Was I Right?

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I didn’t think she was interested in his precious

Everyone in here is insulted about comparing Galadriel to Ariana, but Gollum didn’t deserve that slander.

Ariana Grande in shambles now, I’m sure.

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Why do people do this? I know that Andrew Taint is not the first person to publicly share this information nor will he be the last. But holy cow is it creepy and feels invasive. Like please stop telling us your fucking fetishes and fantasies!

If Galadriel had a eating disorder and Gollum was uglier

Tate is a chud. Ariana Grande also looks like a literal husk of a human right now, to compare her to Galadriel is bananas.

Gollum has Smeagol as a redeeming characteristic. Andrew Tate doesn’t have anything. Please don,t sully the good name of Gollum by associating him with that thing.

Comparing Ariana Grande to Galadriel is an insult to Tolkien himself

I mean, Tate sucks but also Arianna isn’t exactly a “Galadriel” at this point. Genuinely worried about her health. But yeah, regardless, Tate probably wouldn’t make it within 50 feet of her

He really tweets like a 16 year old edgelord.

I also wouldn’t fuck Ariana Grande. But it has nothing to do with her weight and everything to do with the fact that my wife would skin me alive and wear me to my own funeral.

Please don’t insult Gollum like that

It’s completely fair to compare Ariana Grande to Galadriel. Both are ambitious, filthy rich, ethnically-confused blonde princesses who are fond of himbo boytoys.

“Then I must go for my axe,” said Gimli

Yes you were right. That is some funny shit.

Tate sucks, and he doesn’t have a point, but Ari’s weight loss IS concerning

the good news for tate is that he IS a catch (pun intended)… for all the ladies out there with a gollum fetish. I’m sure there are many

I’m all for hating on Tate, and I think it’s distasteful to comment on whatever it is Grande is dealing with right now…

But no, the Galadriel comparison is too far off.

You need validation over celebrity drama peddling? Please go outside

Grande is out of his league, she has no need for a bald misogynist lol.

Very reminiscent of GOP getting in a tissy because Taylor Swift laughed at Trumps claim that she was voting for him.

Usually I’ll just downvote this type of karma farming cross posting.

But damn that’s funny 🤣

I don’t want the scumbag touching my lotr subs. Save your irl bs for literally anywhere else on reddit.

She is still out there doing movies and music after everything that has happened to her the last few years. I’m sure Tate is the last fucker on her mind

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