There’s still time to change the name, Nintendo.

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Switch U

I think they did it right with the 2. It’s clear that it is a new console and not a new oled version or smth.

Nintendo sWiitch

Playstation does it and its fine, but Nintendo does it and suddenly its not?

While I agree the name is bland, the Wii U did so poorly because a bunch of people thought it was an addon to the Wii and not a new system.

This is a safe name to make it clear that it is a different system.

Bruh that’s gonna Wii-U naming confusion all over again

How to destroy your product? Confuse your customers.

Xbox one, Xbox360, Xbox S, Xbox S Xbox series S and Xbox series X.

As a parent, what the fuck am I supposed to buy?

Switch Advance SP

This is going to age well…


Super Nintendo entertainment switch!

the nintendo entertainment system 2

I think if they called it anything other than the Nintendo Switch 2 it would become just as much of a failure as the WiiU was. It’d probably get more sales than the WiiU, but proportionally would never live up to anything near the switch 1. Nintendo making weird names for sequel consoles has a history of confusing customers and losing them sales they woulda had otherwise. There is a reason Playstion just goes up a number, it reliably draws sales and ensures everyone understands it’s a new product

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