Business man and Maori elder Kingi Taurua

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The suit complements the tattoo so well.

There is a strong manly vibe about him.

Goddamn he looks so cool

Powerful in a very calm way, like he’d never hurt a fly but could break you in half to protect others

“How will he ever get a job with tattoos on his face?”


[Here]comment image) is a less-cropped and more natural-colored version of this image. [Here]( is the source. Credit to the photographer, [Patricia Steur]( It [looks like]comment image&pluginver=chrome-2.0.4) she took this in 2008 or before.

What a jawline damn

That looks a ton better than Post Malone’s ink.

Maori tattoos just ooze cool. I appreciate they’re steeped in tradition, but from the outside looking in… they just make the wearer look amazing

Unc had a monopoly on **AURA**

Respect to him for keeping it real and leading with authenticity.

Would love to see people in suits do the haka. Edited to make people watch the video below and this guy is not the king. I read it wrong.

He looks like an update version of “ the coolest man on earth”.

A dapper gentleman steeped in tradition is what I see. I respect the hell out of it.

Chad Taurua


I feel sorry for him, he probably got unwillingly photographed a lot.

But tattoo or no tattoo, that is a fucking *man*. So photogenic. So masculine. That energy of ‘someone with absolute strength holding something delicate’.

And by all accounts, an absolute titan for the Ngāpuhi.

And they say face tattoos will hold you back in life.

Damn he got that shit ON.

This man is majestic as hell.

This single post has changed my mind on face tattoos.

Love the tattoos!

Dude should play a Mandalorian

I looked him up. In some photos his whole head & face are tatted, looks intimidating yet regal at the same time. He died in 2018.

It’s Mazer Rackham!

Looking sharp mate.

This guy is imposing and sexy as hell!

Former * he’s been dead for years.

My dad says he can’t work in retail now (my dad sucks).

This is like if Darth Maul was a CEO

Old Zeal

This Gentleman Represents.

Just Badass!

Amazing tattoos

I wish I looked as bad*ss as him

Def a badass

He looks like a boss from a Yakuza game. I’m expecting him to rip off his shirt and reveal his elaborate tattoos all over his body.


This must be one of those pics that goes hard.

Man protects his tribe

if this dude walked into a business meeting to negotiate i’d just say whatever you want man

Why did I think Arnold got a face tat?

An actual non political post on r/pics?!?

You easily can tell he is good at business, he is reading a newspaper.

Beautiful and powerful. I would not fuck with that man.

Maori face tats look so fucking cool

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