Looks like she’s smoking heroin/fentanyl off the tinfoil. I wouldn’t listen to people saying it could be weed
22 days ago
Smoking fentanyl heroin or pain pills. I am an x addict please lmk if you need anything I would help in any way I can
22 days ago
Smoking something bad 🙁 my exbf used to smoke fent pressed pills that way. I’m sorry 💔
22 days ago
Tear some foil off and let it soak in a cup of ur urine. Just a little bit. Go buy a drug test cup from cvs and test it
22 days ago
Smoking fent.
22 days ago
God what a shame, she’s so young. OP, substance abuse this severe doesn’t start this young purely from a desire to rebel, she is likely dealing with something serious, so don’t be too hard on her. None of the people I know who started this young smoked hard drugs for the fun of it.
22 days ago
16 year old is a minor, you run the show, take her to urgent care tell them you want a full tox screen.
22 days ago
My close family member struggles with fentanyl addiction. I strongly believe this is fent. I’m so sorry OP 😥
22 days ago
Wow Im glad other people knew what this was cause I dont think i would have ever guessed that was drugs
22 days ago
22 days ago
22 days ago
Look it’s going to be a pretty rough situation no matter how you handle it. Starting off a recovery journey like this (with a parent confronting your use and not seeking out recovery on your own accord) is usually not the most effective way to do things, but obviously that’s the only choice to make.
Don’t yell at her or get upset and accusatory. Do come at her in a compassionate and respectful way. Acknowledge that you assume she is doing this to either self medicate or in some way numb out or deal with some sort of emotional distress. Ask her what her needs are; what doing whatever substance she is doing is helping with. Try and focus on that, and not necessarily condemning her poor choice for how to cope.
If she will be forthcoming with what she is using, that would be good, but don’t turn it into a power struggle interrogation. Your first convo should be non judgmental and compassionate. Gather info. Then, go and process it alone or with a trusted friend or professional.
Definitely do what you need to do to keep your daughter from leaving the house. Make sure you THOROUGHLY search her room- you don’t want her to panic that she got caught and then smoke up her whole stash and OD.
Definitely get narcan, your local pharmacy will have some.
And then the next battle is going to be trying to convince her that seeking treatment is what’s best for her. The more buy-in you can get from her, the better it will be. She needs at least outpatient treatment regardless of her buy in, but I can’t emphasize enough how important some level of buy in from her is.
Good luck and DM me if you have any questions.
22 days ago
Get her some help before she overdoses. My heart breaks for you.
22 days ago
Unfortunately she’s smoking either black tar heroin or pressed fentanyl pills. Definitely time to sit down and have a talk and see where this situation is in its development. Addiction is progressive, early intervention is always best.
22 days ago
This is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen on reddit.
22 days ago
Hey, I just want to say, don’t come to her pissed. Please be nice, be serious, and PLEASE *COMFORT* HER. please provide support, if you don’t give support, it’s not going to go well.
22 days ago
This is exactly how my 16 year old sister started. This exact picture.
I’m so sorry. Please get her to a non voluntary rehab. If you’re not in a state where this is criminalized, drive to one and get her locked in somewhere she can get help. This is the time right now when you NEED to act. You can still save her.
My mom didn’t know what to do and she lives in Oregon. Police did NOTHING and now my sister is 18, homeless living on the streets of Portland. Addicted to fentanyl and anything else. God only knows what she does to get it. Everyday we just have to wonder if today is the day we find out she overdosed and passed. It’s a nightmare
Please save her. This is urgent.
22 days ago
Should be an interesting conversation. Hopefully you’re a good parent and can help her out if it is what people think it is.
22 days ago
I think you should find a way to have it tested, or have her tested.
Hear me out though. My mom confronted me when I was a teen. She was very aggressive and found “something” in my room. Wouldn’t tell me what it was but wanted me to fess up. I had no idea what she was talking about. She was angry, approaching me with a judgmental tone. I was pissed.
So turns out she found a “roach clip” in my desk. I told her I don’t know what the F a roach clip is. She shows me a pair of scissors that are burned black on the very tips. I show her a candle where my wick fell in and I had been digging it carefully out of hot wax.
Best of luck to you and your daughter
21 days ago
I’m probably too late for you to even see this, but while you figure out how to approach her — purchase naloxone to have on hand at all times.
