In 1980 the FBI formed a fake company and attempted to bribe members of congress. Nearly 25% of those tested accepted the bribe, and were convicted

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I mean, it’s interesting how we only ran this experiment once and then stopped…

Ok, now do 2025.

Wasn’t the movie American hustle based on this?

Nowadays that would be 92.5%

Now they’d fire the FBI agents for wasting the congresspeople’s time with fake bribes. That’s taking the real bribe money out of their children’s mouths!

Yes, the good old days.

The FBI’s ABSCAM operation, initiated in 1980, exposed significant corruption among public officials by using a deceptive strategy whereby agents posed as representatives of a fictional Arab company. Ultimately, this led to the convictions of several high-profile members of Congress, highlighting the extent of corruption within the government at the time.

* [Abscam — Fbi](
* [ABSCAM operation revealed | February 2, 1980](
* [Abscam – Ronald Reagan](

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Where you get 25%?

I found 2 politicians that said no, and only one of them reported the attempted bribery, out of 31.

The best part about this, the FBI came out under budget. They lowered the amount from 100k to 50k because no one would say no.

> fund a $1 million account

> monetary bribes (originally $100,000 but then reduced to $50,000)

> the FBI handed out more than $400,000 in “bribes”

** [Penthouse publisher]( had more integrity than politicians, and he needed the money.

> wanted Guccione to pay a $300,000 bribe to New Jersey gaming officials to get the license. Guccione refused and said, “Are you out of your mind?”

Its like placing the carrot infront of the donkey

American Hustle is a great film

Oooh let’s do that again!

Do it again

Any still around? They should be pardoned and hired into the current Administration ASAP!

I wonder how colombian officials would respond to that

Did none of these fools see Willy wonka? It’s an American classic. Smdh…

2025 100% tested would accept bribes

Again! Do it again!! 👌🙏😊

100% entrapment… most judges agreed, although convictions were upheld. Entrapment has always felt somewhat “minority reportish” to me. It’s a tricky one to muse and ponder about… either way corrupt none the less.

25% accepted it in the early cocaine 80s?

Noticed they stopped doing this since?

The other 75% were tipped off!

If they did this today the percentage would probably be (almost) 100%… which is probably why they don’t do this anymore lol…

That’s good I would think compared to now

In 2025, those accepting the bribe run our country.

Isn’t that sort of entrapment? The cops can’t tempt people into crimes and then arrest them. They can offer bribes are part of an existing crime but they can’t directly entice crime otherwise the case is thrown out for entrapment.

Did they forget to call it lobbying or something?

They should try it with the current government.

One thing is taking it and another is acting on them. I would say the percentage of people that did what they were bribed for would be more interesting.


On Septermber 11th huh?

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