Just when I got to the event, shoe got Thanos-ed

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I’ve never seen a shoe give up like that

God rest its sole.

EVA foams soles do this. They are hygroscopic meaning they absorb moisture from the air. Now if you use them regularly the water can be squeezed/heated out of them.

I was given some boots like 20 years ago that did this in a few hours of wearing them.

I haven’t seen dry rotted rubber for years. Thanks OP, my condolences. Next time try to wear them more regularly.

>Bought a year ago

Tale as old as time. I remember the sole of my shoe one I hadn’t worn in two years coming off on stage during my graduation ceremony. Moral of the story: wear your shoes more often.

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I feel like the imminence of the total disintegration of your shoe sole would have been apparent when you were putting your shoes on.

Atleast you have a valid ex-shoes in case you were late to the event.

At least this didn’t happen to you NYE 2021 in the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas! And even better, at least it happened all at once, and you didn’t suddenly realize that you’ve been leaving a trail of rubber across a busy casino and now crowded mall. It’s fortunate that you didn’t discover no less than three cleaning ladies toiling to sweep up debris.

I have never seen anything like that before. My goodness.

Thirfted? This is p common in older soles. Gives shoes a good scrunch (in half) next time to see if the sole will survive

I was at a party and a shoe did that to me. I left sole crumbs everywhere until I noticed things felt funny. Then I looked and there was not much left.


TEMU shoe!!!!!

As cobbler, I see this all the time. No, wearing them more frequently would not have prevented this, it’s just a shit material.

I have some doc martens that I had sitting in the closet for 5 years before I needed them to wear to a wedding. I bought the shoes about 25 years ago. They got a quick polish, and all the older people at the wedding that new me saw the shoes and recognized them and were trippin how nice they looked. Danced for hours in them.

Same shoes same. I’ve given up on life this year already too

Did OP step on a liquid nitrogen puddle?

Temu Bruno Magli’s

price does not equal quality

I assume you haven’t used the shoes in a while

Shoes are a scam, things fuckin exploded!


My father is a hoarder and when my mom finally divorced him she kept the house and he abandoned his horde. We ended up with hundreds of shoes he’d bought on clearance and so many had to get thrown away despite never being worn because the soles had disintegrated similar to this.

Thanos’d lmao

Lot rot, but for shoes. Gotta take your shoes out of the closet and take em for a spin around the block every once in a awhile

This shit happened with me during an interview. It was extremely embarrassing and did lower my confidence a bit. Although I got the offer and joined elsewhere, i learnt a lesson to check rarely worn shoes twice before using them for important occasions.

That must have been sole-destroying

Have you tried putting it off and on again?

Hard to believe only worn once with the lines showing in the leather.

Grab a couple of tissue boxes and you’ll be set.

How does that even happen

Straight up is what’s happen to all those people who shoe collect. I worked at Goodwill. Ones that looked like they were pretty well used always held together. The ones that “looked” brand new always fell apart and we could never sell them. I had to always stress test the shoes before pricing before any made it to the floor so this didn’t happen.

You’re just too powerful, the sole shattered under the weight of your tremendous strength

this usually happens when you haven’t worn your pair for far too long

If the top portion is still you could get them resoled.

Urethane midsoles do that when you don’t use them for a while. My Timberland went that way. Too expensive to replace midsoles and sole.

Landmines are getting ridiculous these days. Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so sole-d.

Oh wow. What brand so I never purchase those?

Shoetallity sub zero wins!

150$ and theyre china plastic

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