22 days ago
Meth or heroin/fentanyl
22 days ago
Black stuff melted on foil is opiates. Lost two friends to it. That was *before* fent became a street drug, too. She’s 16, it’s dangerous curiosity time paralleled with losing faith in authority figures. Good luck, hope you can help her in a way she doesn’t resent you for.
22 days ago
She is smoking Fetty Pills. You only smoke Pills on Tin Foil.
Pills burn and leave behind that residue…
22 days ago
looks like black tar h to me.
22 days ago
She’s “chasing the dragon”. Smoking heroin or fentanyl. As a doctor who teaches this stuff you need to intervene immediately since it causes some unique and chronic brain injuries.
22 days ago
No one ever puts weed in tinfoil
21 days ago
I had a friend that was addicted to smoking oxytocin on foil and it looked just like this does. Idk exactly WHAT is being smoked. It’s undoubtedly an opiate of some kind that she’s smoking.
You put the pill on the foil light the lighter under the tin and follow the pill as it smokes with a pen or a straw to draw up the smoke. As it’s smoked the pill will melt n run causing those dark trails. He used to make spirals and designs etc when he did it.
I would certainly take this very seriously as usually this kind of abuse will only grow stronger as her tolerance grows. If this is fentanyl then I would get her into rehab before she starts shooting it. People resort to shooting when the smoking doesn’t work as well due to her tolerance. Good luck.
21 days ago
Have Narcan available in the house, and look up numbers for teen rehabs and therapists. They will tell you how to handle this before you approach her. Come from a place of care and understanding, and do not let her feel your negative emotions, she needs love and support from a mentally strong parental figure, so how you react to her will change her future forever.
21 days ago
That could be herion, fentanyl or meth
21 days ago
Pills, heroin, fentanyl, some sort of opiate… did it myself for over 10 years. Intervene ASAP
21 days ago
It’s seriously either heroin or something like that. OP please take this serious and when your daughter denies it and looks you straight in the eye and promise you that is a junkie. A junkie will not have any remorse and they will look you in the eye and lie to you over and over again
An alcoholic will cry and be so remorseful, but a junkie will look you in the eye and gaslight you like it’s your problem
21 days ago
GET IT TESTED, get it processed, get your kid into therapy and into a program right fucking now
21 days ago
I am so sorry. Please, please stock up on narcan.
21 days ago
It’s OK. If it is safe enough for our new head of HHS, it is safe enough for everyone.
Looks like she’s smoking heroin/fentanyl off the tinfoil. I wouldn’t listen to people saying it could be weed
Smoking fentanyl heroin or pain pills. I am an x addict please lmk if you need anything I would help in any way I can
Smoking something bad 🙁 my exbf used to smoke fent pressed pills that way. I’m sorry 💔
Tear some foil off and let it soak in a cup of ur urine. Just a little bit. Go buy a drug test cup from cvs and test it
Smoking fent.
God what a shame, she’s so young. OP, substance abuse this severe doesn’t start this young purely from a desire to rebel, she is likely dealing with something serious, so don’t be too hard on her. None of the people I know who started this young smoked hard drugs for the fun of it.
16 year old is a minor, you run the show, take her to urgent care tell them you want a full tox screen.
My close family member struggles with fentanyl addiction. I strongly believe this is fent. I’m so sorry OP 😥
Wow Im glad other people knew what this was cause I dont think i would have ever guessed that was drugs
Look it’s going to be a pretty rough situation no matter how you handle it. Starting off a recovery journey like this (with a parent confronting your use and not seeking out recovery on your own accord) is usually not the most effective way to do things, but obviously that’s the only choice to make.
Don’t yell at her or get upset and accusatory. Do come at her in a compassionate and respectful way. Acknowledge that you assume she is doing this to either self medicate or in some way numb out or deal with some sort of emotional distress. Ask her what her needs are; what doing whatever substance she is doing is helping with. Try and focus on that, and not necessarily condemning her poor choice for how to cope.
If she will be forthcoming with what she is using, that would be good, but don’t turn it into a power struggle interrogation. Your first convo should be non judgmental and compassionate. Gather info. Then, go and process it alone or with a trusted friend or professional.
Definitely do what you need to do to keep your daughter from leaving the house. Make sure you THOROUGHLY search her room- you don’t want her to panic that she got caught and then smoke up her whole stash and OD.
