’re overqualified for everything and underprepared for anything

I’ve won…

but at what cost…

Me: (graduates college)

Also me: (feels empty and purposeless)

Also me again: (looks at degree)

Also me once more:


Then there’s me with no degrees and accomplished some of the things I wanted to do but still don’t know what the fuck to do

Like can someone guide me..?

How about no degree or diploma, no idea wtf to do, and you’re 40?

Well the guy in the picture sold drugs sooo maybe try that?

I don’t have multiple but I do have a degree in business. I have no idea what I want to do for work. I am almost 40 and wish I could find a job which brings me a better wage (than my 2 current jobs) for less hours, and doesn’t make me miserable. I want to find fulfilment and feel worth something.

Solution: Go to college and get a degree that’s worth something.

Bonus solution for student loans: community college.

This is me fr

I got my PhD three weeks ago. That’s exactly what I was doing all the time during these three weeks..

I am meme, meme is me.

Got a PhD in education, but still working on that major in ‘figuring it out.’

Because they never taught us how to go through life.

Now you get a mid job that everyone else qualifies for, and use that to pay for what you want. Like more video games!

Become street pharmacist.

I see as a Gen Z’er that it has to be fucking brutal right now to get a job as a gen z, millenial etc.. The days of falling into a career are basically over. You go to school and graduate, get a job but now either the company gets bought, lays people off all while you are still in debt from school. No longer are companies around for decades. HIring is a disaster. It’s impossible to even get an interview much less even a response that someone read your resume. Brutal times for sure. I worry that at age 50, if I get laid off my age is now a factor for getting hired in the tech industry. I’m hoping for at least 4 years or so to build up savings and have a cushion when/if the time comes. So much working against us all . Good luck out there.

If it makes you feel better. I have none and I also have no idea what I want to be

I got a diploma but my job right now isn’t really aligned on what I’ve finished. haha

when you finish the story and have nothing to do

You may need to look for your passion, then pursue it instead. If you love what you do, your life will have more meaning.

Log into LinkedIn and flex your certifications….
I mean, it seems like that is the other side of the world where you can get an ego boost instead of flashing your holding stock or cars etc…

no one: my lazy ass every single morning

When you think a piece of paper will tell you who you are.

Being in a work environment where you give and receive equal fucks is the reason I am getting additional degrees. Because I want to inflate fucks economy in my workplace.

When you realize adulting wasn’t covered in any of your classes.

When I know what to do in life, but am limited because I don’t have a diploma.

It’s ass being the other side of the coin where I have the work experience, which includes on-the-job knowledge, but i don’t have the extra-specialness of a diploma, and employers won’t take me for it

I’m 50, and in my 5th career, you don’t always find what you’re looking for in the first field you work in.

Purpose is something we have to define for ourselves, otherwise any purpose given to us is never truly ours. Have you heard of the Ikigai framework? It’s a Japanese framework that helps one define one’s purpose. It asks questions about what we are doing: do you have a passion for it; are you good at it; does the world need it; and can you get paid for it. Finding something that answers all these question is the sweet spot, your ikigai.

Its a certificate of donation to the rich people

Ha! I just skipped all that education and went straight to having no plan


for real

can’t figure out life

This hit hard… I’ve worked in everything but what I studied for

Bro, it’s like you made this meme for me. I’m in this exact situation right now.

When you have so many diplomas you could wallpaper a wall, but you still don’t know what to have for breakfast tomorrow

Create a LinkedIn Profile. Chances are a scout will pick you up and tell you what you want to do.

Your first degree might be a mistake, but after that it’s the choices that you are making.

I thought my phone was listening my convos, but since when is it my thoughts too

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