Seriously, who gives a damn about these?

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I like when I get one that should indicate an unhealthy amount of time on Reddit and the rarity is “common”


Me. I give a damn.

I don’t have anything of meaning going on in my life.

Need more bananas…

I mean, people here chase for invisible worthless internet points anyways, why not do it with badges?

Everything on Reddit is worthless, this is nothing new, cmon now.

I appreciate the effort for taking the time to edit the achievements onto the bottom panel.

That one looks childish.

They’re a detriment. They get in the way and make you think you have a notification worth checking.

I usually see them as a sign of shame

But the cartoon face said I did good 😔😔

Who gives a damn about these? The completionist in me

I only like seeing the funny streak number go up

300 days on reddit is quite an achievement. And a reason for going to the mental hospital.

I dont really care about em. But ill be damned if im losing my streak

**Slowly rises hand**

We are all gonna die.
Everything is worthless in the end <3

I want the banana ones tho

I was going to say the Reddit team who created them …

… but not even those guys

Think of the shareholders!!!

I get wowed when I see them appear, then check them out, then stare at it for a moment, no longer care, repeat.

Now imagine the same but it’s in your work place’s internal directory and you have to actually do stuff to earn them.

Press the 3 dots on the notification and disable that type of notification, I did it and it’s great.

I don’t know if anyone really cares about them


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