
By zacovic
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If someone has all the power and control they have no reason to listen to peaceful protests. Fear and respect is not the same, but respect from the ruling class must always contain a little bit of fear to last.

Violence is the answer by default.

Violence turns out to be the answer to a surprisingly large number of questions. 

No my friend, violence is the question and the answer is yes.

War is a failure of finding a solution. And history is filled with such failures.

Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.


We’ve all been convinced to be docile and accept all kinds of spiritual, mental, physical and financial abuse from the powerful, because we’re told it’s wrong to be aggressive and violent. It’s something I call toxic pacifiscm. And people parrot it all the time on Reddit. ‘violence solves nothing’ they’ll say as they continue to perpetuate the problem.

It really feels like society’s little more than a pendulum swinging wildly from one side to the other. In the past violence was the answer to something as simple as “My child is developing its own identity” and now we think glitter jars can fix government corruption.

Unfortunately the thing we are the very best at is killing each other and everything else on this planet.

Violence is not the answer!

Violence is the question.

The answer is ‘yes!’

People who believe they deserve to have everything at the expense of others are always wrong. Unfortunately, most of them take this belief to the grave.

Violence is not the answer. It is the consequence. We only reach the point of needing violence after years of systematic abuse, ignorance, and letting people get away with twisting laws and ethics into something unrecognizable. Violence becomes the only thing people in power listen to because they do not care anymore.

When the powerful don’t fear consequences, what can the weak do but to rise and fight for what they have?

What teaching a whitewashed MLK while omitting Malcom x in history class does to a mf

We need more Luigi in the world

Violence is not the answer. We should turn to the bible for guidance!

opens bible

oh dear…

Violence is the question. The answer is yes.


Lmao fr

Violence is not the answer no. But it’s often the solution.

Democracy and freedom is built on blood of the people

Violence is the only way to force conflict resolution, pacifism will always rely on the oppressor stopping their oppression by choice. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Ultimately if someone *refuses* to budge there is no solution left but violence.

Violence is the strategy of last resort. But sometimes it must be resorted to, and you must have the capability and the will to fall back on it.

Yes a good old fashioned ass kicking is usually what is required.

“The power to cause pain is the only power that matters, the power to kill and destroy, because if you can’t kill then you are always subject to those who can, and nothing and no one will ever save you.”

Orson Scott Card, “Ender’s Game”

The irony is that the more we claim to value peace, the more we ignore the root causes of conflict. Historical patterns repeat because we often choose to look away instead of addressing the underlying issues. It’s easy to condemn violence when you’re not the one being oppressed.

With the US being so young as a country, we haven’t had the experience of someone coming in and trying to overthrow the current government and rule as a king would.

Haven’t most other civilized countries experienced this throughout history? The only difference here is that it’s happening in modern times which I guess we thought couldn’t happen.

No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.

Answer is Yes and Violence the Question

Learning from History doesn’t mean repeating it tho

Violence is not always the answer.

Sometimes the threat of violence is perfectly sufficient.

I love that the protective mask has a golden moustache

“Violence is usually the answer” -Roadhog

Many are out of jobs…

Fear is the most powerful motivator.

Always has been.

Always will be.

No one can ignore fear.

It’s been the answer every single time.

History is written by the winners.

The state maintains power through violence in all forms, yet the people accomplish change by peace? Nah nah

That saying makes too many people uncomfortable to defend their rights. History shows violence is indeed the answer.

“If violence isn’t a solution, then you didn’t hit hard enough”

-My dad

I can’t wait to see this on /r/ExplainTheJoke

Gotta be honest. My faith in the whole ‘the arc of history is long but bends towards justice’ thing is on its last legs.

South Park’s [201]( never stops being relevant

Come on guys! Great me of history didn’t resort to violence and commit genocide! Do you think people like Julius Caesar, Charlemagne, and William the Conqueror would stoop to that level?

*Reads history book to make sure*

Oh…oh…OH NO!! OH GOD!

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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