Ethan Klein threatens to dox h3snark mods/ users.

By veguhn
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Ohhh nooo donโ€™t tell my family I posted in the subreddit of an anti fan community of a youtuber theyโ€™ve never heard of. It will be devastating for me

How is this not illegal, heโ€™s clearly threatening these people regularly at this point. Also all they do is post clips of his ass, itโ€™s not even like theyโ€™re saying a bunch of egregious shit like other snark subs.

What the fuck happened to him man Iโ€™m just dismayed at this year long crash out

Just yesterday he was reposting pics of Hasan in his bathtub and ranting about them. This is not normal behaviour

I think crashout is an understatement for this

Am I understanding this right?

H3H3 is trying to doxx the mods of H3snark, not only the mods but their families, essensially risking putting those people in harms way? Because several people on the H3 sub has been making death threaths towards people that don’t like H3… and I’m not talking “I wanna kill that mofo”, but “give me their link and I’ll roll up in 5 minutes”.

Pretty sure that’s illegal – he’s gone completely off the rails.

He also just posted the saddest little “you have one chance” storyย 

if he doxes a whole bunch of normal people from this and unleashes his cult onto them the price will be suicide, i dont see it not happening as sad and dark as that is.

people who are talking shit online anonymously donโ€™t deserve to be doxxed and harassed because they call you out for being a bad person

Dude seems to be having a mental breakdown. Like he thinks he’s the main character and can’t comprehend why the plot isn’t resolving with him as the hero. I think he’s moving into his evil villain era. Countdown to him realigning with right-wing commentators and other “canceled” problematic people.

No wonder Olivia just started prepping herself a raft to float away from this sinking ship..

Not just h3snark, he’s going after the mods of all the subs from his thumbnail today including this one.

He has fully morphed into Dan Saltman who also tries to doxx every account that doesn’t like Epstiny.

His fans are cheering on this bullshit too. Absolutely vile.

We are reaching fragility levels never thought possible!

So freedom of speech is only acceptable if heโ€™s the one mocking/harassing people? What a pathetic little man

Who would have thought the chill vape naysh guy was actually a total asshole? Seriously, what happened?

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One more

you know, whenever i start to feel a little sad, i just open up this picture and i feel happy again
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Anything in this thread should be enough to get him out of anyone’s good graces unless they have h3sicksucksyndrome. He is literally moving like keemstar

This motherfucker never shuts up oh my god.

Why would their family/friends/work/school care if they were criticizing a random YouTuber on Reddit?ย 

H3snark has insanely tight moderation, itโ€™s not the eel pit of bigotry & antisemitism he seems to think it is;ย I was banned for 3 days for saying that E looked unhealthy lol.ย 

If anything, giving h3snark exposure just exposes him more because itโ€™s basically a collection of justified criticism & memes, with a petty undercurrent because itโ€™s criticism from people who will never earn a fraction of what Ethan has right now.

From what I’ve seen they literally have nothing to be embarrassed about. They rightfully called out a pos for being a pos. Is he genuinely so thin skinned he thinks every criticism of him and his ex idf wife is antisemitism? Sometimes people just think you’re an ass, nothing to do with Judaism (in this house we love and respect jews)

Unhinged behavior. He’s gonna come for this sub next I’m sure, and Fauxmoi. Ethan and his fans just cannot comprehend that not everyone that finds his “humor” disgusting is a snarker. Accusing every negative or unsubbed person of being a snarker is pure copium, there are so many other sites too of people revolted by his ass.

Ethan Klein is one of the saddest, most pathetic little men on the internet.

Oh he’s actually lost it huh.

I keep asking his fans for evidence of what he says and they don’t respond, weird.

Why is his subreddit celebrating it?

Sounds like Ethan and Co are asking for legal trouble.

He was a huge fan of the Trisha paytas snark sub

Man this dude is in full-blown psychosis or something really serious, I used to admire the fact he seemed to be maturing now I’m questioning if he’s on substances…

L7 Weenie

Isn’t doxxing against’s Youtube TOS?

The h3 sub was completely baffled when I commented that Ethan has completely gone off the deep end and is encouraging brigading/doxxing and that even after being subbed since 2018 I was done. I think it’s wild that people encourage this kind of behavior.

This is the Youtuber I’m most embarrassed to have been a fan of.

Canโ€™t believe this dude went from โ€œguys were being sued for bs we need all your supportโ€ to โ€œguys Iโ€™m sueing random people for bs reasonsโ€ , People change so much within a few years.

โ€ฆdoes he think heโ€™s a beloved celebrity? Family, friends, work, andโ€ฆ school? โ€ฆbut why would anybody give a shit that somebody else makes fun of a manchild youtuber? Narcissism to the max. Wtaf

Looking at the H3H3Productions sub it’s wild to see how many of them are cheering this shit on as if it’s not fucking weird. Especially that follow up of “give us info and you’ll be spared” line in a follow up reel. This is so fucking weird, and yet all the comments are egging him on and talking about how giddy they are for it to “finally happen.” This is objectively unhinged behavior. If you took away his name and phase and presented those words as some random youtuber go against a random subreddit, then they’d rightfully be called out as being ridiculous threats to make.

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Weird update

even if he could take down snark, what’s he going to do, take down every corner of the internet that hates him? if he did that, then there would be nothing left on the internet except his dumb ass sitting there eating a banana for 5 minutes on his “comedy” show

Dictionary definition of a man-baby. Low tier youtuber version of Drake.

This guy is losing it.

Lets open 10 new snark subs


if he wants to tell my family and friends about efforts to shine a light on

[this guy](

I wish him good luck

Fine, I’ll start my own H3 Snark with hooker and Blackjack!

Gonna be hilarious when this threat goes absolutely nowhere.

Oh no they will find out I donโ€™t like a zionist piece of shit millionaires who rose to fame spewing the n word and f slur what a tragedy

Iโ€™m sure threatening subs critical of him will make people love him again.

Is this not technically blackmail ๐Ÿ˜ญ???

My boss will be so disappointed in me ๐Ÿ™ il never be assistant to the Regional manager.

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