A reminder that this actually happened on the show.

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I still can’t get over Greyworm teleporting everywhere throughout the last episode

Grey Worm: “Yes you killed our queen, but we must leave now, Naath is calling”.

No war. No fight. A Poochie level write off.

“and meanwhile me and my boys will fuck off to an island where the butterflies kill us”

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“YOU ARE NOT HERE TO SPEAK!!! But go ahead, keep talking.”

“And I’ll allow the traitor/co-prisoner Tyrion to conduct the hearing. Then I’ll be leaving here forever and will be unable to check up whether or not the punishment is completed.”

“Also we’re going to let the other person being tried for treason to talk the whole time and make his case for who should be the next ruler of Westeros, who will then decide your sentence. Hopefully he doesn’t pick your brother.”

The writers warming up before crafting S8:


Daenerys does to King’s Landing the equivalent of stepping on an anthill repeatedly, which should give an indication that she has no regard for any kind of local law or custom, yet Grey Worm thinks it’s best to respect the rule of law.

That’s not how it happened at all.

Deleted scene: Grey Worm walks in and finds Jon Snow alone in the throne room.

“Where is the queen?

– I killed her.

– Uh… (oh no, she fucked off again). Come on, tell me, where is she?

– I told you. She’s dead.

– Yeah, sure. Where is the body then?

– The dragon took it away.

– Really? And where’s the throne? Did it take it too?

– No, it was melted down, look it’s all over the floor.

– Hmm… (this makes no sense at all). Are you ok?

– No… I mean, yes… I don’t know. I didn’t want it…

– Unsullied! Take this man to a padded cell and make sure he cannot hurt himself.

Later, at the new king’s council:

“Let’s send war lunatics to the Night’s Watch after a nice goodbye, they can’t really do anything wrong there.”

Yeah he wasn’t thinking too hard there…

I have an aneurysm everytime I accidentally think about this development. Don’t rub it in my face

What I don’t understand is why Jon had to stay over the wall when they could’ve just snuck him back through after the Unsullied and Dothraki armies went back east. Like, who’s gonna stop him? He would’ve had the Northern armies support if Grey Worm and crew sailed back to kill him or something, assuming they ever found out. It just makes no sense why he had to stay there.

Also Grey Worm after slaughtering a few thousand peaceful citizens only by himself, not counting the rest of the Unsullied: “We want justice!” Trust me bro, you don’t

Also, I’m just about to head out – so please abide by their decision.

The thing is Jon absolutely could have lied. Drogon took Dany’s body. All he has to do is say Dany took Drogon and flew away, which she has a history of.

I understand that Jon is honest and wouldn’t lie like that, at least in the show.

I was actually totally fine with the last upside right up until Drogon flew off and they pulled this “Two Weeks Later” bullshit. They literally couldn’t explain how Jon would get out of that situation so they…just didn’t.

Greyworm never really cared for Daenerys.

Don’t forget when he told Tyrion ‘YOU WILL NOT SPEAK!’ and then twenty seconds later nodded as Tyrion decided who should be King.

Beautiful repost

On top of the rest of the shit sandwich that was S8 the idea Greyworm would not murder the fuck out of Jon for this is utterly ridiculous.

I read this in his accent

Proof the show isn’t canon

Don’t forget how King’s Landing looks completely different, now that it is a set in Belfast, as opposed to being filmed in Croatia.

It also has a wall now, apparently

They weren’t his jury… there was no trial. They negotiated his release in return for what was left of her army’s ability to safety leave the city

What are you talking about?! GoT only has 4 seasons. Really excited to see what they do now that Tyrion is going to Essos! Wonder what is taking them so long with season 5?

What made it so much worse in my opinion is two scenes earlier they established grey worm will commit executions on the street at the drop of a hat.

Reading the books, halfway through the 3rd. It truly feels like the actual script for the show. Making me believe the show runners werent talented when it came to them having to create their own ending since the books weren’t there for the final season

Only explanation I can think of was grey worm also started to notice his khaleesis tendencies and perhaps saw her becoming something darker in the future. He saw her go on a rampage killing thousands in kings landing after battle was decided to vent her fury, and proclaim herself a queen for all to know in fear. Grey worm actually cared for people and did not want to expand or continue the conflict dealing with Jon and recognized that Jon did care for her Asher as well. But acted for others behalf.

Which is funny because Jon Snow could have easily beat Greyworm in a fight

“Arrest me”. Go ahead….

Why you did this to me? I’ve already kinda forgot about season 8

The counsel of surviving characters will decide your fate

Jon should have put himself in exile after warging with a dragon and it taking over too much of his personality, which lead to him killing daenerys out of anger.

The unsullied and dothraki pledge themselves to him, as the next in Danys line, and Jon fearing that he would be the next Mad King takes them with him beyond the wall.

I murdered auntie like they murdered this show

Reading this re-traumatized me

and just last week someone tried their hardest to convince us we mis understood the last season and it was actually top tier.


I thought she got ate by a fucking dragon?

Right, because a jury of his peers who survived the dragon fire would’ve definitely been more unbiased…

I’m sure this has been explained a million times but can someone tell me why Jon didn’t just become king? Robert murdered Rhaegar and became king, whether it was because he was a usurper or because he was an heir. Jon murdered the Queen and is also the rightful heir to the throne above her. Help

Jacob Anderson is god’s strongest soldier saying those lines in the finale with a straight face, gun to my head I don’t think I could.

Grey Worm: “And as for you little man, you’re going to get who decides to be the next king. I hope that teaches you a lesson.”

Damn it, I forgot how much I hated the last season.

Yeah my immediate thought was “Why would Grey Worm or any of the unsullied consider the Wall a fitting punishment?” Even if, let’s say, Grey Worm has no idea that the wall is basically gone, and they lie and act like being sent to the wall now is basically the same as being sent there in Season 1, why would he consider that much of a punishment?
The way I’d see the conversation going is Tyrrion says “We’ll send Jon to the wall, he’ll be forced to stay there, he’s not allowed to have sex. He can’t have kids or take a wife.” Grey Worm asks “So are you going to physically keep him there and cut his dick off like us Unsullied?” Tyrion says “Well… no, we’re just going to tell him he’s not allowed to that stuff.” And Grey Worm would be like “How does that stop him? That’s not a fitting punishment for killing our queen!”

Funny thing Davos telling the unsullied to start their own house 😭😭

The entire season 8 is bleh, the more you read about it here, the worse it gets.

Greyworm kind of forgot about [INSERT MEME COMPLETION HERE]

A reminder that this show actually ended 6 years ago.


On a final season full of baffling choices, this was easily the most baffling to me

He should have been cut down by the Unsullied after he killed Dany. Unlike all the other Stark men, who died tragic and pointless deaths, he’d actually be dying for *something*. Giving his life for the realm. Fitting end.

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