(Italian) chef’s kiss for Karen

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For people who won’t understand this:

In Italy, far-right people say that Mussolini did some bad things, but at least trains used to run on time (this is not true, anyway…)

Fucking hell, this is a low bar, if 1% of my pizza didn’t have dog shit on, I wouldn’t be telling the chef what a great job he did of that 1%.

For those who couldn´t remember one good thing Trump did:

“He told the U.S. Treasury to [stop producing pennies](https://apnews.com/article/trump-penny-treasury-mint-c4510debefe6cbfb0dd908d8fed7eb50).”


And ?

Even if he did something right, it doesn’t change the fact that this man made transphobia and transgender-denial an law in US, not going to in any capacity respect man who can’t live with my existence

A broken clock is right twice a day

Am from Charlotte and most of us don’t like him for the damage he’s doing. Charlotte observer sucks.

Only thing I imagine he sometimes gets right is after taking a shot remembering to wipe his ass and not his mouth. Easy to confuse the way he spouts constant shit from both holes.

Like they gave Biden credit for anything ? ffs – he rebuilt red state infrastructure that nobody gave 2 fucks about since FDR. (Including the red states themselves)

“Once in a (great) while”. Talk about damned with faint praise!

Counterpoint to my local newspaper: no, no he fucking doesn’t. I stg we need to either eliminate the opinion section nationwide or just retitle it “Dumb Asshole Thoughts”.

IL DULCE Mussolini was a coward and afraid of Hitler so he went against his own conscience so Germany would not bother Italy. The people of Italia hated Mussolini about 80%. They thought he was a coward.

We got improved railway systems before women’s rights 

He is a facist dismantling the the federal government and is trying to abolish the rule of law…

…but getting rid of the one cent coin makes sense i guess, so he isn’t that bad. /s

A stopped calendar is right once every 6 years.

What did he get right

I wonder if we, as hairless murder monkeys, just had a better memory, how much different would society be?
When you’re a moronic bully who lies and insults most of the times you open your mouth you inevitably end up with tens of thousands of despicable things you’ve done over just some years. But its impossible to keep track of a fraction of it and so the brain has to put the endless list in a folder and label it “bad stuff”. Now at a glance when/if he suggests a single almost sensible sounding thing our brains try to do the math: “unknown negative number vs tiny positive number” and its like “huh maybe he isnt so bad?”

These local papers and media trying to gaslight their uneducated viewers

He managed to colour in-between the lines?

While I hate Cheeto Turd i do have to agree with the penny thing they needed to be gone 20 years ago

I wish that I could be this clever, honestly.

Benito made precisely *1* train run on time. The one he used after his supporters matched in Rome, because he was hiding in Milan so he could run to the Swiss if shit went wrong like the coward he was.

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Trains? What trains?

As much as I love that reply, there very much is a train equivalent with Trump that’s already making the run and it’s “At least the eggs are affordable now”.

I agree with getting rid of the penny, and this is probably the only way it’ll happen. So, that’s a pretty tiny silver lining on this shitstorm.

>Once in a great while, he gets something right

Did he finally wipe front to back?

op, if you don’t want a post to get more exposure, stop reacting to it with a “haha” or “angry” and thinking it’s gonna shame the poster, it doesn’t. every reaction counts as a “positive point”, they all increase the count, not deduct it. you’re only contributing to the engagement it doesn’t deserve, and it gets more exposure from the reactions you contribute

Trump trying to extend his blitz before the penny drops

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