By gyimger
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I stole some armor and didnt think anything of it.

Walked past the same guard later on and he was like “hey this fuckers wearing MY clothes get him!”

10/10 GOTY

For pure immersion and detail KCD2 deserves GOTY. This game legitimately blew my mind sometimes with how you have an actual affect on the world and NPCs deducing you had something to do with stuff.

I noticed even in Kuttenburg that the guards rotate on shifts. Which is crazy to me that they even go to each other and comment on their shifts swapping.

Reminds me of Oblivion but amped up on steroids to an insane degree. Give this game all of its DLC and some patches of general fixes and it’s one of the best games ever made. Great story, gameplay and a genuinely funny script.
It’s fantastic.

Meanwhile, on the last of the Gamekeeper missions to track poachers, final camp has 3 bandits in it – instead of killing all 3 I killed 2 and knocked the last one unconscious and carried him all the way back to the Gamekeeper’s house, only for Henry to say “there were too many, I couldn’t deal with them”.

Attention to detail, you win some you lose some I guess.

I hope it wins but reckon something else released later might trump it.

It will win a lot of awards though, that’s for certain.

I threw one of them Italian bascinet (name??) On the ground in a fort once, came back there a couple of hours later and saw a guard wearing it, really cool.

Point is, the game does not need to win any award given by some journalists or “experts”. The high sale volume speaks for itself.

And it’s even funnier when this guard find you and low key just start slapping you, while you are in full armour and armed to the teethย 

Stop teasing me, i still have to finish the first game before getting the second one ๐Ÿ™

goty for me definitely absolutely unbelievable game best one ive played this year up to now

Fingers crossed for 1400s Prague in KCD3 ๐Ÿคž

I was sold on โ€œyour momโ€ joke during the demonโ€™s in the castle quest

Great game deserve GOTY but is it too soon to declare now?

I love the dialogues where some peasant wants to threaten you, in your knights armor, and Henry just goes like: Dude did you look at me for one second? are you sure?
dude: Shit you’re right, bye.

I knocked out gam gam straight into unconscious and grabbed her chest keys because I thought she had recipes in her locked chests to find out I needed a lock pick anyways which I didnโ€™t have and Henry is now prioritizing finding you know who out of guilt lol

I know it’s a lot of other games to come this year but dammit Warhorse knocked it out the park.


I was sold the moment Henry started whistling the music in the game.

People are like โ€œgta 6 will winโ€ but I doubt itโ€™ll have this level of immersion, not even hating cause I know rockstar is amazing at that but this is another level.

It’s fucking February, calm down on the game of the year bullshit. GTA 6 might release this yearย 

in an alternative save i killed the bishop(?) guy when your working off your jail sentence for his rosary, later i walked by guards and they were talking about it saying “and they didn’t even take anything just left him there”

Man, the more I hear about this game, the more I can’t wait to finally afford it xD

I installed KCD2 before I left for my holiday. Seems like I’m gonna be in for a treat!

This sounds awesome! I really canโ€™t wait to play KCD2. I hope to get it as soon as I can!!

Got distracted while my horse was on cruise control, ate a tree branch. 10/10 GOTY.

(but seriously, I went in blind and my god is this game good)

ok this post might have just convinced me to buy the game

Damn. Then why my OG comment got 3 likes ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜€

I had the funniest bug happen to me. I was sneaking and got caught only the getting caught phase of stealth never disappeared. So for the next 2 hours everywhere I went even in public places, townspeople were telling me I better leave. I was playing dice in Bylany and the whole town was in the tavern collecting telling me to leave or they would call the guards. I was laughing so hard. Definitely 10/10.

I robbed a scribe and for a while he would greet me in his underwear.

I dropped a hat I donโ€™t need one time, thinking itโ€™ll despawn. Whatever.

Then some random villager passing by saw it and said it was his lucky day. He said to himself โ€œYoink!โ€ as he picked it up lol.

now try stealing everything except the shoes ๐Ÿ˜‚

I got an achievement for somebody stealing my shoes when I was passed out drunk! 10/10 GOTY

Why people buy KCD2: Awesome combat, beautiful world, great story

Why people continue to play KCD2: Drunken debauchery, hilarious open world antics, Luke Dale’s perfect comic delivery as Hans

I heard something similar when deciding to not take anything. I dunno if they noticed a lockpicked chest or knew that i had been inside their pocket during the evening, but they were flabbergasted at how i had been all over it, but didn’t think it was good enough to steal any of it.

I’m honestly hyped to play it, i love KCD1. Really hoping they fixed every malnourished peasant being a master swordsman and master striking you every time you try to hit em though.

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