This morning on I-64 in Louisville

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No problems on the roads, they seem clear.

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MAGA: “Look here, snowflake, fuck your feelings, I’m a free speech absolutist.” 😏😎🇺🇸

This happens: “NO! Not like this! How could they do this?!” ☹️😭😭


I would never condone violence against president Musk, but keep up the resistance against this regime that is intent on ignoring the rule of law, dismantling our government institutions, alienating our closest allies, embracing and emulating dictatorships, and ending democracy as we know it.

fuck yeah

‘Merica don’t let me down

Inshallah 🙏


Based lmao




Love to see the 64 antics are back


So what’s everyone having for lunch?

Finally some positivity in this sub.

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Just here to watch the Republicans defend a foreign billionaire infiltrating our government

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Hell Yeah

I was wondering why the hold up and then I saw this lol


Another opportunity to post my favorite gif? Don’t mind if I do.

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Positive energy

Hell yeah neighbor


I think we’re entering “find out”

The cop driving right under it makes this so much better

This worries me. Everyone expects Trumpers to be violent and stupid. It’s their brand and it’s the highest they aspire to in their sad, miserable and violent lives. They have normalized it.

*”Gee, Nazis advocating violence on another marginalized group, it must be Tuesday.”*

But — I’m a quiet, introverted vegan cat whisperer. I refuse to slap flies or stink bugs or shoo away squirrels.

But I am scared about what I think of these ghouls. I want bad things to happen to them. I often wonder what it would be like to wake up in a peaceful world without the horror they visit on people. There are many more similarly -minded individuals out there.

I don’t ask for those thoughts. Don’t want them. I want them to go away. But they don’t. I cannot help hoping a force of good eradicates them any way possible. It’s not healthy, it’s not who I am, but at what point do we stop accepting this agenda and cult as “normal”? The tangible and intangible casualties are piling up. When does it stop?


sic semper tyrannis

See. This is the kind of energy we need to see more of.


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