Jaime Pressly, 1990s

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She’s just as funny as hot

hey, crabman.



Shes always been my favorite and not so secret crush.. beautiful and funny are killer combos

Three words: Poison Ivy Movie (1997), IYKYK


Damn it Joy! What if the kids see this?

She and I are from the same small town in North Carolina. I’ve only met her once but she was very very nice and down to Earth and that was in the prime of her fame when she was on My Name is Earl. Super nice person.


Unreal. Hotter than Margot Robbie

Oh Snap!

This right here is my all time ultimate girl crush. Can’t Hardly Wait was my intro and have loved her ever since.

Greatest North Carolina product: Jamie Pressly or airplanes? Cheerwine, Michael Jordan, and Fortnite dances are maybe in the conversation too, but I think it mostly comes down to her and air travel 🧐

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Margot Robbie and Jamie Pressly

She’s my sister….


Jaime Pressly was iconic.

This is disgusting!! Keep up the good work 😉

Balls to the wall

Never before have I hated a strip of cloth as much as I do now.

Darnell! Gimme the car spoon!

Ive always to loved her or her Australian doppleganger.
comment image?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=574b078b8eeaadcba63907bcd33d5b75ee17bb98

Borat wore it better


I have been and will always be nose over tail for her.

Loved her in My Name is Earl and she was great SNL host. Genuinely funny and gorgeous.

What’s she doing now?

She told Howard Stern the truth. Legend

How you doing ?

Oh my

She was in 90s Berm Busters motorcross calendar I had.

The girl next door 🤤

My trailer park queen. She’s so good at being white trash hot




The original Margot Robbie! Jaime was (and still is!) super hot.

“Karma this, dummy!”

She’s super successful but I’m surprised she’s not an even bigger star with how stunning and legitimately funny and talented she is

Slapped a yarmulke


nice hat


Margot Is ageless…. Oh wait!

Simon Rex was hitting that




Smoke show

A lot of people I grew up with had a huge crush on her in the 90s.

Mostly for her role as one of the girls taking it doggy style in American psycho. Classic.

I feel like she’s one of the very, very few people who have actually gotten more attractive as they’ve gotten older.

too bad about the hat

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