“Starter pack”

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Finisher pack:
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Having a black President broke the brains of so many Americans, the election of Trump has always felt like a white-lash.

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This happened today. That didnt take long.

Rand Paul’s neighbor was a real one

That’s not even how the starter pack meme works…

If the right is cheering Trump doing it now, then 10-15 years ago they blamed or accused Obama of doing the exact same thing.

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King of the swamp

Can say without question that Rand Paul smells like spoiled milk.

So where the fuck are you Rand? Do your goddamn job!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh forgot you got lost up there in Trump’s colon a while ago.

I had multiple people ask me about Obama supporters acting like he was a “messiah”. I thought about that again many years later when I drove by a billboard with a picture of Trump that said “And His will became flesh”.

Rand Paul, the guy who voted and supported Trump. Fuck off Rand, the adults are talking. 


50 states. 50 ongoing protests. One nation. Don’t take this shit lying down like a bitch. 

Where is Rand Paul’s neighbor when you need him.

He’s too stupid to even use real examples of anything.

Oh geez. Can you iMAGine if Mr O pulled ANY of this shite?!

The best thing that Rand Paul ever did was get his ass kicked by his neighbor.

I watched some of the house intelligence committee meeting today and Rand Paul is one of the world’s most vile people. Him and Rick Scott are absolutely terrible and will do whatever Trump tells them to.

Crazy part is they’ll double-down on Trump rather than purge the wicked people and reform their ideals to have positive implementations and outcomes 

Maybe they got showed the blackmail and were told The People will riot if told.

Well, to anyone in power with a fraction of a spine I’d say now’s the time to fess up cause you don’t wanna be on the wrong side of the guillotine

I still get a chuckle out of Rand’s neighbor who beat his ass.

“Taxes are authoritarian, Putin and Trump are ok tho”

So funny watching people.loose thier minds in a rebuttal to someone who called herself the queen.

Broken clock and all

Trump is everything the Right accused Obama of being. More proof every accusation is a confession

(obama selects dijon mustard)


No other clothes? Must be cosplaying as Kamoshida

You won’t hear a peep out of this clown either. 🤣

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King of the North

And which president just called himself King?

I’m curious what Obama was doing to warrant this at that time. Was he passing sweeping EOs comparable to these?

Obama is the reason Trump got into politics. He insulted Trump. I was offended by Obama’s statement “I have a pen and I have a phone”. You can only imagine how happy I am about DJT.
EDIT: I am not happy at all about DJT being in charge again, hopefully I didn’t mis-state that. I will be happy when Trump dies, no matter the cause.

That’s the point. That was the plan. It’s a classic right-wing play: over-react to everything so you can create a precedent of mass-hysteria, then when you’re in power and doing absolutely bonkers shit, your opposition’s measured response looks like it’s just another public freakout. Keeps your followers loyal and the moderates complacent.

Me thinks big mike was the king then.

Someone get the french, they know how to deal with kings

Yo, why are they using the TaskMaster chair? Didnt expect to see that in a political post

Needs a guillotine.

I still remember co-workers talking about how Obama was a dictator who would never leave power. Turns out I was the only one in the department who didn’t listen to Alex Jones.

Every accusation is a confession with these people.

Barack had them in shambles

The 2012 election win was too funny

Hmmm…..who gets to examine his bowel movements and predict his future?

What, no gold-painted pager?

This is just the Taskmaster studio decorations.

Always projection

My dream cage fight: Trump vs Charlie Boy two men enter one man leaves, who we betting on? Baby Hands or Sausage Fingers?

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