That time Brock Lesnar shook hands with the kid who beat his son in a wrestling match.

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Look at me, you are my son now

Whats he supposed to have done? Yeeted him?

*โ€Look at me, Iโ€™m your next opponent nowโ€*


Brick Lesnar is a full grown man.

This man needs to play The Thing in the **Fantastic Four** movie, *with no makeup!!!*

Sportsmanship like this is important and too rare these days.

“Congratulations, you have earned the right to wrestle me next.”

Wow the pressure on that kid !!

ยซย You beat my son, but when you turn 18 and compete with the adults, youโ€™re gonna have to face meย ยป

Sportsmanship like this is important and too rare these days.

Thatโ€™s how you teach sportsmanship

Role modelling sportsmanship and acceptance we need more of this in the world

This is so great. So much respect for the sport. Lesnar is a monster of a guy thoughโ€ฆ jeez

He then kicked him clear across the stadium.

Brock was a coach at a wrestling camp I went to in 2001. This is before he became the absolute hulk that he is now, but he was still a giant dude and on his way to with his 4th NCAA title.

I remember three things about Brock.

1. No human of that size should be able to move that quickly.
2. He was such a sweet and gentle dude that just liked to laugh.
3. He talked a lot about how great his mother is.

Plot twist: he is actually squeezing his hand

Better believe he Took that little shit to Suplex City

Did he also sexually assault the kid’s mother

That kid made it to the final boss.

โ€œYou win this round, Billy. This round.โ€

*Congratulations on winning the sparring warm-up contest, champ. I am your actual opponent.*

CROWD: F5 Brock!!! F5 Brock!!! F5 Brock!!!

Respect all opponents. Every one is an opportunity to train harder.

Guy in purple looks genuinely concerned for that kid’s safety.

That is what leaders and kind people do: teach kids what being a leader is.

right after that handshake Brock Lesnar slammed the kid

Shaking the opposing coaches hand in wrestling is very standard.

you mean his daughter right?

“Hey kid, you ever been to Suplex City? Good news, I just packed your bags.”


Probably pissed on his mother after that

If you look into Brock Lesnar’s life, how he has conducted himself, and some of the terrible things he had been accused of (not convicted, they are alleged), this photo doesn’t make him a great person. He has also tested positive for banned substances multiple times while in competition.

Bro was ready to F5 that toddler


That child is about to get f5’ed.


And then this happened

He also raped a woman as part of his WWE contract, while married, around the time this photo was taken.

Brock Lesnar is an American professional wrestler, former mixed martial artist, and professional American football player.

Source: Wikipedia

Bet he squeezed it a bit too hard

Is he going for the F5?!?!?

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