On I5 south this morning ❤️

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Some basic elementary history lessons will tell you that the US was built by immigrants, and if you dig deeper our founding fathers literally stole this land.

Seattle staying on brand. Love to see it. ❤️

Eh, the hardworking ones who want to make a life and living for their family make America Great.

The already rich ones who are economic tourists (the epitome of which is Musk) can fuck off. Way too many of those.

The people who listened to grifting fascists like Tucker Carlsen rant about “Great Replacement” BS for years and then voted for a corrupt felon are truly concerned about “illegal” immigration. lol. maga is about keeping America white-majority, whatever it takes.

They sure do!! <3

Yes they do!

Sweet, I really needed to see this type of sign! With deer netting and a few 6ft hardwood stakes, looks like the lettering would be the hardest part – but the whole thing would be very easy to roll up and transport! Great work!

Great and they also made it entirely

Except for the Muskrat

He can fuck off back to South Africa

Keep immigrants! Throw out Trump, Musk, Fox New and anyone that supports Trumps tactics!

could even stop after the first 3 words.

America brings over a million immigrants legally every year.

That’s more than any other country does.

It’s great.

America is a melting pot and our immigrants are an important part of what has made America what it is today.

This includes asylum seekers. In 2023 the US granted asylum to 54,350 people.


That doesn’t mean we should allow unlimited illegal immigration to flood our country.

All your great grand parents were immigrants.


First positive post all day. thx seattle.

Yup, legal immigrants do make America Great

Legal immigrants.

Legal Immigrants make America Great

LEGAL immigrants.

Yes legal immigrants do. Not illegal.

Immigrants definitely make America great. Illegal immigrants don’t.

I recognize that font I think… Backbone Campaign?


They are definitely a big part of what made America Great


We’ll see who stands for what, and why. Soon enough, the truth will surface.

“We the People?” Really? How will you explain being the minority when the next vote comes around? It’s simple—it’s math.

Co-opting this phrase—likely by someone either lacking the education to grasp its weight or driven by an agenda to disrupt our social fabric—demands a response: Prove it.

Prove you’re working for the greater good. Go ahead—show us.

But here’s the problem you’re imposing on everyone else: The means don’t justify your so-called “good intentions.”

What’s unfolding is criminal, unethical, irrational, and, without question, illegal.

In this twisted process, we the people are undermining our own rule of law—lawlessly—without any clear benefit for the collective. Even the ends you’re chasing aren’t good for everyone. And the means? They’re utterly wrong.

So, even if your ultimate vision is a thriving democracy where every voice is heard, every basic need is met, and our economy supports a flourishing society—these methods don’t get us there.

Not this way. Not at this cost.

Immigrants do but illegals are law breakers and line jumpers

Apart from Elon

Let me guess white liberals?

Not when they’re getting more benefits than me when I work three jobs in Seattle

Immigrants make America great, but the law is the law.

Make America Chingon Again!

Indigenous peoples seeing this: 🤨

I agree we should support people coming Into the country legally And who have been properly vetted And are able to support themselves without relying on government assistance.

*legal immigrants, for sure!

Drop the last line. Immigrants made America. Period. Still do.

Put it this way. Every single government in the world stole land from someone. All land was just claimed and if you denied that claim you were more than likely executed. Every single inch of land in this entire world was claimed by someone that it didn’t belong to originally. In every point and time in history there has never been just a piece of land that wasn’t taken by force.

not illegal ones

Legal immigrants*

This literally just made my day! I love this!
My great-grandfather brought my family here from Guadalajara to work in the vegetable fields. I am proud that I come from a family of immigrant field workers.
The way things are going, I’m wondering if there’ll be anyone left who is willing to work in the fields this summer.
I’m looking forward to hearing what nonsense the maga team comes up with to explain why the farms & suppliers don’t have enough workers and they can’t get produce to stores and restaurants this summer.

Well, no, that’s like saying citizens make America great, it’s a meaningless statement. Illegal immigrants can in rare circumstances (still one too many) seize govt power and carry out a coup (Elon) and try to impose their apartheid racism (also Elon). So no immigrants don’t necessarily make America freat



I mean based off of history facts alone the only true Americans were the natives but then you can just go farther back in history and say literally everyone alive is an immigrant unless they’re standing in the country where humans first began.

Immigrant is just the word the elite use to confuse people. It has and always will be people just not wanting shitty people around them.

Criminals that steal, rape, and pillage? Shitty

Rich criminals that steal, rape, and pillage? Still shitty.

Not an immigrant problem will and always has been shitty people problem. If you remove the word immigrant and focus on the shitty people while not making broad statements like “all are like this” then you can begin to actually start problem solving it buuuuuut everyone wants to just scream “immigrant!” And do nothing

Forgetting a word, it should be “legal immigrants make America great“

Not really, legal immigration does make it great

Nobody is saying anything about legal immigrants being bad. Hope this helps

Legal immigrants are the MVP, it’s the illegal ones people have a problem with.

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