Wild indeed

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The world’s richest man, working for the world’s most powerful government to take away rights from the working class, thinks he’s the resistance. Fucking joke.

They’re all funny but the V for Vendetta pull is objectively hilarious the entire point of that movie is that we should murder billionaires with our bare hands

In which of those movies did the resistance control all of the levers of power, declare themselves “the law” and “king”, and run massive social media/propaganda sites?

He posted this UNIRONICALLY.

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Lolz whatevs, dumbass.

This motherfucker is the living embodiment of cringe.

This was already spoiled the moment he posted it. The richest man in the world is not the champion for The Resistance.

They unironically see themselves as the resistance. In a million American myths the establishment has become corrupt and a single hero must break everything to save everyone. That’s the narrative trunp has been selling.

They think *they’re* the resistance, and *we’re* the evil empire somehow.

Imagine not understanding children’s movies. I’m at a loss.

Yes, Elmo. We’re siding with the resistance so what does that make you?

He’s on the level of General Hux. Just not as charismatic.

But he’s still on the side of the empire.

I sure am glad the world’s richest man is sticking it to the elites.

He does not understand that he is the bad guy in every one of those instances

Hey Elon, what side were you on for WWII?

This didn’t age like milk, it was spoiled when he posted it

He actually believes he’s the resistance, doesn’t he?


Nobody watched Divergent.

1mil likes is crazy btw

At this point Elon Musk convinced me that great wealth is more of a function of great luck than a great brain.

The Billionaire is never the resistance. The resistance wants free speech, equality, rights, arts, kindness, love… not to “crush the bones of our enemies and rule with an iron fist.” That, that’s the other guys.

Oh, I know this one! At the end of *Atlas Shrugged* where millions of people die while the rich oligarchs go live off-grid outside Telluride.

We should be resisting this piece of shit with all our might and the last drop of our strength!

Isn’t this the same guy who couldn’t play GTA V because he refused to kill the cops? This man isn’t a bootlicker, he is the boot.

These dummies are always trying to flip the script because their minimally evolved conscious keeps reming them that they are the bad guys.

Could a trumper kindly explain to me what is different between the Trump administration and all of the archetypal villains in these stories?

The resistance is resisting against him lmfao. He is the bad guy and idk if he is too stupid to realize it, or its all an act.

OK Palpatine

That’s rich coming from the living embodiment of emperor Palpatine

In this case. The right is the resistance

The richest man on earth, who is surrounded by his fellow billionaires, is the resistance!

Oh but we are standing up to you. Through Reddit!!! Feel my wrath!!!

I mean if there’s an equivalent of the Trump Regime in fiction its the authoritarian capitalist anti-muslim christian nationalist govt in V For Vendetta. They parallel each other in almost every way.

The Muskrat truly has the mind of a 12 year old boy.

When you become “[the man](https://youtu.be/I1oGhkPnmKQ?si=MsWWX1zumPP_GTF1).”

He’s so fucking dumb he now thinks that the resistance is trump.

Does he know that V is literally a left wing Anarchist fighting against a white christian fascist government

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