not too much on kamala

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She’s really gonna live in their minds rent free for the rest of their lives, huh?

Nothing like the bitter musing of a glorified White baby mama #5 to a man who has a history of not being a present father for his children.

This man’s game isn’t that great to be letting him slide in without a raincoat. Just admit you got played, babygirl.

Conservative women are some of the most gross people I’ve come across

Imagine being a woman and supporting and voting for all of this

And then talking bad about other women because of their political affiliation

Abhorrent behavior


The fact that she fixed her mouth to speak on Kamala, and she let a man shaped like a cyber truck get her shape and get her pregnant….. diabolical

Elon musk as a baby daddy is actually so embarrassing bro id never show my face to the public eye.

I guess Ashley was doing the bendin’

she *literally* bent over to get ahead

How is it that they won the election and they’re STILL parading around

Like, bro, the victory party’s over, go home


No love just Procreation.

So that’s why she’s his baby mama. They’re both clowns.

The crazy part is she was the one who is on record for doing the bending, and wasn’t even the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on

It’s always projection with these people

Conservative women are the best.

Because they’re stupid and I don’t respect them – Jon Lajoie

comment image?width=2016&format=png&auto=webp&s=108e382bbf8a5774ba97f944b6a5c4e219b44db8

Just making sure this is seen


That’s rich coming from a literal cum bucket.

In another tweet today… St Clair had THE NERVE to call someone a gold digger 🤣🤣🤣🤣

15 years ago it was Michelle. Now they can’t wait to badmouth Kamala.

Meanwhile, how many times did the first lady* pose in magazines (half-)naked?

^(*No, not Trump. The mail-order bride.)

every republican accusation is a confession

She also did it with a turkey baster which makes the whole situation 10,000x weirder.

Why are 11 of Elon’s 13 kids the product of IVF? If hes paying for sex and the using a turkey baster it seems like a loser way to go about it. 🤡 😂

It is alway, and I mean always, projection with these people.

This guy gets posted on this sub like some pr team is trying to hype him up

Always projection with these fucks.

That’s some serious projection from someone who projected another musk spawn onto humanity.

People are now mad at her because (1)she’s not doing anything to save us from trump, (2)because she didn’t do enough while campaigning to warn THEM about how bad tariffs are/were and what happened in his first term with his tariffs, (3)she called her husband Dougie on her Valentine’s Day post, (4)she conceded the election too soon and didn’t wait for all the votes to be counted.

I’m sorry. Who was spreading their legs now?

Her twit isn’t aging well lmao, and the fact that he is ignoring her and he replied to someone else screenshot is 100% comedy

Obviously she is really into misshapen penises, obviously she has to bend over in order for misshapen penises to be inserted into her rectum

We could of won if Kendrick endorsed her , now he capitalizing on trump , sellout


This chick can’t even get Elmo to respond to her on the platform he owns and is constantly trolling from and she thinks she’s can make comments about Former Madem Vice President Kamala Harris?? Gtfo.

Poor kid. I had a deadbeat dad but he was a deadbeat. It would be so strange to have a deadbeat dad who you see on television constantly, and hear about in the press every day


meanwhile whoever this half plastic bitch is – her only talent IS bending over

Sleeping with the most disgusting men on the planet is a trait of desperate women throughout history *sigh* 🥱

Sounds like Ashley St. Clair is projecting her own behavior onto others.

Is Ms. St. Clair going back to work after maternity leave? When that first child support payment came through, she went yacht shopping.

he won’t even pick up her calls lmao

Why does this woman have a porno name as her actual name?

The thing here is that with the joke, the premise is being accepted.

How stupid is Ashley? Wow. Kamala has more intelligence in her pinky nail than that moron has in her whole body. She can’t hold a candle to Kamala.
I’m so sad Kamala isn’t the president now.

I thought she was indian

White women(many) seethe at Black women’s success, but really, at any woman of color who thrives. They watch us, emulate us, and when they can’t be us, they try to break us. That’s when we become ‘toxic’ and ‘aggressive.’ That’s when the respectability politics come out. And that’s why the conversation about Black men needing to do better—needing to show up, defend, and support Black women—is so important. Because when those narratives start forming, when those ‘angry Black woman’ stereotypes start getting thrown around, we need our own to shut them down.

White women’s tears have been weaponized to mock, manipulate, and erase. The same power they steal—from our hairstyles to our fashion, from our culture to our speech—is the same power they demonize us for when we reclaim it.

And yet, when we talk about allyship, when we ask for real solidarity, y’all get mad when we tell you that ‘I don’t see color’ is a lie. Colorblindness isn’t progress. It’s denial. It’s erasure. Because you do see our culture when you’re wearing it. You do see our power when you’re trying to copy it. So don’t tell me you don’t see color when you’re benefitting from it.

First woman VP, don’t qualify it!

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