Ukraine President Zelensky handes over a battle flag to representatives of US Congress. Dec. 2022

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We are doing him so dirty. This photo was taken back when America was an idea, and not just a country.

This picture is depressing. The US was SO close to having a president that you could let outside and not have to worry they’d be talked into dismantling democracy. But here we are.

That’s was before the Russia-backed felon in chief changed sides

Zelensky gave Kamala a battle flag, Putin gave Trump a hooker named Melania

I love Zelensky. Even if we manage to get through this with our democracy relatively intact, I’ll never forgive this current government for holding us hostage while they make enemies of everyone we’ve ever loved and supported. Zelensky is more of a man than any of these unhinged losers we’ve got running this thing are. By a billion.

We lived in a better world then didn’t we?

Aged like milk. Now Mango Mussolini is Putin’s gimp…

Dems had control, there were still rules and common sense at play.

American voters then pissed it all away because they didnt understand fuckall about inflation and corporate greed.

Egg was too expensive sorry.

Russia waged psychological warfare on the US and has seemed to defeat us from within by compromising several of our influential politicians and talking heads. This in turn has led to large swathes of US citizens being manipulated to essentially condone and support Russian aggression.

It seems the true loser of the Cold War is the United States. The defeat has rendered our once great nation and the moral compass of the world into what is basically now the USSA – United Soviet States of America.

He should ask for it back. Tell them to ask Putin for a Russian flag. Ukrainian flag is too good for the current US congress

Never thought I’d live long enough to see an American president bow down to Russia.

47 can burn in h***

I don’t understand how anyone can not be worried right now. How stupid does someone need to be to think any of what’s happening now is good? Like these people must not have a mind at all. 

Trump and every fucker who voted for him will have Ukraine’s blood on their hands

Republicans will be holding a Russian flag from now on.

🇺🇦 🙏 ❤️

The Yankees surrendered to the Russians …….how weak they have become

The only flags allowed now are Nazi or confederate

Dictator Zelensky surrenders state symbol to US communists in effort to take over Russia.


Slava Ukraini!

Nah looks like a dictator giving communist props for aiding in a war the communist started. Anyhow we’re gonna fix our country by aligning with a country that has had the same “president” for 30 years. We’re also gonna “suggest” our closest allies to stop taking advantage of us and give up land to the United States.

At those times we can say America did good.

Oh shit, I remember this! When we were still a democracy? That was nice.

Ah well, back to scrolling through state-sanction human rights violations.

Awwwww I miss the USA. We had some good times.

Over a million deaths, you ghouls. Everyone here wants more death with the exact same outcome.

Biden played him hard. LOL.

How much did that flag cost the US taxpayers !!

Wonder where it is now? In some douchebag’s basement, by the bar, no doubt.

Looks at their precious smiles…so cute. Millions dead and injured but cheers for the flag that we paid you MILLIONS for. Such a great guy…and in suitable company there also.

Yesterday no more.

Zelensky is a courageous leader. I am so heartbroken by this lawless criminal fascist government that has taken over our nation and is turning its back on Ukraine in favor of the murderous butcher Putin.

…….. and.. Trump just wiped his ass with it!

To be fair.. appropriate size to wipe the biggest ass of history SMH

For every 20 billion sent, they send one back.

How’s the party that accepted the flag doing now?

After that date, thousands of soldiers died. If not million.

Can we go back in time?

Wait until it gets out what they spent the money on.

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