My family history begins with my great grandfather fighting for Poland’s independence, and fleeing to America to escape the pogroms.
That’s my mother’s half, my father’s family history is spotty because there’s not many records until after the 20th century. The oldest records I’ve found trace us from Puerto Rico back to the Canary Islands, so I don’t think that branch of the family tree is any brighter.
20 days ago
I still remember the time my grandmother told about the time her mother accidentally dropped a baby that resulted in it dying and my grandma saying she believed her mother did it on purpose.
20 days ago
My grandpa is like ten years older than my grandma, they met when she was 13 and had a child when she was 17
20 days ago
Mine was for 100,000 acres of land
20 days ago
My Grandma married my grandfather because she overheard him make a bet with his friends that he could get her to say yes. She hated his friends and wanted them to lose so she said yes.
Grandpa took off “for work” for a couple days shortly after the wedding. The day after he left, the FBI showed up at their door looking for him. He was apparently already married to another woman but stayed away til the divorce was final.
Fast forward 2 years, my grandfather was arrested and investigated for a bombing of the factory he worked at. Nothing came of it and he was released.
He died in 1989. The family found out when they were doing family history research in 2019.
20 days ago
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
20 days ago
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
20 days ago
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
20 days ago
Have a distant relative that was apparently charged with some crazy negligence that resulted in many deaths in one of the World Wars. Then there was another side of the family that we don’t even talk to. Just full of drug addicts and criminals or something. Fun stuff
20 days ago
The story in my family is that a man raped one of my great grandfather’s daughters so he tied him up and burned him to death on a wood stove.
My family history begins with my great grandfather fighting for Poland’s independence, and fleeing to America to escape the pogroms.
That’s my mother’s half, my father’s family history is spotty because there’s not many records until after the 20th century. The oldest records I’ve found trace us from Puerto Rico back to the Canary Islands, so I don’t think that branch of the family tree is any brighter.
I still remember the time my grandmother told about the time her mother accidentally dropped a baby that resulted in it dying and my grandma saying she believed her mother did it on purpose.
My grandpa is like ten years older than my grandma, they met when she was 13 and had a child when she was 17
Mine was for 100,000 acres of land
My Grandma married my grandfather because she overheard him make a bet with his friends that he could get her to say yes. She hated his friends and wanted them to lose so she said yes.
Grandpa took off “for work” for a couple days shortly after the wedding. The day after he left, the FBI showed up at their door looking for him. He was apparently already married to another woman but stayed away til the divorce was final.
Fast forward 2 years, my grandfather was arrested and investigated for a bombing of the factory he worked at. Nothing came of it and he was released.
He died in 1989. The family found out when they were doing family history research in 2019.
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
In Australia many consider having an ancestor that was one of the original convicts to be a prestige.
A lot of those convicts were transported to Australia for very petty crimes (the serious criminals were just hung) so as to be a source of slave labor for developing the land.
Have a distant relative that was apparently charged with some crazy negligence that resulted in many deaths in one of the World Wars. Then there was another side of the family that we don’t even talk to. Just full of drug addicts and criminals or something. Fun stuff
The story in my family is that a man raped one of my great grandfather’s daughters so he tied him up and burned him to death on a wood stove.