Good thing they can’t see this!

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Hold up, im not colourblind…

For the colorblind people wondering, there’s a text in it that spells:

There’s no text, isn’t there?

Shouldn’t this have a NSFW tag?

great now i have a boner

This could have been actually funny if the comments first determined the answer together and not write 100 different ones

The could’ve been actually funny if it was a meme about colorblind people though

Wait… Am I fucking colorblind?

It’s a schooner!

Is this loss?

There is no text

Fun fact: you can make memes about blind people and they won’t see it either

Emperor’s new clothes type

I’m not even colorblind 😭

Am I colorblind

haha i love this

It’s Jesus!

Is this rigged on purpose

Am…. am I color blind?

Lmaooo that’s so funny, suck that those colourblind folks can’t see this genius meme/joke

Lol. Good one. That’s an upvote from me! Fuck color blind people!

Thats rude. Someone tell me what it says, please.

That’s wild

I think it’s a 5

As someone who is color blind (to a small degree between red and green) I have no idea if there is something or not. I fail most of Ishihara test..

I see it, I can see!!! It’s all the black floaty things!!

“It’s purple right?”

Man that’s funny I’m not gonna mention just in case any color blind people come along but that was a funny one

This meme is bullshit…there’s nothing in there I see nothing

my colors work just fine i have no idea what this says.

Send dudes.. is that correct?

I’m colorblind, and this is diabolical 🤣😂

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