Definitely get narcan, your local pharmacy will have some.
And then the next battle is going to be trying to convince her that seeking treatment is what’s best for her. The more buy-in you can get from her, the better it will be. She needs at least outpatient treatment regardless of her buy in, but I can’t emphasize enough how important some level of buy in from her is.
Good luck and DM me if you have any questions.
Get her some help before she overdoses. My heart breaks for you.
Unfortunately she’s smoking either black tar heroin or pressed fentanyl pills. Definitely time to sit down and have a talk and see where this situation is in its development. Addiction is progressive, early intervention is always best.
This is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen on reddit.
Hey, I just want to say, don’t come to her pissed. Please be nice, be serious, and PLEASE *COMFORT* HER. please provide support, if you don’t give support, it’s not going to go well.
This is exactly how my 16 year old sister started. This exact picture.
I’m so sorry. Please get her to a non voluntary rehab. If you’re not in a state where this is criminalized, drive to one and get her locked in somewhere she can get help. This is the time right now when you NEED to act. You can still save her.
My mom didn’t know what to do and she lives in Oregon. Police did NOTHING and now my sister is 18, homeless living on the streets of Portland. Addicted to fentanyl and anything else. God only knows what she does to get it. Everyday we just have to wonder if today is the day we find out she overdosed and passed. It’s a nightmare
Please save her. This is urgent.
Should be an interesting conversation. Hopefully you’re a good parent and can help her out if it is what people think it is.
I think you should find a way to have it tested, or have her tested.
Hear me out though. My mom confronted me when I was a teen. She was very aggressive and found “something” in my room. Wouldn’t tell me what it was but wanted me to fess up. I had no idea what she was talking about. She was angry, approaching me with a judgmental tone. I was pissed.
So turns out she found a “roach clip” in my desk. I told her I don’t know what the F a roach clip is. She shows me a pair of scissors that are burned black on the very tips. I show her a candle where my wick fell in and I had been digging it carefully out of hot wax.
Best of luck to you and your daughter
I’m probably too late for you to even see this, but while you figure out how to approach her — purchase naloxone to have on hand at all times.
Meth or heroin/fentanyl
Black stuff melted on foil is opiates. Lost two friends to it. That was *before* fent became a street drug, too. She’s 16, it’s dangerous curiosity time paralleled with losing faith in authority figures. Good luck, hope you can help her in a way she doesn’t resent you for.
She is smoking Fetty Pills. You only smoke Pills on Tin Foil.
Pills burn and leave behind that residue…
looks like black tar h to me.
She’s “chasing the dragon”. Smoking heroin or fentanyl. As a doctor who teaches this stuff you need to intervene immediately since it causes some unique and chronic brain injuries.
No one ever puts weed in tinfoil
I had a friend that was addicted to smoking oxytocin on foil and it looked just like this does. Idk exactly WHAT is being smoked. It’s undoubtedly an opiate of some kind that she’s smoking.
You put the pill on the foil light the lighter under the tin and follow the pill as it smokes with a pen or a straw to draw up the smoke. As it’s smoked the pill will melt n run causing those dark trails. He used to make spirals and designs etc when he did it.
I would certainly take this very seriously as usually this kind of abuse will only grow stronger as her tolerance grows. If this is fentanyl then I would get her into rehab before she starts shooting it. People resort to shooting when the smoking doesn’t work as well due to her tolerance. Good luck.
Have Narcan available in the house, and look up numbers for teen rehabs and therapists. They will tell you how to handle this before you approach her. Come from a place of care and understanding, and do not let her feel your negative emotions, she needs love and support from a mentally strong parental figure, so how you react to her will change her future forever.
That could be herion, fentanyl or meth
Pills, heroin, fentanyl, some sort of opiate… did it myself for over 10 years. Intervene ASAP
It’s seriously either heroin or something like that. OP please take this serious and when your daughter denies it and looks you straight in the eye and promise you that is a junkie. A junkie will not have any remorse and they will look you in the eye and lie to you over and over again
An alcoholic will cry and be so remorseful, but a junkie will look you in the eye and gaslight you like it’s your problem
GET IT TESTED, get it processed, get your kid into therapy and into a program right fucking now
I am so sorry. Please, please stock up on narcan.
It’s OK. If it is safe enough for our new head of HHS, it is safe enough for everyone.