My kid on 80’s Day for school today. “They didn’t specify which century,” he said.

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🎶 If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to

Why don’t you go where fashion sits?

Puttin’ on the Ritz

Different types who wear a day-coat

Pants with stripes and cutaway-coat, perfect fits

Puttin’ on the Ritz!

This kid sure has a brighter future than Lincoln did when he picked up his tickets from the box office.

I have read a few non fiction books from the 1950s and it always breaks my mind when they reference the 1880s as the 80s. Smart kid.

If he’s going to take over Gotham, he needs an umbrella and monocle

lincoln would be proud of him

Oi mate, pass the liquor, it’s Jack the Ripper.

The spitting image of a factory owner who is pissed that his child laborers are on strike.

Your kid is fire.

“We said 80’s Day, not Around The World in 80 Days”

I like that kind of tomfoolery. Enable it. Your kid is a smart fella. And a distinguished gentleman!

Bright! Thinking outside the box!

Ah, the 1880’s a fabulous decade.

Love it I woulda gone with Sherlock for 1880s

He should wear a burlap sack like it’s 80.

Since it’s set in the 2080s he could have gone as on of them Alien Prometheus Architects.

He and my daughter would get along well. She regularly dresses in early 20th century attire. For halloween [she went as Enjolras](, from Les Miserables.

Andrew Carnegie approves

D’ Plane Boss!! D’ Plane!!!

Did they say hey, what’s going on?

Lil Paul F Tompkins

Reminds me of the first scene in the first episode of Portlandia….”you mean the 1990s?” “No, the 1890s!”

This reminds me of when Portlandia had a skit in their first episode, [Dream of the ’90s](; and then followed it up in the second season with [Dream of the 1890s](, starting out the same as the first one.

We did this for I think the ’50s. Our class wore togas and said it was 50 AD. A couple of dudes dressed as Centurions and one guy came as Neptune. It was pretty extra.

Just tell them you’re Ab Lincoln from Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Be excellent to each other. And… PARTY ON, DUDES!

He is technically correct. The best kind of correct.

Your kid is cool AF

Actually still works for 1980s

Omg I love this kid! Ahaha you a smart dude and bro it’s looks 🔥 👌 💯

Rub some powdered sugar under his nose. Mash up both centuries.

Robber Barron 1880s, knocked it out of the park!

When my son was in high school his senior class was given the 60’s for decade day. I had him dress as Abe, nothing says the 60’s like Abe.

this kid will do alright

I love this!!! I went to a 50’s party in college dressed as a pioneer. I met my future husband at that party.

Lincoln in the 1880s should be a skeleton.

That is some bobby hill energy.

I appreciate your kid’s contrariness and spunk, I really do. It reminds me of me. I instinctively go left when everyone else chooses to go right. I have always felt that this makes me an independent thinker and a unique person– not a joiner or a follower.

And then I remember that I have always felt socially isolated because I am different and I constantly, instinctively, choose to do things that distinguish me from the vast majority of the people around me. Not necessarily different things that distinguish me a glowing way, just things that are different from the way everyone else.

In my case my contrariness and spunk has lead to a lifetime of insecurity, feelings of being the other, and clear signals from my peers that I’m socially awkward and they don’t know what to do with me. I sincerely hope your kid is better at this than I have proven to be OP, but I worry for them. Society is not kind to puzzle pieces who don’t find their place.

You’re raising him right.

Smart kid!

But Lincoln didn’t live through any 80s. Died in 1865

Still fly AF


He has my utmost respect

“It’s after six, what am I? A farmer?”

so funny love that kind of humor

Classy guy.

Back to the future 3 was set in the 1880s.

My kinda kid!!! Very creative!

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