Where was the Secret Service while this was happening?

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Thomson Reuters also owns Westlaw which the DOD General Counsel almost certainly uses for legal research. I was a Westlaw admin and all the invoices came with Thomson Reuters letterhead and remit to.

Not to mention this payment was during The Convicted Felon’s first term.

To misrepresent things that well requires that you actually do know what you are doing.

Musk knows business names can look similar but are unique. So just because Reuters is in there this doesn’t make it the same as Thomson Reuters. And he would know that. He is intentionally going through the lists and picking out things that can be used to further his agenda. And if a name is similar it will be close enough for his purposes since he is lying to begin with.

Trump knows all this as well. He has a history of doing this kind of thing.

This is malevolent.

Reuters… Radical left… what the fuck?

There is no radical left in the USA. Especially not at Reuters.

A true kakistocracy

Four Seasons Total Landscaping

I like to say that “a con artist only needs to be smarter than the people they are grifting”. The MAGA base has proven that they make up a large percentage of the 51% of Americans that read at or below the 6th grade level and the low level of knowledge that comes from such a limited book selection. Who am I kidding? Other people read to them, like they are small children.

How about the orange oompa loompa returns all the tax payer funded golf excursions.

Well covered in Washington Post – I’d say their pile of Pulitzers makes them a reliable source. Elon – not so much.


$20,000,000 to attend the Super Bowl. GIVE BACK THE MONEY, NOW!

Iโ€™m a Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Auditor and we use Thomson Reuters for PPC checklist documents for Audit Planning and the Closing.

Kinda wild the president of the United States hasnโ€™t been informed Thomson Reuters and Reuters are different entities.

To see NewsMax and Fox as neutral and Reuters and NPR as radical left tells you all you need to about the brain rot

Problem is, his base eats this shit up! Fact checking be damned!

Calling Reuters radical left when it’s the only major news source that is directly in the center of American politics on pretty much all media bias charts and studies shows how fucking retarded these bastards are.

These guys are the epitome of โ€œdidnโ€™t actually read the articleโ€

This story just gets better and better.

This is the whole Condoms sent to Gaza thing again.
Either they are total fucking idiots who have no idea how to look into detail and jump to conclusions.
OR they know full well that 1+6 does not = 2 and they are just spouting bullshit and they know it, just hoping no one notices.

Trump? Musk? This is for you. You and all the fools who follow you.


I’ma be honest with you fam.
That’s insulting to wilted cabbages.
I’m pretty sure that lettuce that outlasted Liz Truss would score a higher IQ than these morons.

They all know what theyโ€™re telling people is wrong. The problem is that theyโ€™re rewarded for lying.

This is the misconception. They know what they are doing. They want you to think that they don’t know what they are doing. That is all part of the plan. This is why people say Trump is an idiot. He is not an idiot. He and Musk know exactly what they are doing and how. They do and say these things on purpose and because most of the country don’t understand they eat it up.

He knows exactly what heโ€™s doing. HEโ€™S FUCKING LYING!

Saying Reuters is “far-left” is straight up telling on yourself.

Donald truly believes that everyone is as gullible as the maga cult

just like how the social security administration had 150 year old people on it because he didn’t understand how default dates work on older COBALT systems and none of his script kiddy army understood it either

The more they bitch that the president shouldn’t have any oversight the more they announce that they don’t understand how the US federal government works.

“Boo hoo the government is built to stop someone from doing exactly what we’re trying to do.”

And the cult cheers because they have less understanding how the federal government works than literally 9 year olds.

I’m starting to think Trump might not be the smartest tool in the shed.
And Elon may have eaten a few crayons out of his box.

It’s also a CANADIAN firm, too!

Maybe they’ll demand money back from Google for work on self-driving car tech because it’s just a search engine company and what the hell does that have to do with cars?

Fucking prostitutes, most likely.

Since the US DOD is literally the World’s largest single organization, excluding the US government which it is a subdivision of, it turns out all this money going to news services is… just their subscription fees.

They know. It’s done on purpose. Got to get that next zone flood happening. Idiots will start to parrot

Reject all news except for Fox

Thatโ€™s the problem. These people are 1) incompetent, 2) acting in bad faith, and 3) lying to you all at once.

They are desperately trying to find some of that fraud they promised to findโ€ฆ and itโ€™s getting really embarrassingโ€ฆ

This is why I keep saying that Elon + Co babbling โ€œiTโ€™s FrAuDโ€ doesnโ€™t mean shit. They are not definitely not forensic accountants, they seem barely able to read a ledger. No one can find โ€œfraudโ€ based on a one sided ledger, and heโ€™s not a damn โ€œprophetโ€ either.

As a Canadian I was so upset when I learned at the beginning of It’s first term that no Secret Service, no FBI, no NSA screening is done on presidential candidates to possibly disqualify crayon eaters like this chaos goblin. A little work in advance could have eliminated this whole timeline since ALL THIS WAS SO DAMN FORESEABLE based on It’s personality and history.

The fact that they have to shout these kind of lunatic examples of so-called “fraud” from the rooftops tells me pretty firmly that they are struggling to find actual misappropriated funds.

Doesn’t this further prove that Trump doesn’t know words that are spelled the same have different meanings?

Like, Asylum Seekers aren’t the same thing as people who are in an “Insane Asylum”?

Doesn’t matter, MAGA now thinks it was Reuters news and won’t change their mind.

This would have been Thomson Reuters Special Services (LLC): https://www.trssllc.com/

So not even Reuters or Thomson Reuters, or Westlaw or whatever their accounting services are called these days.

Jeez Trump and Musk and the DOGEbags are really stupid. This is why you cannot take at face value all the claims of the finding fraud and waste and abuse – they see something and in their ignorance about anything and everything jump to erroneous conclusions. Just abysmally dumb shit.

Probably unpopular fact: Doesnโ€™t Thomson Reuters own Reuters News?

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